HMDB ID Metabolite name Interaction Cell type Experimental subject Disease Effect Effect_detail PMID HMDB0000034 Adenine Inhibit Intestinal epithelium Mammals Mucosal inflammation Exchange of substance tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced interleukin-8 secretion 27166765 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Regulate Neuron Mammals Activity activation 32883833 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Regulate T cell Mammals Autoimmune diseases Activity activity 33894002 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit Effector T cell Mammals Hypersensitivity Adhesion adherence of effector T cells to ECs in vitro 19427686 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Protect Vascular endothelium Unclear Lung edema Activity against increased permeability lung edema 22744860 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Salmonella infection Activity antibacterial responses 29108754 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote Effector T helper cell Unclear Inflammation Activity anti-inflammatory 21479929 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote Natural killer cell Unclear Inflammation Activity anti-inflammatory 21479929 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote T cell Unclear Cancer Activity antitumor immune responses 25672397 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote Natural killer cell Unclear Cancer Activity antitumor immune responses 25672397 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote Alveolar cell Mammals Emphysema Cell death apoptosis 23316066 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit CD4(+) T cell Clinical Autoimmune/inflammatory diseases Proliferation autologous CD4(+) T cell proliferation 26091716 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Sepsis Activity bactericidal activity 34473957 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance cAMP and progesterone 3002759 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Regulate CD4(+) T cell Mammals Others CD4(+) T cell responses by selecting for DC with impaired immunogencity 19342636 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Regulate Cancer cell Cell Line Colonic adenocarcinoma Proliferation cell growth and differentiation 9543251 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Regulate Gastric parietal cell Unclear Substance production chloride secretion 25754047 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Regulate Naive B cell Clinical Immunodeficiency Others CSR 23770243 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Regulate Memory B cell Clinical Immunodeficiency Others CSR 23770243 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit Hepatocyte Mammals Others decrease in hepatic glycogen content 30576384 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Be released Mesenchyme cell Mammals Diabetic glomerulopathy Exchange of substance decreasing glomerular filtration rate (GFR) 12472193 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Regulate T cell Unclear Severe combined immune-deficiency disease Others development 7608534 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote Th17 cell Unclear Inflammation Proliferation development 21593380 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit T cell Mammals Diabetes Proliferation diabetic T cell proliferation 16827901 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote Lung epithelium Cell Line Hypoxia Gene/Protein expression of fibronectin mRNA and protein 16183671 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Be released B cell Unclear Exchange of substance from activated B lymphocytes 29360885 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Be released Regulatory B cell Unclear Idiopathic membranous nephropathy Exchange of substance from Breg 33426094 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Be released CD56(bright)CD16(-) NK cell Clinical Autoimmune/inflammatory diseases Exchange of substance from CD56(bright)CD16(-) NK cells 26091716 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit Sertoli cell Unclear Activity FSH-dependent response 6207014 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit Hepatic stellate cell Mammals Liver fibrosis Migration HSC chemotaxis 17705260 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote Cholangiocyte Mammals Biliary cirrhosis Exchange of substance IL-6 release 28893353 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote Myeloid cell Mammals Burn injury Gene/Protein IL-6, IL-8, IL-1b expression 24837313 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit Lymphocyte Clinical Ischemia-reperfusion injury Activity immune responses 17374532 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Regulate Monocyte Unclear Bronchial asthma Activity innate immune response 26232643 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit T cell Unclear Immunodeficiency Gene/Protein interferes with NF-kappa B activation 15580654 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit B cell Unclear Immunodeficiency Gene/Protein interferes with NF-kappa B activation 15580654 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit T cell Clinical Cancer Gene/Protein KCa3.1, but not Kv1.3 and TRPM7 24227782 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit Macrophage Clinical Inflammation Exchange of substance LPS-stimulated TNF-alpha release 16188954 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Regulate Lutein cell Other Others luteolytic response 1631317 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote Mammary epithelium Mammals Proliferation mammary epithelial cell growth 9878100 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit T cell Clinical Cancer Migration migration 24227782 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote Myeloid cell Mammals Burn injury Migration migration 24837313 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote Myeloid cell Clinical Burn injury Migration migration 24837313 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit Lymphocyte Unclear Autoimmune encephalomyelitis Migration migration 18600537 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Regulate Neuron Mammals Demyelinating diseases Cell death neuronal survival 14960625 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Regulate Macrophage Unclear Demyelinating diseases Activity None 14960625 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Be released Myocardial cell Unclear Coronary artery disease Exchange of substance nutrition 32991685 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Be released Endothelium Unclear Coronary artery disease Exchange of substance nutrition 32991685 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Regulate Lymphocyte Unclear Immune disfunctions Phenotype phenotypic and functional 3442618 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit T cell Mammals Hiv disease Substance production proinflammatory cytokine production 26178986 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit BM-hMSC Cell Line Proliferation proliferation 23259837 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Be released Amnion epithelium Clinical Exchange of substance proliferation 30587530 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit T cell Clinical Proliferation proliferation 30587530 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Be released Epithelium Unclear Inflammation Exchange of substance secretion 31550088 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Be released Endothelium Mammals Erectile disorders Exchange of substance secretion 21566208 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Be released Hepatocyte Mammals Hypoxia Exchange of substance secretion 16352677 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit B cell Unclear Activity suppressive impact 29360885 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote Colorectal adenocarcinoma cell Cell Line Exchange of substance sustained Cl- secretion 2159233 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Regulate Astrocyte Unclear Brain disorders Others the function of the immune system in the brain 16125796 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Regulate Microglia Unclear Brain disorders Others the function of the immune system in the brain 16125796 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit Monocyte Clinical Gene/Protein the IL-18-induced up-regulation of ICAM-1 17310143 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit Naive CD8(+) T cell Mammals Inflammation Activity the initial activation 19740334 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Inflammation Exchange of substance TNF-alpha release 16339914 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Regulate Duct cell Cell Line Substance production transepithelial anion secretion 26965147 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Regulate CD4(+) T cell Unclear Substance production transepithelial anion secretion 18385283 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Be consumed Epithelium Mammals Hypoxia Exchange of substance uptake 19105964 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote Endothelium Clinical Preeclampsia Others vasodilation 25573092 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit Cytotoxic t lymphocyte Cell Line Cancer Cell death dampening serial cytotoxic hit delivery and cumulative death induction 36162129 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit CD8(+) T cell Unclear Cancer Activity CD8+ T-cells effector functions 36090975 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Regulate Hippocampal pyramidal neuron Unclear Activity hippocampal function 36074226 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote Preadipocytes Mammals Gene/Protein upregulated VEGF production 35852724 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote Endothelium Mammals Migration migration 35852724 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Be released Macrophages Unclear Exchange of substance adenosine release and magnesium influx 35779163 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit T cell Clinical Covid-19 Activity the nuclear factor-kappaB activation 35754396 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit Monocyte Clinical Covid-19 Activity the nuclear factor-kappaB activation 35754396 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit Gabaergic neuron Unclear Activity excitability 35638268 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote Gabaergic projection neuron Unclear Activity excitability 35638268 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Be released Astrocyte Unclear Exchange of substance decreases neuronal excitability 35638268 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote Ventrolateral preoptic nucleus neuron Unclear Activity neuronal excitability 35638268 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit CD8(+) T cell Unclear Proliferation proliferation 19740334 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit CD8(+) T cell Unclear Differentiation effector differentiation of naive CD8 T cells 19740334 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit CD8(+) T cell Unclear Activity inhibition of activation of naive CD8 T cells 19740334 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit CD8(+) T cell Unclear Substance production cytokine production 19740334 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit T cell Unclear Diabetes Proliferation proliferation 22204797 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit T cell Unclear Diabetes Activity activation,lymphocyte-mediated cytolysis 22204797 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit T cell Unclear Inflammation Proliferation proliferation 26226423 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit T cell Unclear Inflammation Activity activation 26226423 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit T cell Unclear Inflammation Substance production cytokine production 26226423 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit Natural killer cell Mammals Cancer Activity granule exocytosis 9070261 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote Lymphocyte Mammals Neuroinflammatory diseases Gene/Protein the expression of the specialized chemokine/adhesion molecule CX3CL1 22883932 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Promote Lymphocyte Mammals Neuroinflammatory diseases Migration migration 22883932 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit T cell Cell Line Proliferation proliferation 8568233 HMDB0000050 Adenosine Inhibit T cell Cell Line Gene/Protein IL-2 production 8568233 HMDB0000062 L-Carnitine Inhibit Sertoli cell Clinical Migration aggregation 2472418 HMDB0000062 L-Carnitine Regulate Sertoli cell Cell Line Activity Sertoli cell functions which are related with germ cell "nutrition" 10786925 HMDB0000062 L-Carnitine Promote Enterocyte Mammals Carnitine deficiency Proliferation development 23112839 HMDB0000062 L-Carnitine Promote Enterocyte Mammals Carnitine deficiency Differentiation differentiation 23112839 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Granulocyte Mammals Cell death against apoptosis induced by serum deprivation, cAMP, tumor necrosis factor alpha stimulation or p53 activation 14555213 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Regulate Macrophage Clinical Endometrium inflammation Substance production alter endometrial endothelial cell expression of the angiogenic genes 26701134 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Granulocyte Mammals Cell death apoptosis 12054739 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Protect Epithelium Clinical Colitis Others attenuated crypt damage 24238999 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Beta cell Mammals Diabetes Proliferation beta cell replication 24967820 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Be released Lymphocyte Clinical Alexithymia Exchange of substance by lymphocytes 18824323 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Regulate Natural killer cell Cell Line Activity by repression of granzyme A synthesis 9225001 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Macrophage Other Proliferation cell proliferation 17915735 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Be released Adrenocortical cell Clinical Exchange of substance cortisol production 2826528 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Be released Adrenocortical cell Clinical Exchange of substance cortisol production 2826528 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Be released Adrenocortical cell Clinical Exchange of substance cortisol production 2826528 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Keratinocyte Clinical Skin barrier dysfunction Differentiation cortisol-induced reductions of keratinocyte differentiation 34099793 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Hepatocyte Mammals Gene/Protein CYP2B9 mRNA expression was concentration-dependently suppressed 15381067 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Monocyte Clinical Heart failure Substance production cytokine generation capacities of monocytes 9842012 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Regulate Muscle cell Other Infections Activity differentially regulated 33962313 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Breast epithelial cell lines Mammals Differentiation differentiation 29031557 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Lymphoma Differentiation differentiation 2361481 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Epithelium Mammals Proliferation epithelial growth 9566309 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Naive T cell Clinical Gene/Protein expression of CXCR4 19293427 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Eosinophil Cell Line Gene/Protein expression of Fc receptors 7166569 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit B cell Clinical Atherosclerosis Gene/Protein expression of IL-10 28436142 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Monocyte Clinical Infection Gene/Protein expression of the IFN-upsilon receptor type 1 30028389 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Be released Kidney cell Other Exchange of substance from lymphomieloid and endocrine organ 22154571 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Be released Adrenal gland Cell Line Exchange of substance from the adrenal gland 24055708 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Keratinocyte Clinical Atopic dermatitis Gene/Protein GM-CSF gene expression and protein release 9185525 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit T helper cell Mammals Activity helper T cell activity 29068 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Ewe mammary gland Mammals Gene/Protein increase of BRCA1 mRNA expression 11720902 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Hepatocyte Mammals Atherosclerosis Gene/Protein Inhibit ATF3 expression 33462514 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Regulate Keratinocyte Other Skin disorders Differentiation ionocyte progenitor development 23010242 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Ionocyte Other Skin disorders Gene/Protein ionocyte progenitor development 23010242 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Regulate Adipocyte Clinical Obesity Substance production leptin secretion by the adipocyte 11022169 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Phagocyte Other Gene/Protein LPS-induced expression of the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-12 (IL-12) (subunit p35) and of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression 18804866 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Lymphocyte Clinical Others lymphocyte blastogenesis 3669109 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Mammary epithelium Cell Line Proliferation mammary epithelial cell growth 6993343 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Enterocyte Clinical Diarrheal disease Differentiation maturation 18456000 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Leucocyte Other Cell death mitotic activity and induced cell death 15028535 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Regulate Hepatocyte Other Activity molecular immune response 22878426 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Monocyte Clinical Activity Monocyte chemotaxis in response to sera, Escherichia coli filtrate, and lymphokine chemotactic factor was markedly reduced 4612058 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Lutein cell Mammals Gene/Protein mRNA expression for NP-I/OT and PGA 23971190 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Epithelium Mammals Gene/Protein MT-1/2 expression 23291980 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote BM-hMSC Cell Line Activity multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells 23667895 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote NKT cell Mammals Activity NKT cells 14678265 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit T cell Cell Line Human influenza virus Proliferation None 6334678 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Hepatocyte Mammals Gene/Protein NOS induction 11412395 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Macrophage Cell Line Infected Gene/Protein nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappaB) signaling 29378573 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Epithelium Mammals Proliferation proliferation 1282515 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Lymphocyte Clinical Rheumatoid arthritis Proliferation proliferation 1393371 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Bone microvascular endothelium Mammals Osteonecrosis of the femoral head Proliferation proliferation 31507078 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Endometrial stromal cell Mammals Gene/Protein prostaglandin (PG) F2alpha and PGE2 production 19109222 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Granulocyte Clinical Exchange of substance secretion of E2 and P 3129316 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Bone microvascular endothelium Unclear Osteonecrosis Cell death shrinkage 32237286 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Regulate Mucous cell Other Phenotype skin barrier properties 27771288 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit T helper cell Mammals Activity suppress helper T cell function 6970785 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Leucocyte Other Activity suppressed mitotic activity and induced cell death 15028535 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Lutein cell Mammals Exchange of substance synthesis and secretion of oxytocin (OT) from bovine granulosa and luteal cells, but the molecular mechanisms of cortisol action remain unknown 23971190 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Monocyte Clinical Inflammation Activity T cell activation 6604810 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit T cell Clinical Inflammation Activity T cell activation 6604810 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Keratinocyte Cell Line Differentiation TCDD-induced keratinocyte differentiation 7495374 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Leydig cell Mammals Substance production testosterone production 17942303 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Beta cell in the pancreas Mammals Proliferation the beta cell mass 20683219 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Ionocyte Other Skin disorders Proliferation The densities of the ionocytes Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase rich cells (NaRCs) and H(+)-ATPase rich cells (HRCs) 23010242 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Regulate Macrophage Other Proliferation the effect is modulated by the cellular micro-environment, possibly through the release of cytokines. 12365731 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote B cell Clinical Atherosclerosis Gene/Protein the expression of miR-98 28436142 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Epithelium Mammals Ulcer Activity the labeling indices of the superficial epithelial cells 2606377 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Dendritic cell Clinical Inflammatory bowel disease Proliferation the numbers of mature dendritic cells and the proinflammatory cytokine concentrations 21224500 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Regulate Macrophage Other Inflammation Gene/Protein the transcriptional response 16239032 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Epithelium Cell Line Cell death toxicity 17084062 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Endometrial stromal cell Unclear Gene/Protein prostaglandin (PG) F2alpha and PGE2 production 19109222 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Regulate Macrophage Other Proliferation proliferation 12365731 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Amnion fibroblasts Clinical Gene/Protein Cortisol induced AKR1C1 expression via the transcription factor CCAAT enhancer binding protein delta (C/EBPdelta) in amnion fibroblasts 36048433 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Amnion fibroblasts Clinical Gene/Protein progesterone catabolism induced by cortisol 36048433 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Fibroblast Clinical Activity enhancement of AKR1C1-mediated progesterone catabolism 36048433 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Adipocyte Clinical Central obesity Differentiation differentiation 10385414 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Adipocyte Clinical Central obesity Activity 11betaHSD1 activity 10385414 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Substance production lymphocyte-activating factors production 14758635 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Others humoral immune response 14758635 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Adipocyte Clinical Differentiation differentiation 10385414 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Adipocyte Clinical Gene/Protein messenger RNA levels 10385414 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Adipocyte Clinical Activity 11betaHSD1 activity 10385414 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Dendritic cell Unclear Overtraining syndrome Differentiation maturation 36439269 HMDB0000063 Cortisol Promote Dendritic cell Unclear Overtraining syndrome Migration migration 36439269 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Regulate Neuron Unclear Gene/Protein acetylcholine transport 32041338 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Endothelium Clinical Inflammation Gene/Protein adhesion molecules E-selectin and ICAM-1 25053140 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Dendritic cell Mammals Activity adjuvant lymph disposition and DC activation 34571191 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Inhibit Enterocyte Mammals Alzheimer's disease Gene/Protein amyloid-beta concentration 18631412 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Hepatocyte Mammals Exchange of substance ApoA-I-dependent cholesterol efflux 12576511 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Hepatocyte Mammals Exchange of substance biliary cholesterol secretion 22383685 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be consumed Enterocyte Unclear Exchange of substance cholesterol absorption 25070952 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be consumed Epithelium Mammals Hypercholesterolemia Exchange of substance cholesterol absorption 24692543 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Macrophage Clinical Exchange of substance cholesterol efflux 25130461 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Macrophage Mammals Atherosclerosis Exchange of substance cholesterol efflux 32092318 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Macrophage Clinical Atherosclerosis Exchange of substance cholesterol efflux 12597606 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Macrophage Clinical Hypertriglyceridemia Exchange of substance cholesterol efflux 26681758 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Endothelium Unclear Atherosclerotic Exchange of substance cholesterol efflux 15492319 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Macrophage Unclear Atherosclerosis Exchange of substance cholesterol efflux and reverse cholesterol transport 31604677 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Endothelium Clinical Exchange of substance cholesterol efflux to HDL 23897420 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Macrophage Clinical Inflammation Exchange of substance cholesterol efflux to HDL 27108950 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be consumed Hepatocyte Mammals Exchange of substance cholesterol uptake 17570257 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Liver damage Gene/Protein CYP7A1 expression 21097822 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be consumed Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance derive cholesterol from LDL 2624854 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote T helper cell Unclear Inflammation Differentiation differentiation 33505215 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Th2 cell Unclear Inflammation Differentiation differentiation 33505215 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Regulate Keratinocyte Unclear Differentiation differentiation and skin barrier function 30876920 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Regulate Endothelium Unclear Coronary heart disease Activity dysfunction 23723375 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Macrophage Clinical Chronic kidney disease Exchange of substance efflux 25467845 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Macrophage Mammals Atherosclerosis Exchange of substance efflux 25081501 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be consumed Macrophage Mammals Infection Exchange of substance Exchange of substance 21421042 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Macrophage Mammals Infection Exchange of substance Exchange of substance 21421042 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be consumed Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance exogenous cholesterol 2167768 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Cholangiocyte Mammals Cholestatic liver disease Exchange of substance export 22729460 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Macrophage Mammals Listeria monocytogenes infection Exchange of substance expression of cholesterol export proteins 22955730 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Macrophage Cell Line Exchange of substance from macrophages 29306077 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be consumed Lymphocyte Mammals Atherosclerosis Exchange of substance from macrophages to lymphocytes 9530517 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Macrophage Mammals Atherosclerosis Exchange of substance from macrophages to lymphocytes 9530517 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Regulate Glomerular cell Unclear Kidney disease Activity glomerular and tubular cell function 26697982 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Regulate Tubular cell Unclear Kidney disease Activity glomerular and tubular cell function 26697982 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Macrophages Mammals Atherosclerotic lesion Exchange of substance interleukin-1beta release 28596375 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Inhibit Endothelium Mammals Hypercholesterolemia Gene/Protein inwardly rectifying K(+) (Kir) channels 29502106 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell Clinical Type 2 diabetes Others mobilizing signals 25483979 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Regulate Intestinal cell Other Differentiation new intestinal cell differentiation 30220569 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Endothelium Clinical Hypercholesterolemia Gene/Protein p66shc expression 22661506 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote T cell Mammals Autoimmune disease Activity priming 28002731 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be consumed Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance produce progesterone 6274615 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Granulocyte Clinical Differentiation progesterone production 9506760 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Macrophage Unclear Atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases Activity proinflammatory cytokines 33167400 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Proliferation proliferation 10587609 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Kupffer cell Mammals Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis Phenotype recruited infiltrating macrophages to a greater degree than fat 30516830 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Recruit Macrophage Mammals Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis Recruitment Recruitment 30516830 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Fibroblast Clinical Niemann-pick disease type b Exchange of substance redistribution 23415435 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Macrophage Mammals Atherosclerosis Exchange of substance reduced cholesterol efflux 33538785 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Regulate Endothelium Unclear Atherosclerosis Activity response to extracellular calcium ions 14710255 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Monocyte Clinical Viral and bacterial infection Exchange of substance RNA uptake 35126343 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Dendritic cell Clinical Viral and bacterial infection Exchange of substance RNA uptake 35126343 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Atherosclerosis Others ROS formation and inflammatory cytokine release 24686534 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Enterocyte Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 17854600 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Hepatocytes Unclear Dyslipidemias Exchange of substance secretion 23874411 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Gallbladder epithelium Unclear Inflammation Exchange of substance secretion 23179156 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Fibroblast Clinical Tangier disease Exchange of substance secretion 21763656 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Beta cell Mammals Diabetes Exchange of substance secretion 20229095 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Endothelium Unclear Atherosclerosis Exchange of substance secretion 17584047 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Inhibit Hepatocyte Mammals Gene/Protein SREBP2 activity 24337570 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Regulate T cell Mammals Hypercholesterolemia Others the disruption of human T cell homeostasis in vivo 29708512 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be consumed Beta cell Mammals Diabetes Exchange of substance uptake 20229095 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be consumed Enterocyte Unclear Cardiovascular disease Exchange of substance uptake 17711090 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Vascular endothelium Mammals Atherosclerosis Gene/Protein Notch1 messenger RNA expression 20176991 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Regulate Alveolar epithelium Unclear Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Activity the regenerative function 36592687 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Activity trigger malignant cell activities 36479100 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Inhibit CD8(+) T cell Unclear Cancer Activity antitumor immunity 36095962 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Proliferation stimulates tumor growth 35975457 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Granulocyte Mammals Inflammation Exchange of substance increased LPS-stimulated secretion of IL-1alpha and IL-1beta 35900358 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Granulocyte Mammals Inflammation Activity inflammatory responses to LPS 35900358 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Macrophage Clinical Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease Exchange of substance cholesterol efflux from macrophages to ApoA-I 35893593 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be consumed Cancer cell Cell Line Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma Exchange of substance growth advantage to and chemotherapy resistance 35577388 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Be released Adipocyte Clinical Dysfunction of obesity Exchange of substance cholesterol efflux to large HDL2 particles by 55.4% via decreasing ATP-binding cassette A1 (ABCA1), ABCG1, and scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) expression 33740174 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Hematopoeitic stem cell Unclear Atherosclerosis Proliferation HSPC proliferation 29364567 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Hematopoeitic stem cell Unclear Atherosclerosis Differentiation preferential differentiation to the myeloid precursors 29364567 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Stem cell Unclear Atherosclerosis Proliferation proliferation 29364567 HMDB0000067 Cholesterol Promote Stem cell Unclear Atherosclerosis Differentiation preferential differentiation 29364567 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Inhibit Sertoli cell Mammals Activity 17 beta-estradiol synthesis 2448018 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Promote Lymphocyte Clinical Activity activation 16026859 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Promote Naive CD8(+) T cell Clinical Pertussis Adhesion adhesion 16393968 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Inhibit T cell Unclear Exchange of substance anti-CD3 mAb-induced release 12810359 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Promote Beta cell Mammals Cell death apoptosis 25886074 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Inhibit Endothelium Mammals Lung injury Gene/Protein attenuated mechanical stretch-induced alpha-tubulin deacetylation and subsequent endothelial hyperpermeability 33456556 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Regulate Cone photoreceptor cell Mammals Activity balance of rod cone photoreceptor activity and influences the activity of several interneurons 10340747 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Regulate Neuron Mammals Activity balance of rod cone photoreceptor activity influences the activity of several interneurons 10340747 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Be released Dendritic cell Clinical Ulcerative colitis Exchange of substance by dendritic cells 33940317 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Be released Dendritic cell Unclear Airway inflammation Exchange of substance by dendritic cells 21471450 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Be released Dendritic cell Clinical Rheumatoid arthritis Exchange of substance by dendritic cells (DCs) 23445730 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Be released Amnion epithelium Clinical Parkinson's disease Exchange of substance catecholamines including dopamine (DA) 10964482 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Promote Astrocyte Mammals Gene/Protein cortical astrocytes BDNF exon IV and exon VI containing mRNAs 28983964 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Regulate Keratinocyte Clinical Substance production cytokine production 29514151 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Promote Mast cell Mammals Allergy Exchange of substance degranulation 23639699 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Promote Th2 cell Mammals Allergy Differentiation degranulation 23639699 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Inhibit Naive CD8(+) T cell Unclear Activity downregulation of interleukin (IL)-2 expression via Erk1/2 and NF-kappaB inhibition 19968887 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Promote Granulocyte Clinical Infertility Exchange of substance estradiol secretion 8372602 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Inhibit Endothelium Clinical Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome Exchange of substance follicular fluid-induced VEGFR-2 signals and endothelial permeability, without diminishing migration and tube formation 20008399 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Be released Beta cell Mammals Exchange of substance from pancreatic beta cells 31884319 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Regulate T helper cell Unclear Rheumatoid arthritis Differentiation helper T-cell differentiation 19252371 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Be released Dendritic cell Unclear Rheumatoid arthritis Exchange of substance helper T-cell differentiation 19252371 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Promote Macrophage Clinical Exchange of substance IL-8 production 29514151 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Be released Alveolar epithelium Mammals Exchange of substance increases lung liquid clearance 14701706 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Regulate Beta cell Cell Line Hyperglycemia Substance production insulin secretion 31712714 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Inhibit Neuron Mammals Exchange of substance major inhibitory regulator of prolactin secretion 29596024 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Regulate Naive CD8(+) T cell Clinical Pertussis Migration migration and homing 16393968 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Promote Thp-1 macrophages Clinical Activity MMP-9 activity 29514151 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Inhibit Jejunal epithelium Mammals Activity Na+,K+-ATPase activity 11589512 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Inhibit Platelet Unclear Sepsis Activity neurohormone synthesis, lymphocyte proliferation and platelet aggregation 15997388 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Inhibit Lymphocyte Unclear Sepsis Proliferation neurohormone synthesis, lymphocyte proliferation and platelet aggregation 15997388 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Inhibit Lymphocyte Mammals Proliferation proliferation and cytokine production 8707341 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Regulate Leydig cell Mammals Activity rat Leydig cell function 4003769 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Be released Neuron Mammals Neurodegenerative diseases Exchange of substance secretion 12375063 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Be released Neuron Clinical Parkinson's disease Exchange of substance secretion 22227454 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Inhibit T cell Unclear Proliferation T cell proliferation 12810359 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Regulate Naive CD4(+) T cell Unclear Airway inflammation Differentiation Th17 differentiation 21471450 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Regulate Th17 cell Unclear Multiple sclerosis Activity Th17-immune response 33728853 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Regulate Lymphocyte Clinical Activity viability 10987355 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Promote Medium spiny neuron Mammals Neuropsychological disorders Activity increases D1 receptor (D1R)-expressing medium spiny neuron (MSN) excitability and firing rates in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) via the PKA/Rap1/ERK pathway to promote reward behavior 36070693 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Promote CD8(+) T cell Mammals Colon cancer Differentiation differentiation 35802647 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Promote CD8(+) T cell Clinical Colon cancer Activity antitumor activity 35802647 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Be released Keratinocyte Clinical Segmental vitiligo Exchange of substance increased dopamine secretion 35690140 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Promote Olfactory cell Cell Line Differentiation differentiation 10536207 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Promote Olfactory cell Cell Line Cell death apoptosis 10536207 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Inhibit Retinal endothelium Mammals Autoimmune uveoretinitis Gene/Protein the expression of downstream target genes 35008877 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Inhibit Retinal endothelium Mammals Autoimmune uveoretinitis Activity NF-kappaB and STAT3 activity 35008877 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Regulate Beta cell Mammals Proliferation proliferation 25886074 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Regulate Beta cell Mammals Cell death apoptosis 25886074 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Regulate T cell Clinical Schizophrenia Proliferation proliferation 26162591 HMDB0000073 Dopamine Regulate T cell Clinical Schizophrenia Activity functions of T cells 26162591 HMDB0000085 Deoxyguanosine Promote Lymphocyte Clinical Cell death depletion 6126365 HMDB0000089 Cytidine Promote Granulocyte Mammals Proliferation ovarian granulosa cell proliferation 27286914 HMDB0000112 gamma-Aminobutyric acid Regulate Mucous cell Other Hypoxia Substance production Ach release via nAChR from mucous cells 34399394 HMDB0000112 gamma-Aminobutyric acid Inhibit Pancreatic cell Unclear Diabetes Cell death against apoptosis 25193706 HMDB0000112 gamma-Aminobutyric acid Promote Neuron Other Others chloride conductance 8152332 HMDB0000112 gamma-Aminobutyric acid Inhibit Effector T cell Unclear Diabetes Activity effector T cell responses 31636084 HMDB0000112 gamma-Aminobutyric acid Be released Hypothalamic neurons Mammals Exchange of substance GABA release 26283199 HMDB0000112 gamma-Aminobutyric acid Be released Natural killer cell Clinical T. gondii infection Exchange of substance in response to infection challenge 34028876 HMDB0000112 gamma-Aminobutyric acid Be released Neuron Mammals Depression Exchange of substance inhibited anti-CD3 and antigen-specific T cell proliferation 10227421 HMDB0000112 gamma-Aminobutyric acid Be released Neuron Mammals Depression Exchange of substance nutrition 19755127 HMDB0000112 gamma-Aminobutyric acid Be released Endothelium Mammals Neuropsychiatric disease Exchange of substance secretion 29086765 HMDB0000112 gamma-Aminobutyric acid Be released Neuroblasts Mammals Exchange of substance the detail effect of metabolites on cells 19339612 HMDB0000112 gamma-Aminobutyric acid Regulate Pancreatic cell Mammals Diabetic Phenotype toward a beta-cell-like phenotype 28086099 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be released Hepatocyte Mammals Exchange of substance consistently produced glucose at 240-290 mg/10(6) cells for up to 24h 19268699 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 34791627 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Others Endothelium Clinical Others accelerate endothelial cells senescence 21549064 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Beta cell Mammals Diabetic nephropathy Gene/Protein activate nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) 23340267 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Kidney epithelium Mammals Activity activate V-ATPase activity through the glycolytic pathway 15189820 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Gut endocrine cell Unclear Diabetes mellitus Exchange of substance activates 22160540 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Podocyte Mammals Diabetic nephropathy Activity activation 32848363 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Endothelium Unclear Diabetes mellitus Exchange of substance active heparanase secretion 24115032 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Regulate Cardiomyocyte Mammals Diabetic cardiomyopathy Gene/Protein Alterations 30662576 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Regulate Cardiac fibroblast Mammals Diabetic cardiomyopathy Gene/Protein Alterations 30662576 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Gingival epithelium Clinical Diabetes mellitus-associated periodontitis Cell death apoptosis 35473620 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Podocyte Mammals Diabetic nephropathy Cell death apoptosis 32848363 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Podocyte Unclear Type 1 diabetes Cell death apoptosis 31566428 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Podocyte Mammals Diabetic nephropathy-associated renal inflammatory injury Cell death apoptosis 31115579 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Beta cell Mammals Diabetes Cell death apoptosis 19034421 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Podocyte Unclear Diabetes mellitus Autophagy autophagy 28236091 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Podocyte Unclear High glucose Autophagy autophagy 23384600 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Cardiomyocyte Mammals Others BCAA catabolism 30050148 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Smooth muscle cell Clinical Diabetic vascular complications Others calcification/aging 31220525 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Endothelium Mammals Diabetes Gene/Protein cell cycle progression 18446810 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Tubular epithelium Mammals Diabetes-induced kidney injuries Activity cell viability 34298092 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Regulate Mesenchyme cell Mammals Diabetic nephropathy Gene/Protein cellular O-GlcNAc and O-GlcNAcylated ChREBP 24616092 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Fibroblast Clinical Diabetes Others contraction ability 15727631 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Cancer cell Unclear Hepatocellular cancer Phenotype CSC phenotypes 26506419 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Kidney epithelium Clinical Diabetic nephropathy Gene/Protein CTGF mRNA and protein expressions 19218111 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote T cell Clinical Hiv infection Gene/Protein CXCR4 and HIF-1alpha.expression 23911867 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Lung adenocarcinoma cell Cell Line Covid-19 Gene/Protein cytokine storm 34074129 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Mesothelial cell Mammals Others DNA synthesis of cultured mesothelial cells could be suppressed by either glucose or albumin, and it was greatly enhanced when both concentrations increased. 9803346 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Podocyte Mammals Diabetes Gene/Protein DUSP4 expression 30862678 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Beta cell Unclear Diabetes Cell death dysfunction and death 19305497 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Podocyte Unclear Renal fibrosis Others EMT 28111379 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Mesothelial cell Cell Line Fibrosis Others EMT and fibrosis 32222493 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Vein endothelium Clinical Hyperglycemia-mediated endothelial inflammation Adhesion endothelial adhesion 33028948 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Macrophage Mammals Kidney failure Polarization exacerbating HG-induced podocyte injury 32908940 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Regulate Hepatocyte Unclear Gene/Protein expression 15899888 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Keratinocyte Clinical Atopic dermatitis Gene/Protein expression 28967978 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Regulate Intestinal cell Clinical Diabetes Gene/Protein expression 23761104 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Leydig cell Mammals Diabetic testicular dysfunction Gene/Protein expression of TLR4 32001267 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Mesothelial cell Clinical Diabetes Gene/Protein fibronectin mRNA and protein expression 15086456 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Vein endothelium Clinical Diabetic cardiomyopathy Gene/Protein FN mRNA and protein expression 19391127 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Beta cell Unclear Exchange of substance from beta-cells upon glucose stimulation 20566664 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Mesenchyme cell Mammals Stroke Exchange of substance from endothelial cells to MSC 33704866 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Endothelium Mammals Diabetes Exchange of substance GAGs 19695080 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Vascular endothelium Unclear Diabete Gene/Protein gene expression 32420356 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Endothelium Mammals Diabetic endothelial dysfunction Gene/Protein gene expression 32031966 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Podocyte Mammals Diabetic kidney disease Gene/Protein gene expression 30548130 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Podocyte Mammals Diabetic nephropathy Gene/Protein gene expression 29106063 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Retinal pigment epithelium Unclear Retinal diseases Gene/Protein gene expression 27748912 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Keratinocyte Clinical Diabetic Gene/Protein gene expression 25651160 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Hepatocarcinoma Gene/Protein gene expression 23318725 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Diabetes Gene/Protein gene expression 21163329 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Retinal endothelium Unclear Diabetic retinopathy Gene/Protein gene expression 20034811 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Glomerular epithelium Mammals Renal hypertrophy Gene/Protein global protein synthesis, expression of matrix proteins, laminin gamma1 and fibronectin, and rDNA transcription 20943765 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be released Hepatocyte Unclear Exchange of substance glucose export from hepatocytes occurs via the cytosol by a yet-to-be-identified set of proteins 16314530 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Cancer cell Cell Line Gastric cancer Exchange of substance glucose uptake 32771361 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Cancer cell Cell Line Pancreatic cancer Exchange of substance glucose uptake 29330792 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Cancer cell Cell Line Endometrial cancer Exchange of substance glucose uptake 28467979 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Cancer cell Clinical Lung cancer Exchange of substance glucose uptake 26607087 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Cd2ap(-/-) podocytes Other Exchange of substance glucose uptake 26546360 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Hepatocyte Clinical Diabetes mellitus Exchange of substance glucose uptake 34964440 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Muscle cell Clinical Diabetes mellitus Exchange of substance glucose uptake 34964440 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Skeletal muscle cell Unclear Exchange of substance glucose uptake and control blood glucose homeostasis 25794239 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Exchange of substance glucose uptake, lactate production 33097188 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Cancer cell Clinical Ovarian cancer Exchange of substance glucose uptake, lactate production 30094960 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Colon cancer Exchange of substance glucose uptake, lactate production, pyruvate, acetyl-coenzyme production 29374515 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Cancer cell Cell Line Colorectal cancer Exchange of substance glucose uptake, lactate secretion 32990355 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Diabetes Activity glycolytic capacity and glycolytic reserve 29996768 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Glomerular endothelium Cell Line Diabetic nephropathy Proliferation growth inhibitory effect 32710574 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be released Hepatocyte Mammals Exchange of substance hepatocytes produce glucose in response to hormonal signals 35556130 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Mesothelial cell Mammals Differentiation HG-induced epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of human peritoneal mesothelial cells (HPMCs) 22498918 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Endothelium Mammals Endothelial dysfunction Others hyperpermeability 25419974 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Endothelium Clinical Hyperglycemia-mediated endothelial inflammation Others inflammation 33028948 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Beta cell Mammals Beta-cell dysfunction Exchange of substance insulin 22968147 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Beta cell Mammals Exchange of substance insulin secretion 34370691 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit BM-hMSC Unclear Proliferation interferes with the pancreatic endocrine cells development by regulating the transition between Ngn3 and upstream NeuroD 17376780 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Regulate Spermatocyte Unclear Others intracellular Ca(2+) concentration 15537707 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Intestinal cell Mammals Acute diarrhea Exchange of substance intracellular calcium 24477233 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Beta cell Cell Line Exchange of substance lose their insulin secretion function in response to glucose stimulation 23747317 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Macrophage Mammals Diabetic nephropathy-associated renal inflammatory injury Polarization M1 transformation 31115579 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Mesothelial cell Cell Line Gene/Protein MCP-1 expression 11422736 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Skeletal muscle cell Mammals Type 2 diabetes mellitus Exchange of substance MG53 secretion 30586741 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Keratinocyte Mammals Diabetic wounds Migration migration 28874756 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Fibroblast Clinical Skin wound healing Migration migration 27884338 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Keratinocyte Clinical Skin wound healing Migration migration, healing 27884338 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Aortic endothelium Mammals Diabetic endothelial dysfunction Gene/Protein miR-200a levels 32031966 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Podocyte Mammals Diabetic nephropathy Gene/Protein NADPH oxidase 4 and P22phox via p65 34051263 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Vascular endothelium Clinical Diabetic Gene/Protein NEP activity 15664096 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Vein endothelium Clinical Diabetic foot ulceration Gene/Protein netrin-1 expression 28250059 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Tubular epithelium Cell Line Gene/Protein NF-kappaB activation and transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) production 25896065 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Lens epithelium Clinical Others nitration 23454417 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Mesothelial cell Clinical Others oxidative stress and proinflammatory and profibrotic changes 18022595 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Beta cell Cell Line Gene/Protein PANDER mRNA and protein levels 17962352 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Macrophage Mammals Diabetes Activity phagocytosis and nitric oxide production 29996768 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Podocyte Mammals Proteinuric glomerulosclerosis Others phosphorylation of ACTN4 at S159 32540856 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Islet beta cell Unclear Inflammation Exchange of substance proinsulin biosynthesis 26469762 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Endothelium Clinical Proliferation proliferation 17597576 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Fibroblast Clinical Skin wound Proliferation proliferation 27884338 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Fibroblast Mammals Others R388 methylation 30420520 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Kidney epithelium Unclear Others renal epithelium to mesenchymal transition 21200089 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote T cell Clinical Hiv infection Others ROS generation 23911867 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Endothelium Mammals Diabetes Others ROS production 27783111 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Podocyte Mammals Diabetic nephropathy Others ROS production and HIF-1alpha induction 33202982 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote BM-hMSC Clinical Exchange of substance secrete insulin vesicles 17317765 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Beta cell Unclear Obesity with type 2 diabetes Exchange of substance secretes insulin 33617875 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be released Neuron Mammals Neurodegenerative diseases Exchange of substance secretion 28916720 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be released Hepatocyte Mammals Type 2 diabetes Exchange of substance secretion 33434430 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Beta cell Unclear Diabetes Exchange of substance secretion 22829870 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Islet alpha cell Mammals Cystic fibrosis Exchange of substance secretion of glucagon 28977595 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Skeletal muscle cell Unclear Exchange of substance skeletal muscle glucose uptake 29355935 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Pancreatic cell Mammals Exchange of substance stimulate secretion of PNX from pancreatic islets 31422055 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Mesothelial cell Clinical Others synthesis of sulphated glycosaminoglycans 10649686 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Mesothelial cell Cell Line Exchange of substance TGF-beta1 release 15838283 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Gingival fibroblast Clinical Periodontitis Gene/Protein TLR2 expression 23026048 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Tubular epithelium Mammals Diabetic nephropathy Gene/Protein TLR4 activation 24842252 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Podocyte Mammals Diabetic nephropathy Gene/Protein TLR4 activation 24842252 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Mesenchyme cell Clinical Diabetes Differentiation towards the adipocyte lineage 22701703 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Islet beta cell Unclear Cell death toxicity 31075333 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Islet beta cell Cell Line Type 2 diabetes Gene/Protein transcription of Cat and Sod2 26027945 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Neurogenin3-positive endocrine progenitors Mammals Others transition of Neurogenin3-positive endocrine progenitors into beta cells 19586915 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Beta cell Unclear Gene/Protein translation of insulin 21357685 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Steatohepatitis Exchange of substance triglyceride secretion 33212187 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Astrocyte Mammals Diabetes Exchange of substance TSP-1 secretion 29294308 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Mesenchyme cell Mammals Hyperglycemia Proliferation unfavorable effects on proliferation and differentiation 27693963 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance uptake 3813047 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Granulocyte Unclear Follicle atresia Exchange of substance uptake 33508714 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Granulocyte Unclear Follicle atresia Exchange of substance uptake 33502107 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Cone photoreceptor cell Mammals Retinal detachment Exchange of substance uptake 33243251 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Effector T cell Unclear Listeria infection Exchange of substance uptake 31747582 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Cone photoreceptor cell Unclear Chronic inflammation Exchange of substance uptake 30754662 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Be consumed Adipocyte Cell Line Obesity Exchange of substance uptake 23835343 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Tubular cell Clinical Activity V-ATPase-dependent acidification of the intracellular compartments 15632060 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Kidney epithelium Mammals Activity V-ATPase-dependent acidification of the intracellular compartments 15632060 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Podocyte Mammals Diabetic nephropathy Gene/Protein WT1 and nephrin expression 28901409 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote B cell Cell Line Infection Invasion invasion 29393577 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote B cell Cell Line Infection Adhesion adherence 29393577 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Kidney epithelium Mammals Diabetic nephropathy Gene/Protein CIDEC expression 33655702 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Kidney epithelium Mammals Diabetic nephropathy Cell death apoptosis 33655702 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Podocyte Mammals Diabetic nephropathy Gene/Protein upregulation of B7-1 24676639 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Podocyte Mammals Diabetic nephropathy Cell death apoptosis 24676639 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Mesothelial cell Cell Line Inflammation Gene/Protein IL-6 mRNA expression 26869278 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Mesothelial cell Cell Line Inflammation Substance production IL-6 secretion 26869278 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Mesothelial cell Cell Line Inflammation Gene/Protein c-Abl expression 26810274 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Dendritic cell Mammals Cancer Differentiation maturation 34794428 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Dendritic cell Mammals Cancer Activity antigen presentation 34794428 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Monocyte Clinical Hyperglycemia-mediated endothelial inflammation Gene/Protein vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) expression 35607953 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Monocyte Clinical Hyperglycemia-mediated endothelial inflammation Adhesion monocyte/endothelial adhesion 35607953 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Endothelium Clinical Hyperglycemia-mediated endothelial inflammation Gene/Protein vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) expression and p65 phosphorylation 35607953 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Endothelium Clinical Hyperglycemia-mediated endothelial inflammation Adhesion monocyte/endothelial adhesion 35607953 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Hle cell Cell Line Oxidative stress injury Cell death apoptosis exhibiting 32339204 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Regulate Beta cell Cell Line Activity facilitating beta-cell survival 28432305 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Regulate Beta cell Cell Line Substance production facilitating insulin secretion 28432305 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Endothelium Unclear Diabetic vascular complications Proliferation proliferation 29391151 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Endothelium Unclear Diabetic vascular complications Activity tube formation capacity 29391151 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Macrophage Mammals Diabetic nephropathy Activity activated macrophages mainly in TAK1/MAPKs and TAK1/NF-kappaB-dependent manners 27153994 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Macrophage Mammals Diabetic nephropathy Polarization the polarization of macrophages 27153994 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Macrophage Mammals Diabetic nephropathy Phenotype towards a pro-inflammatory phenotype 27153994 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Endothelium Unclear Endothelial cell dysfunction Migration cell migration 21905824 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Endothelium Unclear Endothelial cell dysfunction Adhesion cell adhesion 21905824 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Inhibit Endothelium Unclear Endothelial cell dysfunction Others tube formation 21905824 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Hepatocyte Clinical Liver disease Activity the viability and reduced lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage of human hepatocytes 16382475 HMDB0000122 D-Glucose Promote Hepatocyte Clinical Liver disease Adhesion attachment efficiency 16382475 HMDB0000123 Glycine Promote Cortical neuron Unclear Neuronal death Gene/Protein activation of cell survival-promoting kinase Akt 27694970 HMDB0000123 Glycine Inhibit Endothelium Cell Line Cancer Activity angiogenic signaling 27351202 HMDB0000123 Glycine Inhibit Endothelium Mammals Cancer Proliferation cell growth 10334195 HMDB0000123 Glycine Promote Endothelium Mammals Neuropsychiatric disease Cell death damage 27064126 HMDB0000123 Glycine Inhibit Muscle cell Mammals Cancer Gene/Protein expression of genes associated with muscle protein 23835111 HMDB0000123 Glycine Protect Muscle cell Mammals Cancer Activity from cancer-induced wasting and loss of function 23835111 HMDB0000123 Glycine Regulate Macrophage Mammals Neuroinflammatory disorders Activity function 20623529 HMDB0000123 Glycine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Proliferation growth 27351202 HMDB0000123 Glycine Inhibit Testicular sertoli cell Mammals Cell death intracellular reactive oxygen species production, DNA fragment accumulation and the apoptosis incidence 33738852 HMDB0000123 Glycine Promote Microglia Unclear Activity inward currents 15243140 HMDB0000123 Glycine Protect Intestinal cell Cell Line Colitis Others protection against the oxidative agent tert-butylhydroperoxide 20123783 HMDB0000123 Glycine Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance uptake of glycine 23071355 HMDB0000123 Glycine Regulate Hepatocyte Mammals Hg-induced cytotoxicity and cell death in murine hepatocytes Cell death apoptosis 21373768 HMDB0000123 Glycine Inhibit Aortic smooth muscle cell Mammals Chronic rejection Proliferation proliferation 10755525 HMDB0000123 Glycine Inhibit Aortic smooth muscle cell Mammals Chronic rejection Migration migration 10755525 HMDB0000123 Glycine Inhibit Endothelium Cell Line Cancer Proliferation proliferation of endothelial cells 17567469 HMDB0000123 Glycine Inhibit Endothelium Cell Line Cancer Migration migration of endothelial cells 17567469 HMDB0000132 Guanine Promote Lung endothelium Mammals Activity cytostatic effect 20571059 HMDB0000133 Guanosine Inhibit Endothelium Clinical Cardiovascular disease Proliferation rescued diminished endothelial colony forming cell proliferation and indices of senescence 29538431 HMDB0000133 Guanosine Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma Phenotype inhibition of purine metabolism-related genes, PPAT and IMPDH2, suppressed the malignant phenotype 36711025 HMDB0000133 Guanosine Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma Proliferation inhibition of purine metabolism-related genes, PPAT and IMPDH2, suppressed the malignant phenotype 36711025 HMDB0000143 D-Galactose Inhibit Hepatocyte Unclear Liver injury Cell death apoptosis 25751739 HMDB0000143 D-Galactose Protect Hepatocyte Mammals Liver injury Activity hepatic injury 25751739 HMDB0000143 D-Galactose Inhibit Macrophage Unclear Cancer Activity lectin-dependent cytolysis 7152198 HMDB0000143 D-Galactose Promote Hepatocyte Cell Line Liver injury Activity viability 25751739 HMDB0000143 D-Galactose Promote Mesenchyme cell Mammals Phenotype senescence 16683461 HMDB0000143 D-Galactose Promote Lens epithelium Mammals Cataract Proliferation higher possibility of abnormal cell division 8533634 HMDB0000143 D-Galactose Promote Lens epithelium Mammals Cataract Activity higher DNA synthesis 8533634 HMDB0000143 D-Galactose Promote Granulocyte Mammals Galactosaemia Gene/Protein p53 expression 22319579 HMDB0000143 D-Galactose Promote Granulocyte Mammals Galactosaemia Cell death apoptosis 22319579 HMDB0000143 D-Galactose Promote Hepatocyte Unclear Proliferation proliferation 31756283 HMDB0000143 D-Galactose Promote Hepatocyte Unclear Activity improves the hepatocyte functions 31756283 HMDB0000156 Malic acid Inhibit Renal cortex cell Mammals Nephropathic kidneys Gene/Protein expression 36598304 HMDB0000157 Hypoxanthine Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Atherosclerosis Others cholesterol accumulation 27396856 HMDB0000157 Hypoxanthine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Others depletion of PRPP 6191988 HMDB0000157 Hypoxanthine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Leukemia Differentiation differentiation 7919325 HMDB0000157 Hypoxanthine Regulate Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Gene/Protein function, protein expression 31430575 HMDB0000157 Hypoxanthine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation proliferation 26277279 HMDB0000157 Hypoxanthine Be released Endothelium Clinical Fatty liver disease Exchange of substance proliferation of SMCs 34494551 HMDB0000157 Hypoxanthine Inhibit Keratinocyte Clinical Activity the oxidation injury 11876902 HMDB0000157 Hypoxanthine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Glioblastoma Differentiation differentiation 24066060 HMDB0000157 Hypoxanthine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Glioblastoma Gene/Protein neuroglial differentiation antigen expression 24066060 HMDB0000157 Hypoxanthine Promote Oocyte Mammals Meiotic arrest Proliferation beneficial effect on oocyte development 3100361 HMDB0000158 L-Tyrosine Be consumed Melanocyte Unclear Melanoma Exchange of substance nutrition 8433003 HMDB0000159 L-Phenylalanine Be consumed B cell Clinical Leukemia Exchange of substance absorption 6610691 HMDB0000159 L-Phenylalanine Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Osteosarcoma Proliferation tumor growth 31228450 HMDB0000159 L-Phenylalanine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Migration migration 29698684 HMDB0000159 L-Phenylalanine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Phenotype epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of cancer cells 29698684 HMDB0000168 L-Asparagine Be consumed Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Exchange of substance absorption 27156696 HMDB0000169 D-Mannose Inhibit Epithelium Mammals Adhesion Adhesion to epithelial cells could be inhibited by mannose and the degree of adhesion occurring with a suspension correlated with its haemagglutinating activity 351180 HMDB0000169 D-Mannose Promote Cancer cell Mammals Oral cancer Cell death apoptosis, glucose metabolism 34313879 HMDB0000169 D-Mannose Promote Regulatory T cell Mammals Diabetes Differentiation differentiation 28759052 HMDB0000169 D-Mannose Promote Macrophage Clinical Exchange of substance nanoparticle uptake 19409989 HMDB0000169 D-Mannose Inhibit Macrophage Cell Line Cancer Gene/Protein protein synthesis 6826257 HMDB0000169 D-Mannose Promote Regulatory T cell Mammals Lupus Proliferation Treg cells 33402096 HMDB0000169 D-Mannose Regulate Keratinocyte Mammals Atopic dermatitis Others inflammatory 36327873 HMDB0000169 D-Mannose Inhibit Colonic macrophage Mammals Colitis Activity inflammatory activation 36471112 HMDB0000169 D-Mannose Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Colitis Gene/Protein TNF-alpha production 36471112 HMDB0000169 D-Mannose Promote Macrophage Unclear Colitis Gene/Protein the expression of OT and OTR 34749758 HMDB0000169 D-Mannose Promote Macrophage Unclear Colitis Polarization polarization of macrophages to the M2 type 34749758 HMDB0000172 L-Isoleucine Promote T helper cell Mammals Alzheimer's disease Proliferation proliferation 31488882 HMDB0000172 L-Isoleucine Promote T helper cell Mammals Alzheimer's disease Differentiation differentiation 31488882 HMDB0000177 L-Histidine Inhibit Intestinal epithelium Cell Line Intestinal inflammation Exchange of substance IL-8 secretion 16107255 HMDB0000181 L-Dopa Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Melanoma Exchange of substance secretion 2470473 HMDB0000181 L-Dopa Inhibit Keratinocyte Clinical Proliferation significantly inhibited proliferation 12662970 HMDB0000181 L-Dopa Inhibit Lymphocyte Mammals Proliferation proliferation 8707341 HMDB0000181 L-Dopa Inhibit Lymphocyte Mammals Gene/Protein cytokine production 8707341 HMDB0000182 L-Lysine Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Migration cancer metastasis 26459390 HMDB0000187 L-Serine Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance absorption 31598584 HMDB0000187 L-Serine Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance absorption 33526512 HMDB0000187 L-Serine Promote Cancer cell Mammals Colorectal cancer Proliferation growth and resistance to 5-FU 33526512 HMDB0000187 L-Serine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Pancreatic cancer Activity metabolism 33341431 HMDB0000187 L-Serine Be released Neuron Unclear Pancreatic cancer Exchange of substance secretion 33341431 HMDB0000187 L-Serine Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation tumor growth 18653355 HMDB0000195 Inosine Inhibit Monocyte Cell Line Inflammation Substance production LPS-stimulated TNF-alpha, CCL3 and CCL4 production 29126977 HMDB0000195 Inosine Regulate Sertoli cell Unclear Others modulate ERK 1/2 and p38 15979106 HMDB0000195 Inosine Promote Sertoli cell Cell Line Exchange of substance nitric oxide production 16328964 HMDB0000195 Inosine Promote Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Exchange of substance uptake 6739860 HMDB0000195 Inosine Regulate Hepatocyte Clinical Autoimmune hepatitis Activity protective effect 35990653 HMDB0000207 Oleic acid Inhibit Hepatocyte Mammals Fatty liver Gene/Protein C3 expression 33615637 HMDB0000207 Oleic acid Promote Intestinal cell Mammals Activity concentration-dependent fashion 23656469 HMDB0000207 Oleic acid Promote Hepatic stellate cell Clinical Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Proliferation cytotoxicity 27626926 HMDB0000207 Oleic acid Promote Macrophage Mammals Diabetes Differentiation differentiation 18252823 HMDB0000207 Oleic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Proliferation growth 15695516 HMDB0000207 Oleic acid Regulate Endothelium Mammals Adipose inflammation Adhesion inflammation 19910642 HMDB0000207 Oleic acid Promote Beta cell Cell Line Glucose-dependent insulin secretion Exchange of substance insulin secretion 18430963 HMDB0000207 Oleic acid Promote Intestinal cell Mammals Activity intestinal afferents 23656469 HMDB0000207 Oleic acid Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Others Lipid accumulation 24253218 HMDB0000207 Oleic acid Regulate Keratinocyte Mammals Cancer Activity membrane organization 29938858 HMDB0000207 Oleic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 15695516 HMDB0000207 Oleic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Head and neck cancer Gene/Protein PTX3 expression and secretion 28489600 HMDB0000207 Oleic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation tumor growth 36214635 HMDB0000207 Oleic acid Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Cell death caspase 3-independent cell death 35609854 HMDB0000207 Oleic acid Promote Gonadotrope cell Cell Line Gene/Protein LHbeta mRNA levels 21862612 HMDB0000207 Oleic acid Promote Gonadotrope cell Cell Line Exchange of substance LH release 21862612 HMDB0000207 Oleic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Head and neck cancer Gene/Protein PTX3 expression 28489600 HMDB0000207 Oleic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Head and neck cancer Exchange of substance PTX3 secretion 28489600 HMDB0000207 Oleic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Head and neck cancer Gene/Protein PTX3 expression 28489600 HMDB0000207 Oleic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Head and neck cancer Exchange of substance PTX3 secretion 28489600 HMDB0000214 Ornithine Regulate Cancer cell Clinical Breast cancer Proliferation development 32968187 HMDB0000214 Ornithine Promote Cancer cell Clinical Melanoma Proliferation proliferation 17640716 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Be consumed Epithelium Mammals Exchange of substance [Ca(2+)]i 35177214 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Cortical astrocyte Mammals Gene/Protein activate CREB-dependent transcription in cortical astrocytes via an atypical protein kinase C 22593004 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Endothelium Mammals Gene/Protein activates endothelial alpha(2)-adrenoceptors 15878998 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Adhesion adhesion 22127496 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Adhesion adhesion 22127496 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Parotid acinic cell cancer Exchange of substance AMP secretion 2579719 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Cancer cell Clinical Thyroid adenoma Others AMP secretion 6263597 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Be released Neuron Mammals Exchange of substance antibody production 24870806 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Alveolar epithelium Mammals Lung injury Cell death apoptosis 12621532 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Cardiomyocyte Unclear Cell death apoptosis 11504689 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Endothelium Mammals Cell death apoptosis 17041759 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Be released Neuron Unclear Exchange of substance be released by the sympathetic nerve terminals and regulate the immune sysstem 15125834 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Be released Mammary epithelium Mammals Exchange of substance beta-casein expression 33529804 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Adipocyte Cell Line Gene/Protein brown adipocyte-specific mRNA expression 29878130 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Inhibit CD8(+) T cell Unclear Migration CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cell locomotion 33915109 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Inhibit CD4(+) T cell Unclear Migration CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cell locomotion 33915109 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Pancreatic duct epithelium Clinical Stress Proliferation cell proliferation 18636164 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Regulate Dendritic cell Clinical Activity dendritic cell (DC) activation 18205818 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Regulate Prostate stromal cell Clinical Benign prostatic hyperplasia Differentiation differentiated smooth-muscle phenotype 9586626 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Epithelium Unclear Cell death epithelial cell damage 10721076 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Adipocyte Cell Line Hypermetabolic syndrome Others ER stress 31232864 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Regulate Neuron Mammals Activity excit ability 22711958 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Be released Neuron Mammals Klebsiella pneumoniae peritonitis Exchange of substance from vagally innervated splenic nerve 23543756 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Regulate Dendritic cell Unclear Inflammatory bowel disease Activity function and subsequent immune responses 20615391 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Inhibit Adipocyte Clinical Activity lipolysis in differentiated hMSC derived-adipocytes 16077714 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Regulate Mesenchyme cell Cell Line Gene/Protein markedly reduced lipolysis 16077714 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Migration migration 23300016 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Regulate Dendritic cell Mammals Hypersensitivity Migration migration and T helper priming 14962099 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Cancer cell Mammals Prostate cancer Migration migratory activity 26058426 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Pancreatic cancer Migration migratory activity 23639786 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Regulate Epithelium Clinical Substance production mucin secretion 1671333 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Cell death necrosis 23267912 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Endothelium Mammals Ischemia Activity None 25007164 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Endothelium Unclear Heart failure Gene/Protein p53 expression 26055447 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Macrophage Unclear Heart failure Gene/Protein p53 expression 26055447 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Others pathogenesis 24309563 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote B cell Mammals Congestive heart failure Proliferation proliferation 7797738 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Inhibit T cell Mammals Congestive heart failure Proliferation proliferation 7797738 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Inhibit Natural killer cell Mammals Congestive heart failure Proliferation proliferation 7797738 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Hepatic stellate cell Unclear Liver injury Proliferation proliferation of activated, myofibroblastic, hepatic stellate cells 12646223 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Be released Neuron Mammals Exchange of substance release from noradrenergic nerve terminals 8862135 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Be released Cancer cell Unclear Glomus jugulare cancer Exchange of substance secret 168825 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Be released Cancer cell Clinical Paraganglioma Exchange of substance secret 26162468 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Be released Cancer cell Clinical Pheochromocytoma Exchange of substance secretion 10095171 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Be released Cancer cell Clinical Paraganglioma Exchange of substance secretion 6347360 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Be released Neuron Unclear Inflammatory bowel disease Exchange of substance secretion 20615391 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Regulate Monocyte Mammals Klebsiella pneumoniae peritonitis Substance production splenic monocyte egress 23543756 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Mast cell Clinical Exchange of substance stimulate mast cells degranulation and histamine release 31209239 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Prostate stromal cell Clinical Obstructive benign prostatic hyperplasia Differentiation stromal contraction 10068346 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Regulate Cancer cell Cell Line Nasopharyngeal cancer Gene/Protein the expression of proangiogenic and pro-metastatic factors 17981009 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Regulate Cancer cell Cell Line Ovarian cancer Gene/Protein the expression of proangiogenic and pro-metastatic factors 17981009 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Gene/Protein VEGF (VEGFA) expression 25179535 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Regulate Neuron Unclear Activity None 36631846 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Pancreatic duct epithelium Clinical Stress Proliferation cell proliferation 18636164 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Pancreatic duct epithelium Clinical Stress Gene/Protein IL-6 levels 18636164 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Gene/Protein CXCR4 expression 25912576 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Invasion invasion 25912576 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Regulate Endothelium Clinical Hypertension Gene/Protein VEGF mRNA synthesis 17070516 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Regulate Endothelium Clinical Hypertension Activity mitogenic activity 17070516 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Cancer cell Clinical Head and neck squamous cell cancer Proliferation growth 28093700 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Cancer cell Clinical Head and neck squamous cell cancer Migration metastasis 28093700 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Epithelium Clinical Proliferation pathological mitosis 10721076 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Epithelium Clinical Cell death apoptosis 10721076 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Corneal epithelium Clinical Proliferation proliferation 9756448 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Corneal epithelium Clinical Migration migration 9756448 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Proliferation tumor growth 30541320 HMDB0000216 Norepinephrine Promote Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Migration metastasis development 30541320 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Be consumed Fibroblast Cell Line Exchange of substance absorption 27049668 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Endothelium Clinical Type 2 diabetes Cell death apoptosis 26764232 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Regulate Podocyte Mammals Diabetic nephropathy Cell death apoptotic 22932195 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Beta cell Cell Line Insulinoma Autophagy autophagy 24142192 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Hepatocyte Cell Line Cell death cell apoptosis 25938832 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Cell death cell death 27464732 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Macrophage Unclear Diabetes Cell death cell death 23275600 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Monocyte Clinical Obesity-associated inflammation Cell death cell death 27624102 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Cancer cell Clinical Lung cancer Cell death cell death via ferroptosis 35256587 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Osteoblast Clinical Breast cancer Activity cell viability 23807419 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Ovarian cancer Phenotype CSC phenotype 35276382 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Hepatocancer Phenotype CSC properties 32468006 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Islet beta cell Cell Line Type 2 diabetes Gene/Protein cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression 30629897 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Podocyte Mammals Chronic kidney diseases Phenotype cytoskeletal changes 26583319 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis Cell death death 26764184 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Hepatocyte Clinical Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Gene/Protein DKK3 expression 27016281 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Beta cell Mammals Type 2 diabetes Activity dysfunction 22465073 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Neuron Unclear Gene/Protein expression of Spx, Galr2 and Galr3 mRNA 32841709 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Hepatocyte Clinical Diabetes Others formation of extra- and intracellular S1P 24292566 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Gene/Protein functionally distinct transcriptional programs 27464732 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Macrophage Clinical Periodontitis Gene/Protein gene expression 30597558 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Fibroblast Clinical Periodontitis Gene/Protein gene expression 30597558 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Alpha cell Cell Line Lipotoxicity-induced dysfunction of pancreatic Exchange of substance glucagon secretion 21034559 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Macrophage Cell Line Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Exchange of substance IGFBP-3 secretion 27553225 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Macrophage Cell Line Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Gene/Protein IGFBP-3 secretion 27553225 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Others in free fatty acid content 28933767 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Monocyte Clinical Obesity-associated inflammation Exchange of substance inflammatory cytokine release 27624102 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Vascular endothelium Clinical Obesity Activity inflammatory pathways 25944880 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Macrophage Unclear Inflammation Phenotype insulin resistance 28196858 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Hepatocyte Mammals Obesity Gene/Protein insulin signaling 26179126 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Podocyte Mammals Obesity Activity insulin signaling 25945408 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Monocyte Clinical Inflammation Migration insulin transport 25944880 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Podocyte Clinical Renal disease Exchange of substance insulin-stimulated glucose uptake 19556298 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Endothelium Other Invasion invasion 28440480 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Beta cell Mammals Others lipotoxic ER stress 28323924 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Macrophage Cell Line Activity LPS-induced activation 29518116 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Skeletal muscle cell Mammals Activity nuclear factor kappaB (NFkappaB) pathway 18060381 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Hepatocellular cancer Proliferation proliferation 32198380 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Steatohepatitis Gene/Protein Acer3 mRNA levels and its enzymatic activity 31949129 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Steatohepatitis Activity Acer3 mRNA levels and its enzymatic activity 31949129 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Hepatocellular cancer Proliferation cell growth, angiogenesis 32198380 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Hepatocellular cancer Gene/Protein several growth factors expression 32198380 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Osteoblast Clinical Osteosarcoma Proliferation cell proliferation 22082730 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Osteoblast Clinical Osteosarcoma Substance production collagen production 22082730 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Gingival fibroblast Clinical Osteosarcoma Proliferation cell proliferation 22082730 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Gingival fibroblast Clinical Osteosarcoma Substance production collagen production 22082730 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Osteosarcoma Proliferation cell proliferation 22082730 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Osteosarcoma Substance production collagen production 22082730 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Hepatocyte Other Exchange of substance triacylglycerol (TG) accumulation and VLDL-TG, -cholesterol, and -apolipoprotein (apo)B secretion 15987842 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Hepatocyte Other Exchange of substance triacylglycerol (TG) accumulation and VLDL-TG, -cholesterol, and -apolipoprotein (apo)B secretion 15987842 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis Cell death apoptosis 29597210 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Gastric cancer Migration migration 28058557 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Gastric cancer Adhesion adhesion 28058557 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Lung cancer Proliferation tumor growth 35256587 HMDB0000220 Palmitic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Lung cancer Gene/Protein FSP1 expression 35256587 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Immature leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance 5 alpha-reduced metabolites 8142315 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance 95% of testosterone in male individuals 35111154 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be consumed Breast adipose fibroblast Cell Line Breast cancer Exchange of substance absorb 24929094 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be consumed Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Exchange of substance absorb 31376206 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Autoimmune orchitis Recruitment accumulation 21441459 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit CD4(+) T cell Mammals Autoimmune orchitis Recruitment accumulation 21441459 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Suppressor T cell Clinical Autoimmune disorders Activity activity 12630914 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Clinical Hypothalamic-hypophyseal-leydig Exchange of substance adequate testosterone secretion 1102177 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit Leydig cell Mammals Gene/Protein amount of P450(17 alpha) 2160293 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Keratinocyte Unclear Skin homeostasis Cell death apoptosis 25164816 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Keratinocyte Unclear Skin homeostasis Cell death apoptosis 25164816 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Regulate Mesenchyme cell Mammals Cell death apoptosis 9444884 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Leydig cell Unclear Infertility Cell death apoptosis 12861841 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Vas deferens epithelium Clinical Gene/Protein basal and bradykinin-induced anion secretion 19474062 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance basal testosterone secretion 8504748 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Regulate Sertoli cell Mammals Adhesion binding competency 8286580 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance cAMP-stimulated testosterone production 7628389 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Mammals Prostate cancer Proliferation carcinogenesis 30877616 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Mammals Osteosarcoma Proliferation cell growth 3243191 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Adenocancer Proliferation cell growth 1305911 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Prostatic cancer Cell death cell loss 7093958 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Proliferation cell proliferation 30894404 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Regulate Epithelium Unclear Breast cancer Proliferation cell proliferation 30403656 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Sertoli cell Mammals Gene/Protein claudin-1 expression 12851029 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Sertoli cell Mammals Gene/Protein claudin-11 expression 14511215 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Sertoli cell Other Gene/Protein claudin-11 gene 21074249 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Regulate Sertoli cell Mammals Substance production closes the channel, depolarizes the membrane and stimulates (45)Ca(2+) uptake 21703282 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Primary sertoli cells from prepubertal rats Mammals Gene/Protein c-myc mRNA levels 7721656 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Clinical Prostatic cancer Exchange of substance create an environment which enables normal progression of germ cells through stage VII of the spermatogenic cycle 2161173 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Clinical Breast cancer Proliferation development 26660332 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Endothelium Mammals Proliferation endothelial cell proliferation 14673953 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit Endothelium Clinical Endothelial dysfunction Activity endothelial dysfunction 23471592 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance environment which enables normal progression of germ cells through stage VII of the spermatogenic cycle 2161173 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Naive T cell Mammals Autoimmune orchitis Differentiation expansion of the regulatory T cell subset 21441459 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Regulate Leydig cell Mammals Gene/Protein expression 27676332 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Sertoli cell Mammals Gene/Protein expression of integral membrane protein claudin 3 29183964 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Sertoli cell Unclear Male idiopathic infertility Exchange of substance factors which are necessary for germ cell survival and differentiation 29363789 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Prostate cancer Gene/Protein FGF-2 transcript content 9777371 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance from Leydig cells 21300693 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Unclear Cardiovascular disorders Exchange of substance from Leydig cells in the testes 34535743 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Protect Leydig cell Cell Line Hypogonadism Others from oxidative damage 21297653 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Sertoli cell Clinical Azoospermia Activity functions 17650906 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit Vascular endothelium Clinical Gene/Protein gene expression 23471592 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Regulate Sertoli cell Mammals Gene/Protein gene in Sertoli cells 3408491 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Sertoli cell Mammals Differentiation germ cell development (spermatogenesis) and male fertility 26607719 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Unclear Colon cancer Proliferation growth 24567517 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Unclear Lung cancer Proliferation growth 24567517 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote CD4(+) T cell Mammals Autoimmune encephalomyelitis Gene/Protein IL-10 gene expression 11489988 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Regulate T helper cell Mammals Differentiation IL-12 signaling 24958858 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Cell Line Leydig cancer Exchange of substance in response to human chorionic gonadotropin 23256993 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Epithelium Mammals Exchange of substance incorporation of 3H-thymidine 9492074 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit T cell line Cell Line Proliferation inhibit cell line proliferation and induce accumulation of cells in S/G(2)M phases of the cell cycle 11641617 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Leydig cell Unclear Gene/Protein Insl3 mRNA levels 18499751 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Stem leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance male sexual differentiation, spermatogenesis, and fertility 29073338 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Sertoli cell Mammals Differentiation maturation 27509137 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Granulocyte Other Others maturation 19710202 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Sertoli cell Clinical Azoospermia Differentiation maturation 24098470 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Neurodegenerative diseases Activity microglia and peripheral macrophage function 15639315 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit Keratinocyte Mammals Migration migration 22276587 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Regulate Vascular endothelium Mammals Proliferation NO production 22281525 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Male infertility Exchange of substance nutrition 29683243 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Diabetes Exchange of substance nutrition 26231491 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance nutrition 25405735 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance nutrition 21071158 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance nutrition 16740978 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Cancer Exchange of substance nutrition 7097638 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Hepatocancer Proliferation oncogenesis and progression 30058741 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Regulate Sertoli cell Unclear Differentiation paracrine factors 24640566 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Non-activated phagocytes Other Activity phagocytic ability 22960553 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Phenotype phenotypic changes 1638538 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Clinical Prostatic cancer Exchange of substance produce testosterone 8276522 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Other Exchange of substance produced by Leydig cells 16985197 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance produced by Leydig cells 35338159 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Sertoli cell Other Gene/Protein production of a variety of proteins 2502458 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Regulate Granulocyte Clinical Activity progesterone biosynthesis 6790315 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Granulocyte Other Exchange of substance progesterone production 19710202 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Granulocyte Other Exchange of substance progesterone production 17081706 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Granulocyte Other Exchange of substance progesterone production by F1 granulosa cells 19710202 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance progesterone secretion 3091106 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Proliferation progression 21134073 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Unclear Prostate cancer Proliferation proliferation 28924064 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 16080194 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 11740053 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Prostatic cell Mammals Prostatic cancer Proliferation proliferation 3664475 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Proliferation proliferation 29089623 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Adrenal cancer Proliferation proliferation 10856885 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Sertoli cell Mammals Proliferation proliferation 14551232 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote T cell Cell Line Cell death proliferation 11641617 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit Keratinocyte Clinical Androgenetic alopecia Proliferation proliferation 10786829 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Neural stem cell Unclear Demyelination diseases Differentiation pro-myelinating activity 33484204 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Vas deferens epithelium Other Activity prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase 2 (PTGS2, also known as cyclooxygenase 2) expression 19474062 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Adipocyte Mammals Hepatocellular cancer Gene/Protein protein JNK 30944152 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance providing a robust, tunable system 34359871 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Neutrophil Mammals Infection Migration recruitment 30233581 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Testicular damage Exchange of substance response to stimulation by luteinizing hormone (LH) 31466741 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Male infertility Exchange of substance scretion 24574094 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Adrenocortical cancer Exchange of substance secret 32901497 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Cancer cell Clinical Ovarian cancer Exchange of substance secretion 20664446 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Clinical Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia Exchange of substance secretion 6418081 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Cancer cell Clinical Arrhenoblastoma Exchange of substance secretion 6274906 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Cancer cell Clinical Leydig cancer Exchange of substance secretion 30875329 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Cancer cell Unclear Leydig cancer Exchange of substance secretion 32899084 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Other Leydig cancer Exchange of substance secretion 18192573 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 32930364 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 31133074 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 30302795 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Other Exchange of substance secretion 29462985 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 29408990 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 26335619 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 25786065 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 24451983 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 21979172 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 19995715 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 19883722 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 19481681 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 19059463 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Other Exchange of substance secretion 17495005 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 17477304 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 16930210 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 16281505 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 15935587 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 15935587 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 7511424 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 7511424 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Prostate stromal cell Unclear Prostate epithelial cells hyperplasia Exchange of substance secretion of paracrine growth factors (PGFs) 24913829 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Sertoli cell Mammals Activity Sertoli cells 9458066 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Sertoli cell Mammals Gene/Protein Sertoli cell-secreted proteins 2231558 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Unclear Exchange of substance support spermatogenesis 17884947 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance synthesis of testosterone is carried out by Leydig cells 30198677 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Other Exchange of substance synthesize and secrete 29073541 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Protect Endothelium Mammals Atherosclerosis-related vascular disorders Others testosterone against oxidative stress-induced endothelial senescence 22238626 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Leydig cell Mammals Gene/Protein testosterone directly induces PTGS2/PGF(2alpha) 19357132 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance testosterone in a luteinizing hormone-dependent manner 28967682 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance testosterone in the testes under the pulsatile control of pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH) 17172443 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Cell Line Lipotoxicity-induced dysfunction of pancreatic Exchange of substance Testosterone is mainly secreted by Leydig cells in the testes 34549267 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance testosterone production 26174043 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Sertoli cell Clinical Hypogonadism Exchange of substance testosterone production 29311296 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance testosterone secretion 8980886 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance testosterone secretions were suppressed by daidzein (30 micromol/l) in cultured testes and Leydig cells 27840926 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Testes Mammals Exchange of substance testosterone secretions were suppressed by daidzein (30 micromol/l) in cultured testes and Leydig cells 27840926 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Male hypogonadism Exchange of substance testosterone, which is critical in the regulation of male reproduction and development 25340537 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Regulate Prostatic cell Mammals Activity TGF-alpha actions 9492074 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit Dendritic cell Other Differentiation the differentiation 19265698 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Regulate Spermatogonia Clinical Differentiation The division of the supporting cells and their maturation into Sertoli cells are under the control of LH in synergy with FSH, while the differentiation of primordial cells into spermatogonia and the subsequent production of spermatozoa are under the control of FSH, LH and testosterone. 6100812 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Regulate Sertoli cell Mammals Activity the fatty acid pattern of cultured Sertoli cells 15376235 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit Muscle cell Mammals Gene/Protein the level of Epo mRNA 11675366 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Gene/Protein the levels of prostate-specific antigen and TMPRSS2 29381490 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance the secretion of testosterone 2568857 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Interna cell Mammals Exchange of substance the substrate for aromatases 3091103 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Sertoli cell Mammals Gene/Protein the synthesis of polypeptide 3 was stimulated 7115849 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Regulate Sertoli cell Mammals Gene/Protein transferrin gene expression 3023031 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Regulatory T cell Clinical Autoimmune disease Proliferation Treg cell population 26063731 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Neuron Clinical Activity TRPM8 responses 25480785 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Esophageal cancer Proliferation tumor growth 2724718 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Clinical Esophageal cancer Proliferation tumor growth 3669316 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Clinical Prostate cancer Proliferation tumor growth 19602868 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit T cell Mammals Lymphoma Proliferation tumor growth 15640941 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Unclear Prostate cancer Proliferation Tumor progression 16264770 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit Cancer cell Other Prostate cancer Proliferation tumor regression 27473672 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Clinical Angiofibroma Proliferation tumor regrowth 19626637 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Regulate Cancer cell Unclear Thyroid cancer Gene/Protein tumor suppressor gene expression 25576159 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Mammals Wilms' cancer Proliferation tumor weights 163221 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Sertoli cell Mammals Activity voltage-dependent potassium currents (Kv) 31622614 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Prostate stromal cell Clinical Benign prostatic hyperplasia Exchange of substance uptake of [(3)H]-thymidine 11602180 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit Cardiomyocyte Cell Line Acute myocardial infarction Gene/Protein IL-6-induced iNOS protein expression 36483534 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Skeletal muscle cell Clinical Others increases skeletal muscle mass, strength and power 36355323 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit T cell Clinical Lung cancer (non-small cell) Gene/Protein the expression of mPD-1 on T cell 36341395 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Cancer cell Clinical Hepatocellular carcinoma Proliferation growth and proliferation 36221879 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit CD8(+) T cell Mammals Enteroviruses infection Activity activation 36037480 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Unclear Exchange of substance None 35973717 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Bone metastatic prostate cancer Gene/Protein both TNC and AR-V7 expression 35948987 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Be released Leydig cell Unclear Exchange of substance secretion 35535756 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Renal tubular cell Unclear Kidney stone disease Gene/Protein alpha-enolase expression 27260493 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Renal tubular cell Unclear Kidney stone disease Adhesion crystal-cell adhesion 27260493 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Pulmonary tuberculosis Substance production pro-inflammatory cytokines production 24722144 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Spermatogonial stem cell Unclear Proliferation self-renewal 34896518 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Spermatogonial stem cell Unclear Differentiation spermatogenesis 34896518 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Spermatids Mammals Proliferation the number of round spermatids formed 15591031 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Promote Spermatids Mammals Differentiation the number of round spermatids formed 15591031 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Regulate Testicular stem cell Mammals Proliferation proliferation 10919290 HMDB0000234 Testosterone Regulate Testicular stem cell Mammals Differentiation differentiation 10919290 HMDB0000243 Pyruvic acid Promote Endothelium Unclear Cancer Activity activates endothelial cells 21132271 HMDB0000243 Pyruvic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Activity angiogenic activity 21132271 HMDB0000243 Pyruvic acid Inhibit Epithelium Mammals Intestinal ischaemia Cell death death 27121603 HMDB0000243 Pyruvic acid Inhibit Tracheal epithelium Mammals Differentiation growth of tracheal epithelial cells 6499946 HMDB0000243 Pyruvic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation proliferation 31598701 HMDB0000243 Pyruvic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Exchange of substance secret 28132882 HMDB0000243 Pyruvic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secret 27721408 HMDB0000248 Thyroxine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Hepatocancer Proliferation cell growth 6327029 HMDB0000248 Thyroxine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Glioblastoma Proliferation cell growth 16849576 HMDB0000248 Thyroxine Promote Parietal cell Mammals Hypothyroid Others the amount of mitochondria, tubulovesicles, and intracellular canaliculi 3631265 HMDB0000248 Thyroxine Promote Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Proliferation tumor growth, neoangiogenesis 29125479 HMDB0000248 Thyroxine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Oral cancer Proliferation stimulates cancer cell proliferation 36231010 HMDB0000248 Thyroxine Regulate Basal forebrain cholinergic neurons Mammals Hypothyroid Activity normal values of electrophysiological properties 36076509 HMDB0000248 Thyroxine Promote Beta cell Mammals Diabetes mellitus Proliferation proliferation 28800677 HMDB0000248 Thyroxine Promote Beta cell Mammals Diabetes mellitus Cell death apoptosis 28800677 HMDB0000248 Thyroxine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation proliferation 25071016 HMDB0000248 Thyroxine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Invasion invasion 25071016 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Mast cell Clinical Exchange of substance a T cell-dependent release of mast cell serotonin 2510939 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be consumed Platelet Clinical Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 10828476 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Pancreatic stellate cell Mammals Chronic pancreatitis Activity ADM and activation of pancreatic stellate cells 32070876 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Inhibit Fibroblast Clinical Trauma Cell death apoptosis 29596386 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Inhibit Keratinocyte Clinical Trauma Cell death apoptosis 29596386 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Beta cell Mammals Activity augmentation 26136513 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Enterochromaffin cell Clinical Dyspepsia Exchange of substance by Enterochromaffin cells (EC) 19606676 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Artery endothelium Mammals Pulmonary arterial hypertension Exchange of substance by pulmonary arterial endothelial cells (PAEC) 22525513 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Regulate Endothelium Clinical Septic shock Others causes the pathogenesis of septic shock with a vascular leak 34238999 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Cancer cell Mammals Carcinoid cancer Proliferation cell growth 20048018 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Regulate Osteoblast Mammals Breast cancer Differentiation differentiation 26573960 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Platelet Unclear Allergic asthma Exchange of substance from activated platelets 34440807 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Platelet Unclear Inflammation Exchange of substance from activated platelets 24520366 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Enteroendocrine cell Unclear Visceral pain Exchange of substance from enteroendocrine cell 31290688 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Mast cell Mammals Sickle cell disease Exchange of substance from HbA-BERK mast cells 22217155 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Mast cell Mammals Sickle cell disease Exchange of substance from mast cell 22217155 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Mast cell Mammals Thrombocytopenia Exchange of substance from mast cells (MCs) 30755421 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Neuron Other Exchange of substance from sensory neurons 24348250 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Colorectal cancer Proliferation growth 20306273 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Proliferation growth 20234124 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Keratinocyte Other Phenotype keratinization of the keratinocytes 1699784 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Inhibit Mammary epithelium Mammals Adhesion mammary epithelial cell shedding and disrupts tight junctions in a reversible manner 21390323 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Regulate Gut smooth muscle cell Mammals Activity neural modulation of gut smooth muscle function 3919396 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Mast cell Clinical Exchange of substance NO released 29693374 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Mast cell Mammals Colitis Exchange of substance None 10550609 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Enterochromaffin cell Mammals Colitis Exchange of substance None 10550609 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Macrophage Cell Line Cancer Proliferation number of intratumoral macrophages 3282654 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Mast cell Mammals Exchange of substance nutrition 7730614 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Platelet Unclear Rheumatoid arthritis Exchange of substance nutrition 22868927 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Regulate Beta cell Mammals Others others 24218571 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Regulate Macrophage Clinical Activity phagocytosis 18202184 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Platelet Mammals Cancer Activity platelets activation 758960 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Fibroblast Clinical Activity potentiate the granulocytopoiesis-stimulating effects of fibroblasts 21161067 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Platelet Unclear Exchange of substance potentiation 6976935 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Platelet Unclear Systemic sclerosis Exchange of substance profibrotic mediators 30830444 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Cancer cell Clinical Prostate cancer Proliferation proliferation 33294057 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Keratinocyte Mammals Proliferation proliferation 9438912 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Regulate Chondrocyte Cell Line Proliferation Proliferation and 5-HT2A receptor expression 16408289 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Platelet Clinical Systemic allergic reaction Exchange of substance regulate anaphylaxis severity 29654057 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Regulate Esophageal epithelium Clinical Gene/Protein regulate barrier function 26984549 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Mast cell Mammals Exchange of substance release from IgE-sensitized mast cells 8407286 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Mast cell Mammals Exchange of substance release serotonin from the lacrimal mast cells 8912252 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Gene/Protein RUNX2 26573960 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Thrombocytes Mammals Colorectal cancer Exchange of substance secret 34524861 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Unclear Pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer Exchange of substance secret 21862776 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Clinical Pancreatic endocrine cancer Exchange of substance secret 20713615 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Clinical Carcinoid cancer Exchange of substance secret 19318967 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Exchange of substance secretion 34073226 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Platelet Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 22683950 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Unclear Endocrine tumours Exchange of substance secretion 21605115 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Unclear Carcinoid cancer Exchange of substance secretion 21508359 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Unclear Small intestinal cancer (endocrine) Exchange of substance secretion 21104784 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Mammals Carcinoid cancer Exchange of substance secretion 15916982 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Clinical Endocrine cancer Exchange of substance secretion 12483158 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Platelet Clinical Cervical cancer Exchange of substance secretion 11583026 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Clinical Neuroendocrine cancer Exchange of substance secretion 11141588 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Clinical Plurihormonal cancer Exchange of substance secretion 11141588 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Apudocyte Clinical Colorectal cancer Exchange of substance secretion 10900867 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Endocrine cell Clinical Colorectal cancer Exchange of substance secretion 10900867 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Apudocyte Clinical Colorectal cancer Exchange of substance secretion 10560251 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Endocrine cell Clinical Colorectal cancer Exchange of substance secretion 10560251 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Clinical Enterochromaffin cells cancer Exchange of substance secretion 9083514 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Unclear Prostate apudoma Exchange of substance secretion 8579498 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 8371728 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Unclear Carcinoid cancer Exchange of substance secretion 2156331 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 3409164 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 6372983 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Mammals Leukemia Exchange of substance secretion 6281271 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Myeloproliferative platelet Clinical Myeloproliferative Exchange of substance secretion 6937475 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Platelet Clinical Myeloproliferative Exchange of substance secretion 6937475 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 390899 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 125543 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Cancer cell Unclear Endocrine pancreatic cancer Exchange of substance secretion 19606721 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Platelet Mammals Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 6368410 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Platelet Unclear Exchange of substance serotonin release 2984256 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Exchange of substance the cyclic GMP level 2548882 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Gene/Protein the expression of RUNX2 26573960 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Bone marrow stromal cell Mammals Diseases characterized by tissue remodeling with increased smooth muscle mass Differentiation the smooth muscle differentiation 24595007 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Duodenal enterochromaffin cell Mammals Exchange of substance to the circulation, and apically, to the gut lumen 3552241 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Neuron Unclear Exchange of substance transmitter release from the sensory neurons 2141668 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Cancer cell Clinical Hepatocellular cancer Proliferation tumor growth 20099302 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation tumor growth 7852030 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation Tumor growth and angiogenesis 25326539 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Platelet Unclear Autoimmune diseases Exchange of substance upon activation 25693763 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote B cell Mammals Proliferation upregulate mitogen-stimulated B lymphocyte proliferation 7758118 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Osteosarcoma Activity viability 24916076 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Be released Neuron Unclear Exchange of substance serotonin released by neurons 36321487 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Macrophage Clinical Gene/Protein actin remodeling and phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 18202184 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Macrophage Clinical Activity actin remodeling and phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 18202184 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Regulate Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Proliferation cell proliferation 33528589 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Regulate Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Invasion invasion 33528589 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Regulate Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Migration migration 33528589 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Cancer cell Mammals Liver cancer Proliferation proliferation 30409162 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Cancer cell Mammals Liver cancer Others survival and drug resistance 30409162 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Regulate Cancer cell Mammals Liver cancer Activity activation of Notch signaling 30409162 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Regulate Cancer cell Mammals Liver cancer Autophagy autophagy 30409162 HMDB0000259 Serotonin Promote Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance the secretion of a chemotactic activity for polymorphonuclear granulocytes and the secretion of charge-changing 3908346 HMDB0000265 Liothyronine Regulate Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Activity actin remodeling and cell movement 28050799 HMDB0000265 Liothyronine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation cell proliferation 30406874 HMDB0000265 Liothyronine Promote CD8(+) T cell Mammals Cancer Activity function 32894141 HMDB0000265 Liothyronine Promote CD4(+) T cell Mammals Cancer Activity function 32894141 HMDB0000265 Liothyronine Promote Epithelium Mammals Phenotype stimulate lamellar body production 1711786 HMDB0000265 Liothyronine Promote Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation tumor growth 3358770 HMDB0000265 Liothyronine Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation tumor growth 32894141 HMDB0000265 Liothyronine Promote Chondrocyte Mammals Cartilage loss and deficiency Differentiation terminal differentiation 23977373 HMDB0000265 Liothyronine Promote Chondrocyte Mammals Cartilage loss and deficiency Substance production the total collagen production 23977373 HMDB0000273 Thymidine Inhibit Epithelium Unclear Proliferation cell cycle arrest at S-phase and G2/M-phase 31170432 HMDB0000273 Thymidine Be consumed T cell Mammals Arthritis Exchange of substance nutrition 10903982 HMDB0000294 Urea Regulate Endothelium Clinical Chronic kidney disease Gene/Protein actin cytoskeleton and tight junction proteins 31055735 HMDB0000294 Urea Be released Hepatocyte Mammals Lung fibrosis Exchange of substance detoxification 28284665 HMDB0000294 Urea Inhibit Beta cell Unclear Chronic kidney disease Activity glucose utilization and impair insulin secretion 30650405 HMDB0000294 Urea Be released Hepatocyte Mammals Metabolic liver disorders Exchange of substance nutrition 24380658 HMDB0000294 Urea Be released Hepatocyte Mammals Teratoma Exchange of substance nutrition 20020528 HMDB0000294 Urea Be released Hepatocyte Mammals Exchange of substance nutrition 19271993 HMDB0000294 Urea Be released Hepatocyte Mammals Acute hepatic failure Exchange of substance producing urea 30463600 HMDB0000294 Urea Be released Hepatocyte Mammals Exchange of substance synthetized albumin and urea 30417530 HMDB0000294 Urea Be released Hepatocyte Mammals Exchange of substance urea synthesis 19958650 HMDB0000294 Urea Be released Hepatocyte Clinical Exchange of substance detoxification 28284665 HMDB0000296 Uridine Inhibit Chondrocyte Mammals Osteoarthritis Cell death chondrocyte senescence 34974808 HMDB0000296 Uridine Inhibit Mesenchyme cell Mammals Osteoarthritis Activity chondrocyte senescence 34974808 HMDB0000296 Uridine Inhibit Lung fibroblast Clinical Pulmonary fibrosis Gene/Protein collagen and TGF-ss synthesis 26369416 HMDB0000296 Uridine Inhibit Lung epithelium Clinical Pulmonary fibrosis Gene/Protein collagen and TGF-ss synthesis 26369416 HMDB0000296 Uridine Inhibit Neutrophil Clinical Pulmonary fibrosis Exchange of substance collagen and TGF-ss synthesis 26369416 HMDB0000296 Uridine Promote Hepatocyte Mammals substance production increased glycogen content 17181076 HMDB0000296 Uridine Inhibit Mesenchyme cell Mammals Osteoarthritis Cell death MSCs senescence 34974808 HMDB0000296 Uridine Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Activity the formation of capsulated bacterial forms 17181076 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Melanoma Adhesion adhesiveness 3697991 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Be consumed Conjunctival goblet cell Mammals Dry eye Exchange of substance by conjunctival goblet cells 30010888 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Proliferation cell growth 17516864 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Proliferation cell growth 17219422 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Promote Sertoli cell Mammals Others chemiluminescence 11328675 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Embryonal cancer Differentiation differentiation 6683658 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Regulate Epithelium Clinical Differentiation differentiation 22307745 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Inhibit Macrophage Unclear Inflammation Gene/Protein expression of various inflammatory cytokines 23086657 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Regulate Macrophage Mammals Gene/Protein GM-CSF, IL-16, and MMP-9 production 24310731 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Regulate Keratinocyte Clinical Activity immune reactions 2933470 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Regulate Epithelium Mammals Activity intercellular communication 3338116 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Invasion invasion 17918208 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Invasion invasion 17516864 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Migration metastatic 17516864 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Regulate Lymphocyte Unclear Lung cancer Migration metastatic dissemination 1787682 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Regulate Cancer cell Unclear Lung cancer Migration metastatic dissemination 1787682 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Regulate Sertoli cell Mammals Others modulate the sensitivity of the Sertoli cells for retinol. 2837191 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Myeloid leukemia Differentiation morphological differentiation 6272960 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Promote Epithelium Clinical Proliferation Outgrowth of epithelial cells 8032533 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Promote Cancer cell Mammals Leydig cancer Exchange of substance production 1964377 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation proliferation 20067883 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Promote Cancer cell Mammals Small intestinal cancer Proliferation proliferation 20032378 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Promote Sertoli cell Unclear Gene/Protein RAGE protein expression 18396385 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Be consumed Undifferentiated cells from the basal and spinous layers of the epidermis Clinical Exchange of substance uptake 1768425 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Be consumed Endometrial stromal cell Unclear Endometriosis Exchange of substance uptake 20702525 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Colorectal cancer Invasion cell invasion 25356626 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Colorectal cancer Activity PI3K activity 25356626 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Inhibit Macrophage Unclear Inflammation Gene/Protein inflammatory gene expression 23086657 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Inhibit Macrophage Unclear Inflammation Activity macrophage activation 23086657 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Invasion invasion 17516864 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Migration migration 17516864 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Promote Bronchial epithelium Clinical Proliferation normal growth 9486971 HMDB0000305 Vitamin A Promote Bronchial epithelium Clinical Differentiation normal differentiation 9486971 HMDB0000492 Chloride ion Be released Pancreatic cell Mammals Exchange of substance cAMP-activated chloride efflux 7573392 HMDB0000492 Chloride ion Be released Cholangiocyte Mammals Biliary atresia Exchange of substance chloride efflux 26277684 HMDB0000492 Chloride ion Be released Hepatocyte Unclear Exchange of substance chloride efflux through activation of Cl- channels 16773707 HMDB0000492 Chloride ion Be released Cholangiocyte Unclear Exchange of substance chloride efflux through activation of Cl- channels 16773707 HMDB0000492 Chloride ion Be released Lung epithelium Unclear Alveolar edema Exchange of substance chloride, sodium 10099704 HMDB0000492 Chloride ion Be consumed Lung epithelium Unclear Alveolar edema Exchange of substance chloride, sodium 10099704 HMDB0000492 Chloride ion Be released Enterocyte Unclear Infantile gastroenteritis Exchange of substance secretion 17961806 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Inhibit Adipocyte Clinical Excessive fat deposition Differentiation adipocyte formation 25054323 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Regulate Leydig cell Mammals Cell death apoptosis 33215568 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Inhibit Endothelium Clinical Atherosclerosis Cell death apoptosis 32090093 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Others CD90(+) intestinal stromal cell Mammals Others augment stem-cell function in response to L-arginine in co-culture experiments 33097830 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Promote Natural killer cell Clinical Breast cancer Activity cell cytotoxicity 8076711 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Promote Llymphokine-activated killer cell Clinical Breast cancer Activity cell cytotoxicity 8076711 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Promote Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation growth 1747050 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Be consumed Endothelium Clinical Exchange of substance L-arginine uptake via cationic amino acid transporters (y(+)/CAT) or system y(+)L is required for the NO synthesis via endothelial nitric oxide synthase 23143655 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Promote Beta cell Mammals Diabetes mellitus Proliferation neogenesis 17717015 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Promote Mesenchymal stem cell Clinical Excessive fat deposition Differentiation osteogenesis 25054323 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Promote Macrophage Mammals Yoshida sarcoma Activity phagocytic activity 3928915 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Inhibit Intestinal epithelium Cell Line Ischemic gut Gene/Protein PPARgamma 22038625 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Promote T cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation proliferation 29254508 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Promote Natural killer cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation proliferation 29254508 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation proliferation 19237319 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Promote Lymphocyte Clinical Gastric cancer Proliferation proliferation 8319840 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Promote T cell Mammals Proliferation proliferation 11190986 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Promote Endothelium Clinical Cerebral malaria Activity rescued endothelial function 21423010 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Promote CD90(+) stromal cell Mammals Exchange of substance stimulates Wnt2b secretion by CD90(+) stromal cells through the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) 33097830 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Promote Endothelium Mammals Ischemia/reperfusion injury Proliferation the percentage of endothelial progenitor cells 29960153 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Promote CD8(+) T cell Mammals Colon cancer Others the proportions of tumor peptide-specific CD8(+) T cells 32426941 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation tumor growth 22777352 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation tumor growth 22777352 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Proliferation tumor growth 29746817 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Small intestinal cancer Proliferation tumor number and size 16329147 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Promote Parietal cell Mammals Ulcer disease Gene/Protein direct activation of the H+, K+ ATPase 29212068 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Promote Parietal cell Mammals Ulcer disease Activity proton extrusion 29212068 HMDB0000517 L-Arginine Promote Parietal cell Mammals Ulcer disease Exchange of substance the intake of L-arginine 29212068 HMDB0000561 beta-Carotene Protect Vascular endothelium Clinical Arteriosclerosis Activity against stimuli such as IL-1beta 22750393 HMDB0000561 beta-Carotene Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Cell death apoptosis 12703993 HMDB0000561 beta-Carotene Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Cell death apoptosis 12703993 HMDB0000561 beta-Carotene Inhibit Mast cell Mammals Leukemia Others cell degranulation 24492380 HMDB0000561 beta-Carotene Promote Il-2r(+) t cell Clinical Colon cancers Proliferation cell number 9290119 HMDB0000561 beta-Carotene Promote CD4(+) T cell Clinical Colon cancers Proliferation cell number 9290119 HMDB0000561 beta-Carotene Promote Il-2r(+) t cell Clinical Colon cancers Proliferation cell number 9290119 HMDB0000561 beta-Carotene Promote CD4(+) T cell Clinical Colon cancers Proliferation cell number 9290119 HMDB0000561 beta-Carotene Promote Splenocyte Mammals Cancer Gene/Protein gene expression 27315229 HMDB0000561 beta-Carotene Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Prostate cancer Proliferation growth 21462328 HMDB0000561 beta-Carotene Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Proliferation proliferation 15949686 HMDB0000561 beta-Carotene Promote Macrophage Mammals Adhesion the adhesive properties of macrophages and related cells, and induced the increased production of oxygen active radicals by these cells 8118006 HMDB0000561 beta-Carotene Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation tumor growth 21462328 HMDB0000561 beta-Carotene Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation tumor growth 11776810 HMDB0000561 beta-Carotene Regulate Cancer cell Cell Line Pleural mesothelioma Proliferation proliferative 35106627 HMDB0000561 beta-Carotene Regulate Cancer cell Cell Line Pleural mesothelioma Cell death apoptotic 35106627 HMDB0000574 L-Cysteine Inhibit Neutrophil Cell Line Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Proliferation growth 24076166 HMDB0000574 L-Cysteine Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Gene/Protein IGF-I mRNA expression and serum IGF-I levels 26101100 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be consumed Cancer cell Cell Line Pancreatic cancer Exchange of substance absorb 29330792 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 34973953 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 34547243 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 34148892 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 34117847 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 33828302 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 33567690 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be consumed Cancer cell Cell Line Lung cancer (small cell) Exchange of substance absorb 29151270 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Ovarian cancer Exchange of substance absorb 27829131 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Prostate cancer Exchange of substance absorb 27384557 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be consumed Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 22236876 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 21301794 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 16884304 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be consumed Liver fibroblast Cell Line Hepatocancer Exchange of substance absorb 12381519 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be consumed Cancer cell Cell Line Hepatocancer Exchange of substance absorb 12381519 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be consumed Fibroblast Unclear Fibrosarcomas Exchange of substance absorb 9605654 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be consumed Effector T cell Cell Line Cancer Exchange of substance absorption 27712958 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Protect Melanocyte Clinical Survival aginst oxidative stress 29491190 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be consumed Epithelium Cell Line Colon cancer (adenocancer) exchange of substance absorb 34014545 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Inhibit Epithelium Cell Line Cell death apoptosis 17545681 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Promote Neutrophil Clinical Burn injury Activity bactericidal function 8201747 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Gastric cancer Proliferation cell growth 2868704 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Promote Epithelium Mammals Ischemia Proliferation cell growth 22706022 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be consumed Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Exchange of substance cell growth, migration 27833036 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Promote Fibroblast Cell Line Breast cancer Gene/Protein expression of autophagy markers 22236876 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Gene/Protein expression of autophagy markers 22236876 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be released Astrocyte Unclear Exchange of substance from astrocytes 18996441 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Promote Neutrophil Clinical Infection Activity function 10483897 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Promote Macrophage Mammals Infectious diseases Activity function of peritoneal macrophages and hemopoiesis 18567758 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Promote Macrophage Unclear Infection Activity functions 10483897 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Promote Lymphocyte Unclear Infection Activity functions 10483897 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Regulate Epithelial colorectal adenocarcinoma cell Cell Line Adenocarcinoma Gene/Protein intestinal barrier function 23328693 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Inhibit Mast cell Clinical Gene/Protein lipid mediator release and expression of proinflammatory cytokines 22527286 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Promote Enterocyte Mammals Proliferation None 31407650 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be released Muscle cell Unclear Exchange of substance nutrition 8641382 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Inhibit Epithelium Mammals Gut ischemia/reperfusion injury Cell death reduced epithelial cell permeability and apoptosis 22706022 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Inhibit Intestinal cell Mammals Inflammation Cell death REDUCING INTESTINAL AND LUNG INJURY AND INFLAMMATION AND IMPROVING SURVIVAL 25394240 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be released Fibroblast Unclear Ovarian cancer Exchange of substance secretion 27829131 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Promote Salmon hepatocytes Other Activity the detail effect of metabolites on cells 15684342 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Regulate Vein endothelium Clinical Exchange of substance cell permeability 26247670 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Be released Muscle cell Mammals Exchange of substance The rate of this transport process and therefore glutamine release from muscle is decreased in conditions associated with a reduction in immune function or activity in the rat such as sustained exercise 7883396 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Promote Intestinal epithelium Cell Line Inflammation Gene/Protein induces hsp72 in intestinal epithelial cells 9542769 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Promote Enterocyte Other Proliferation growth performance, enterocyte proliferation 31407650 HMDB0000641 L-Glutamine Promote Enterocyte Other Phenotype intestinal morphology 31407650 HMDB0000660 D-Fructose Promote Endothelium Clinical Activity cell damage 31375034 HMDB0000660 D-Fructose Inhibit Endothelium Mammals Gene/Protein endothelial nitric oxide (NO) levels and a transient reduction in endothelial NO synthase expression 18508964 HMDB0000660 D-Fructose Regulate Hepatocyte Mammals Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Gene/Protein gene expression 25602171 HMDB0000660 D-Fructose Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation growth 21623683 HMDB0000660 D-Fructose Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Gene/Protein Hepatic expression of ChREBP-beta and Fgf21 28123933 HMDB0000660 D-Fructose Promote Beta cell Cell Line Exchange of substance insulin release 22315413 HMDB0000660 D-Fructose Promote Intestinal epithelium Cell Line Colorectal adenocarcinoma Others iron bioavailability 24340076 HMDB0000660 D-Fructose Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Activity metabolic activity 15969048 HMDB0000660 D-Fructose Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Liver fibrosis Gene/Protein miR-34a overexpression 30632134 HMDB0000660 D-Fructose Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation tumor growth 33302403 HMDB0000660 D-Fructose Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Glioma Proliferation tumor volume 29660339 HMDB0000660 D-Fructose Promote Macrophage Mammals Chronic diseases Infiltration infiltration 37008005 HMDB0000673 Linoleic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Melanoma Proliferation growth 1502251 HMDB0000687 L-Leucine Promote Hepatocyte Other Others glucose production and expression of key gluconeogenic genes 23404499 HMDB0000687 L-Leucine Promote Hepatic stellate cell Unclear Activity mTOR, ERK, and Akt phosphorylation 16897753 HMDB0000687 L-Leucine Inhibit Skeletal muscle cell Mammals Cancer Others phosphorylation of PKR 17623010 HMDB0000687 L-Leucine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation proliferation 27696482 HMDB0000687 L-Leucine Promote Skeletal muscle cell Unclear Others PROTEIN SYNTHESIS 30835510 HMDB0000696 L-Methionine Be consumed Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 1577611 HMDB0000696 L-Methionine Be consumed Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 33147482 HMDB0000696 L-Methionine Regulate Natural killer cell Mammals Activity bone density and NK cell cytotoxicity 27882323 HMDB0000696 L-Methionine Promote Epithelium Mammals Gene/Protein CRTC2 but not p-CRTC2(Ser171) expression and nuclear localization 31475823 HMDB0000696 L-Methionine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Activity glycolysis 2995983 HMDB0000696 L-Methionine Promote Mammary gland cell Other Gene/Protein LAT1 AND 4F2HC EXPRESSION 29040000 HMDB0000696 L-Methionine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Proliferation proliferation 33576218 HMDB0000696 L-Methionine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 24126240 HMDB0000696 L-Methionine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Proliferation proliferation 24126240 HMDB0000696 L-Methionine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Proliferation proliferation 24126240 HMDB0000696 L-Methionine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 24126240 HMDB0000696 L-Methionine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Proliferation proliferation 24126240 HMDB0000696 L-Methionine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Proliferation proliferation 24126240 HMDB0000696 L-Methionine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 24126240 HMDB0000696 L-Methionine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Proliferation proliferation 24126240 HMDB0000696 L-Methionine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Proliferation proliferation 24126240 HMDB0000696 L-Methionine Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 18473861 HMDB0000696 L-Methionine Promote T cell Mammals Proliferation proliferation 30916644 HMDB0000696 L-Methionine Promote T cell Mammals Differentiation differentiation 30916644 HMDB0000827 Stearic acid Promote Cancer cell Clinical Breast cancer Cell death apoptosis 19267249 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Neutrophil Cell Line Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Proliferation growth 22247333 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Parietal cell Mammals Exchange of substance acid secretion 16276021 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Gastric parietal cell Mammals Exchange of substance acid secretion 1550232 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Gastric mucosa cell Mammals Substance production acid secretion 1710369 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Parietal cell Mammals Exchange of substance acid secretory effects 2638766 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Immature dendritic cell Clinical Allergic disorders Activity activates immature DC 11342615 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Fibroblast Cell Line Cancer Activity activation 24685678 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Parietal cell Unclear Gastrointestinal cancer Activity activation 9845587 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate T cell Unclear Activity activation 22280069 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Dendritic cell Mammals Allergic pathologies Activity activation 20406304 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote CD8(+) T cell Mammals Allergic pathologies Activity activation 20406304 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Neuron Mammals Histamine-dependent itch Gene/Protein activation of H1 receptors 35157443 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Effector T cell Mammals Mastocytoma Activity activity 164483 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Lung cancer Activity activity 15196732 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Natural killer cell Mammals Cancer Activity activity 10952789 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Eosinophil Other Adhesion adherence 8933654 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Basophil Unclear Allergies Exchange of substance allergies, inflammation, and gastric acid secretion 32394600 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Unclear Allergies Exchange of substance allergies, inflammation, and gastric acid secretion 32394600 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Gastric enterochromaffin-like cell Unclear Allergies Exchange of substance allergies, inflammation, and gastric acid secretion 32394600 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Neuron Unclear Allergies Exchange of substance allergies, inflammation, and gastric acid secretion 32394600 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Melanocyte Clinical Hyperpigmentation Others an increase in the intracellular cAMP contents 10651995 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate T helper cell Unclear Allergy Others antibody isotype responses 12413523 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate T helper cell Unclear Allergy Others antibody isotype responses 12413523 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Bronchial epithelium Unclear Gene/Protein bronchial epithelial cell production of leukotriene B4 9609743 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Cell Line Exchange of substance by mast cells 28250021 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Unclear Ulcer disease Exchange of substance by mast cells 8771047 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Vascular endothelium Mammals Allergic inflammation Adhesion cadherin (VE-cadherin) localization at endothelial cell junction 26158531 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Smooth muscle cell Clinical Bladder cancer Exchange of substance calcium release 16635523 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Bone marrow stromal cell Mammals Exchange of substance cAMP content 8095692 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Capillary endothelium Mammals Ischemia Phenotype capillary endothelial cell dimensions 18494179 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Dendritic cell Clinical Gene/Protein CD86 expression 14708609 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Immature dendritic cell Clinical Allergic disorders Gene/Protein CD86 expression 11342615 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Dendritic cell Clinical Chronic urticaria Gene/Protein CD86 expression and chemokine production 12894071 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Endothelium Clinical Nasal allergy Exchange of substance certain cytokines 10051702 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Epithelium Clinical Nasal allergy Exchange of substance certain cytokines 10051702 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Unclear Type i hypersensitivity Exchange of substance chemical mediators 34294363 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Naive lymphocyte Mammals Others chemokine and proinflammatory cytokine secretion, nuclear factor kappaB and activator protein 1 activation, mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation, and T(H)1 polarization of naive lymphocytes 23465664 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote T cell Unclear Allergy Migration collagen type IV degradation in the basement membrane 18997840 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Endothelium Clinical Human inflammatory arthritis Gene/Protein CRH-R1alpha mRNA and protein expression 20233629 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Synoviocyte Clinical Human inflammatory arthritis Gene/Protein CRH-R1alpha mRNA and protein expression 20233629 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Gastric cancer Exchange of substance cyclic AMP production 1674864 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Splenocyte Cell Line Melanoma Activity cytotoxic activity 11836621 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Cell Line Exchange of substance degranulation 29105371 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Keratinocyte Clinical Atopic dermatitis Differentiation differentiation 24958284 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Macrophage Mammals Atherosclerosis Differentiation differentiation and foam cell formation 28600950 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Hematopoeitic stem cell Cell Line Differentiation differentiation and/or proliferation 9657254 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Eosinophil Clinical Allergic skin reactions Adhesion eosinophil adherence 15298570 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Endothelium Other Others exocytosis 14676308 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Monocyte Cell Line Atherosclerosis lesions Gene/Protein expression of CCL22 23005594 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Immature dendritic cell Mammals Gene/Protein expression of H2R mRNA in iDC and H1R mRNA in LPS-activated DC 14575147 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Unclear Exchange of substance Fc epsilon RI-mediated histamine release 8737919 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Basophil granulocyte Unclear Exchange of substance Fc epsilon RI-mediated histamine release 8737919 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Basophil granulocytes Clinical Exchange of substance from basophil granulocytes 1700141 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Clinical Asthma Exchange of substance from both constitutive and IgE-dependent human lung mast cell (HLMC) 22970103 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Other Exchange of substance from ganglionic mast cells 2585292 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Keratinocyte Clinical Ultraviolet b light injury Exchange of substance from keratinocytes 8618023 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Unclear Allergic conjunctivitis Exchange of substance from mast cell 9566351 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Unclear Allergic rhinitis Exchange of substance from mast cell 11449202 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Unclear Exchange of substance from mast cells 29105371 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Mammals Exchange of substance from mast cells 46889 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Unclear Inflammatory skin diseases Exchange of substance from mast cells 12925217 HMDB0000870 Histamine Protect Natural killer cell Cell Line Cancer Others from MO-mediated inhibition 10808371 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Basophil leucocytes Clinical Exchange of substance from the basophil leucocytes 6203365 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Clinical Exchange of substance from umbilical cord mast cells and the cord blood basophils 8902858 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Clinical Exchange of substance from umbilical cord mast cells and the cord blood basophils 8902858 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Lymphocyte Clinical Cancer Activity function 9210704 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Regulatory T cell Mammals Activity function 19667094 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Gastric cell Mammals Substance production gastric acid secretion 15271653 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Parietal cell Unclear Ulcer disease Exchange of substance gastric acid secretion 8771047 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Enterochromaffin-like cell Mammals Exchange of substance gastric mucosal morphology 15271653 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Enterochromaffin-like cell Unclear Gastric cancer Exchange of substance gastric tumor proliferation 14642791 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Gastric cancer Proliferation gastric tumor proliferation 14642791 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Aortic endothelium Clinical Atherosclerosis Gene/Protein gene expression 18682391 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Endothelium Mammals Allergic pathologies Others glycolysis 33566443 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Goblet cell Clinical Ocular allergy Exchange of substance goblet cell secretion 22467574 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Proliferation growth 17895589 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation growth 15655289 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Enterochromaffin-like cell Mammals Hypergastrinaemia Proliferation growth 1600050 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Eosinophil Clinical Chronic inflammatory diseases Migration histamine binding to and signaling through the recombinant human, mouse and rat histamine H(4) receptors and blocks the histamine-induced migration of human and mouse dendritic cells, as well as the cell shape change and migration of human eosinophils 22155710 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Mammals Allergic inflammation Exchange of substance histamine release 16474438 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Mammals Asthma Exchange of substance histamine release 9893425 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Enterochromaffin-like cell Mammals Exchange of substance histamine secretion 21342027 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Dendritic cell Unclear Allergy;asthma Differentiation histamine-matured DCs 11748270 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit T cell Clinical Proliferation Human T cell proliferative responses to concanavalin A (conA) 2162327 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Goblet cell Mammals Allergic airway inflammation Proliferation hyperplasia 19153539 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Goblet cell Mammals Asthma Proliferation hyperplasia 18360092 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Mammals Exchange of substance IgE-mediated histamine release 87441 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Bone marrow stromal cell Mammals Gene/Protein IL-1 alpha 8095692 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Immature dendritic cell Mammals Gene/Protein IL-12 and IL-6 production 14575147 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Cd8+ cell Unclear Asthma Exchange of substance IL-16 production 11264709 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Airway epithelium Unclear Asthma Exchange of substance IL-16 production 11264709 HMDB0000870 Histamine Protect Mast cell Unclear Asthma Others IL-16 production 10442014 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Immature dendritic cell Clinical Allergic disorders Activity immature DC and induces chemokine production 11342615 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Neutrophil Unclear Migration immune responses 1992049 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate B cell Mammals Hypersensitivity Others immune responses 9989982 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate T cell Mammals Hypersensitivity Others immune responses 9989982 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Osteoblast Mammals Gene/Protein induction of ODF/RANKL expression by osteoblasts and bone marrow stromal cells to regulate osteoclastogenesis 12387822 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Bone marrow stromal cell Mammals Gene/Protein induction of ODF/RANKL expression by osteoblasts and bone marrow stromal cells to regulate osteoclastogenesis 12387822 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Epithelium Unclear Allergic conjunctivitis Exchange of substance inflammatory cytokine production 9566351 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Epithelium Mammals Subacute ruminal acidosis Activity inflammatory response 28668950 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Endothelium Clinical Bacterial infection Activity inflammatory responses 15379983 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Mast cell Unclear Inflammation Exchange of substance inhibit beta hexosaminidase and histamine release 32281296 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Unclear Exchange of substance into the extracellular milieu 23225320 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Endothelium Mammals Virus infection Others intracellular calcium responses 28698624 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Keratinocyte Mammals Pigmented cutaneous lesions Exchange of substance involved in this alpha-MSH-induced itching 26358220 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Keratinocyte Clinical Inflammatory skin diseases Differentiation keratinocyte differentiation 23157658 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Acute myeloid leukemia Cell death killing of AML blasts 8982295 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Cell death killing of NK cell-sensitive human tumor cells 10808371 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Cell death killing of NK-cell-sensitive human tumor cells in vitro 9743456 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Enterochromaffin-like cell Mammals Exchange of substance large quantities of HCl into the lumen of the gastric gland 9041684 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Regulatory T cell Mammals Gene/Protein lower levels of CD25 and the T(reg) cell-specific transcription factor Foxp3 19667094 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Macrophage Clinical Atherosclerotic lesions Gene/Protein LOX-1 expression 25250731 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Macrophage Clinical Atherosclerotic lesions Gene/Protein LOX-1 expression 25250731 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Dendritic cell Unclear Activity maturation and antigen processing 26304724 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Dendritic cell Mammals Allergic contact dermatitis Others maturation and cytokine secretion 25119779 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Monocyte Unclear Allergy Others maturation, activatimaturation, activation, polarization, and other functions leading to chronic inflammation 18802338 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Melanocyte Mammals Erythema Gene/Protein melanogenesis 11841541 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Fibroblast Clinical Basal cell cancer Activity membrane formation 2634534 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Melanoma Proliferation metastasis 17697542 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Melanoma Migration metastasis 17697542 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Vascular endothelium Mammals Others microvascular endothelial leakage 23814119 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Eosinophil Clinical Allergic skin reactions Migration migration 15298570 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Gammadelta T cell Clinical Cancer Migration migratory response 20977468 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Keratinocyte Unclear Allergy Gene/Protein MMP-9 expression 18997840 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Gammadelta T cell Clinical Cancer Activity modulate immunological surveillance of tumour tissue 20977468 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Clinical Allergic skin reactions Exchange of substance None 15298570 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Unclear Atherogenesis Exchange of substance nutrition 25811595 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Cell Line Ischemia/reperfusion injury Exchange of substance nutrition 22926047 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Mammals Allergy Exchange of substance nutrition 21243929 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Enterochromaffin-like cell Unclear Hypochlorhydria Exchange of substance nutrition 12433865 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Mammals Hypergastrinaemia Exchange of substance nutrition 10594403 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Clinical Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease Exchange of substance nutrition 7685262 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Osteoblast Mammals Differentiation osteoclastogenesis 19264900 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Parietal cell Unclear Activity parietal cell activity 10323481 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Cell Line Exchange of substance peripheral stimuli induce the release of histamine from MCs 28456892 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Endothelium Mammals Allergy Gene/Protein permeability 32213560 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Dendritic cell Mammals Exchange of substance produced by dendritic cells (DCs) or by other cells of the immune system 21622146 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Bone marrow stromal cell Mammals Exchange of substance production of IL-1 alpha 8095692 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Bone marrow stromal cell Mammals Gene/Protein production of pro-IL-1 alpha 8095692 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 17012845 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Lymphocyte Clinical Chronic lymphoid leukemia Proliferation proliferation 9654597 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation proliferation 20636392 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit T cell Clinical Hypersensitivity Proliferation proliferation 6966551 HMDB0000870 Histamine Recruit Dendritic cell Unclear Autoimmune diseases;immunodeficient diseases Recruitment Recruitment 18025238 HMDB0000870 Histamine Recruit Monocyte Cell Line Autoimmune diseases;immunodeficient diseases Recruitment Recruitment 18025238 HMDB0000870 Histamine Recruit CD8(+) T cell Mammals Chronic inflammation Recruitment Recruitment 28947859 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Mast cell Unclear Inflammation Activity recruitment, and fusion of macrophages 31515867 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Mast cell Unclear Asthma Others regulate vascular permeability 30547453 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate T cell Unclear Allergy Others related antibody isotype responses 18802338 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate B cell Unclear Allergy Others related antibody isotype responses 18802338 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Goblet cell Mammals Asthma Exchange of substance release of histamine 9893425 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 34861157 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Basophilic leukemia cell Cell Line Basophilic leukemia Exchange of substance secretion 33333456 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 32395857 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Mammals Leukemia Exchange of substance secretion 25521715 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Cell Line Hepatocellular cancer Exchange of substance secretion 17603279 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Mammals Basophilic leukemia Exchange of substance secretion 17499196 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Mammals Leukemia Exchange of substance secretion 12009701 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Megakaryocytic cell Cell Line Leukemia Exchange of substance secretion 10428506 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Enterochromaffin-like cell Mammals Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 9322507 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Clinical Hepatocellular cancer Exchange of substance secretion 9212813 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 9179193 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 8780164 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Clinical Basal cell cancer Exchange of substance secretion 2634534 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Mastocytoma Exchange of substance secretion 2453894 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Cell Line Mastocytoma Exchange of substance secretion 7682786 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Mammals Melanoma Exchange of substance secretion 6863977 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Mammals Leukemia Exchange of substance secretion 10924324 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 8572607 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Cancer cell Mammals Leukemia Exchange of substance secretion 2478609 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Basophil granulocyte Clinical Leukemia Exchange of substance secretion 2478609 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Cutaneous mast cell Clinical Leukemia Exchange of substance secretion 2478609 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Mammals Leukemia Exchange of substance Secretion 75922 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Macrophage Cell Line Exchange of substance secretion 9657254 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Mammals Skin inflammatory disorders Exchange of substance secretion 32231089 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Mammals Skin inflammation Exchange of substance secretion 31005038 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Mammals Leukemia Exchange of substance secretion 7506028 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Conjunctival epithelium Clinical Allergic conjunctivitis Exchange of substance secretion of IL-6, IL-8 and GM-CSF 9566351 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Fibroblast Clinical Skin cancer Gene/Protein Sema3A production 21176873 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Dendritic cell Cell Line Differentiation shift CD1a(+) DC differentiation 22232416 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Smooth muscle cell Unclear Asthma Others smooth muscle cell contraction, vasodilatation and increased venular permeability and further mucus secretion 11264709 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Unclear Exchange of substance soluble mediators 26304724 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Gammadelta T cell Clinical Cancer Activity spontaneous cytolytic activity 20977468 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Regulatory T cell Mammals Activity suppressor function 19667094 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Mammals Exchange of substance suppressor function 19667094 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Basophil Clinical Exchange of substance SV-IV-induced histamine release 19851073 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Aortic endothelium Clinical Angina Gene/Protein TF expression 16009787 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Smooth muscle cell Clinical Angina Gene/Protein TF expression 16009787 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote CD4(+) T cell Unclear Allergy Others TGF-beta1-mediated suppression and TGF-beta1 responsiveness 12773491 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Basophil granulocyte Clinical Exchange of substance The altered basophil histamine release was neither due to a diminished dose- or a delayed time-response to the stimuli nor due to differences in the basophil counts or the cellular histamine content 1700141 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Lymphatic endothelium Clinical Inflammatory disorders Activity the intercellular permeability and disrupting vascular endothelial-cadherin integrity 32275470 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Enterochromaffin-like cell Unclear Exchange of substance the regulation of parietal cell activity 10323481 HMDB0000870 Histamine Protect Keratinocyte Clinical Vitiligo Others the survival 21054556 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Monocyte Clinical Cancer Differentiation transformation 3759298 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation tumor growth 12372415 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Skin fibroblasts Clinical Gene/Protein up-regulating HYBID and down-regulating HAS2 31949043 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Dendritic cell Mammals Others uptake 18802338 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Keratinocyte Clinical Atopic dermatitis Exchange of substance UVB-induced IL-6 production 9763305 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Keratinocyte Unclear Skin inflammation Proliferation wound healing and infection clearance-related functions 24450605 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Clinical Exchange of substance hypotension 36571171 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Mast cell Unclear Angioedema Exchange of substance None 36381703 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Endothelium Mammals Glioblastoma Activity angiogenesis 36265493 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Endothelium Mammals Glioblastoma Activity angiogenesis 36196487 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Bone marrow stromal cell Cell Line Osteoclastogenesis Gene/Protein induction of ODF/RANKL expression by osteoblasts and bone marrow stromal cells 12387822 HMDB0000870 Histamine Be released Macrophage Cell Line Exchange of substance histamine produced by stromal macrophages 9657254 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Stromal cell Cell Line Gene/Protein production of IL-6 and M-CSF in other kinds of stromal cells 9657254 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Bone marrow stromal cell Mammals Gene/Protein the production of IL-1 alpha 8095692 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Dendritic cell Mammals Differentiation maturation, preference for Th1/Th2 differentiation 14575147 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Dendritic cell Mammals Activity dendritic cell (DC) activation 14575147 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Hematopoeitic stem cell Cell Line Proliferation proliferation 9657254 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Hematopoeitic stem cell Cell Line Differentiation differentiation 9657254 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Dendritic cell Clinical Chronic inflammatory diseases Migration migration 22155710 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Dendritic cell Unclear Allergy Differentiation maturation 12413523 HMDB0000870 Histamine Regulate Dendritic cell Unclear Allergy Others alters their T cell-polarising capacity 12413523 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Dendritic cell Mammals Gene/Protein nuclear factor kappaB and activator protein 1 activation, mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation 23465664 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Dendritic cell Mammals Exchange of substance MDDC chemokine and proinflammatory cytokine secretion 23465664 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Goblet cell Mammals Ocular allergy Proliferation proliferation 25061855 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Goblet cell Mammals Ocular allergy Exchange of substance mucin secretion 25061855 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Keratinocyte Unclear Inflammatory skin diseases Gene/Protein mRNA expression 12925217 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Keratinocyte Unclear Inflammatory skin diseases Exchange of substance nerve growth factor secretion 12925217 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Melanocyte Clinical Vitiligo Proliferation proliferation 21054556 HMDB0000870 Histamine Promote Melanocyte Clinical Vitiligo Migration migration 21054556 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Dendritic cell Mammals Gene/Protein CpG-induced plasmacytoid dendritic cell IFN-alpha gene expression 23465664 HMDB0000870 Histamine Inhibit Dendritic cell Mammals Exchange of substance TNF-alpha secretion 23465664 HMDB0000876 Vitamin D3 Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Glioblastoma Cell death cell death 9781285 HMDB0000876 Vitamin D3 Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Human promyelocytic leukaemia Differentiation differentiation 6289803 HMDB0000876 Vitamin D3 Regulate Keratinocyte Clinical Differentiation differentiation 9764845 HMDB0000876 Vitamin D3 Regulate Keratinocyte Clinical Differentiation differentiation 9764845 HMDB0000876 Vitamin D3 Regulate Regulatory T cell Clinical Hiv-infected Gene/Protein gene expression 22720723 HMDB0000876 Vitamin D3 Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Clear cell renal cell cancer Proliferation proliferation 22843547 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Human pancreatic islets Clinical Exchange of substance ACh release 22555241 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Parietal cell Clinical Exchange of substance acid secretion 2984223 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote G cell Clinical Exchange of substance acid secretion 2984223 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote T cell Mammals Gene/Protein activity of acetylcholinesterase 20396698 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Regulate Epithelium Unclear Inflammatory bowel disease Adhesion adhesive properties 28432022 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Endothelium Mammals Exchange of substance an increase in [Ca2+]i 19558657 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Granulocyte Clinical Exchange of substance by non-neuronal granulosa cells 17300810 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Cho fibroblasts Cell Line Exchange of substance Ca(2+)-evoked ACh release 7546747 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Lung cancer (small cell) Proliferation cell growth 12517800 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Chronic myelogenous leukemia Proliferation cell growth 29623856 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Chronic myelogenous leukemia Proliferation cell growth 29623856 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Regulate Keratinocyte Mammals Cancer metastases Migration cell motility 15494367 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Keratinocyte Mammals Cancer metastases Exchange of substance cell motility 15494367 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Regulate Macrophage Unclear Gene/Protein cytokine production 24018376 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Inhibit Macrophage Unclear Infection Exchange of substance cytokine release 22224768 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Colorectal adenocarcinoma cell Cell Line Others cytotoxic activity 27138374 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Inhibit Endothelium Mammals Hypertension Gene/Protein decrease in nNOS(ser852) phosphorylation 29183804 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be consumed Keratinocyte Clinical Exchange of substance degrade 8331294 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Inhibit Mast cell Mammals Exchange of substance dose dependently inhibited 23812038 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Cortex cell Mammals Exchange of substance dose-related increases in acetylcholine release 11728425 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Hippocampus Mammals Exchange of substance dose-related increases in acetylcholine release 11728425 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Striatum Mammals Exchange of substance dose-related increases in acetylcholine release 11728425 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Endothelium Unclear Heart disease Exchange of substance endothelium relaxing factor 30674218 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Intestinal epithelium Mammals Exchange of substance evoke growth and differentiation 27539456 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Inhibit Endothelium Mammals Inflammation Gene/Protein expression of E-selectin and vascular endothelial growth factor 19501920 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Gastric cancer Gene/Protein expression of stem cell markers 30207200 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Neuron Mammals Exchange of substance from septohippocampal neurons 23416322 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Regulate Macrophage Clinical Activity function 18566825 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Goblet cell Clinical Activity goblet cells (GCs) form GAPs 25005358 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Intestinal epithelium Mammals Differentiation growth and differentiation 25143155 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Intestinal epithelium Mammals Exchange of substance homeostasis of intestinal epithelial cell growth and differentiation 27539456 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Intestinal epithelium Mammals Exchange of substance homeostasis of intestinal epithelial cell growth and differentiation 25143155 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Regulate Beta cell Clinical Substance production hormone secretion 24658304 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Inhibit CD8(+) T cell Mammals Pancreatic ductal adenocancer Gene/Protein IFNgamma production 32098780 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Inhibit CD8(+) T cell Mammals Pancreatic ductal adenocancer Gene/Protein IFNgamma production 32098780 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Kupffer cell Mammals Exchange of substance IL-6 release 18621395 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Dendritic cell Mammals Pulmonary inflammation Phenotype inflammatory profile 30822345 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Regulate Beta cell Clinical Diabetes Substance production insulin secretion 26904947 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Keratinocyte Clinical Exchange of substance Keratinocytes 19122366 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Inhibit Microglia Mammals Inflammation Exchange of substance lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced TNF-alpha release 15056277 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Regulate Neuron Clinical Activity mucociliary clearance, macrophage function and sensory nerve fibre activity 18566825 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Fibroblast Cell Line Exchange of substance None 7546747 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be consumed Fibroblast Cell Line Exchange of substance None 7546747 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Gastric epithelium Cell Line Gastric cancer (adenocancer) Others number density, surface density of N receptor beta-subunit 21180174 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Endothelium Unclear Inflammation Exchange of substance nutrition 17326008 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Keratinocyte Unclear Inflammation Exchange of substance nutrition 17326008 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Immune cell Unclear Inflammation Exchange of substance nutrition 17326008 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Alpha cell Clinical Diabetes Exchange of substance nutrition 21685896 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released T cell Cell Line Exchange of substance physiological functions 28025040 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Inhibit Melanocyte Clinical Vitiligo Others pigment production 2510448 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote B cell Cell Line Activity rapid and transient Ca2+ signaling 15353271 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote T cell Cell Line Activity rapid and transient Ca2+ signaling 15353271 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Goblet cell Mammals Exchange of substance secrete mucins 34677124 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Lung cancer Exchange of substance secretion 12628474 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Lung cancer (small cell) Exchange of substance secretion 12517800 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Lung cancer (small cell) Exchange of substance secretion 12517800 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Thyroid cancer Proliferation self-renewal 31830559 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Thyroid cancer Proliferation self-renewal 31830559 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Thyroid cancer Proliferation self-renewal ability 31830559 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Beta cell Clinical Diabetes Activity sensitizes 21685896 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Alpha cell Clinical Diabetes Exchange of substance sensitizes 21685896 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Gastric cancer Phenotype stem cell properties 30207200 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Neuron Other Infection Gene/Protein stimulated muscarinic signaling in the epithelium 29768179 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Endothelium Mammals Polarization sustained hyperpolarization 14965049 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be released Amnion epithelium Clinical Exchange of substance synthesis and release 15378611 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Be consumed Neuron Clinical Exchange of substance take up choline 12406342 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Dendritic cell Clinical Pulmonary inflammation Polarization Th2-promoting profile 30822345 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Inhibit Keratinocyte Cell Line Exchange of substance The choline uptake into HaCaT cells was inhibited by unlabeled choline, hemicholinium-3, and acetylcholine 12164933 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Dendritic cell Clinical Gene/Protein the expression of the Th2-promoter OX40L, the production of the Th2-chemokines MDC (macrophage-derived chemokine/CCL22) and TARC (thymus and activation-regulated chemokine/CCL17), and the synthesis of IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 by T cells, in the course of the mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) 27138374 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Inflammation Exchange of substance TNF release 12508119 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Dendritic cell Mammals Pulmonary inflammation Gene/Protein TNF-alpha production 30822345 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Cancer cell Other Hepatocancer Proliferation tumor growth 29371671 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Regulate Keratinocyte Clinical Adhesion adhesion 7490471 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Regulate Intestinal epithelium Mammals Proliferation growth 27539456 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Regulate Intestinal epithelium Mammals Differentiation differentiation via mAChRs 27539456 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Cancer cell Other Prostate cancer Invasion invasion 26071486 HMDB0000895 Acetylcholine Promote Cancer cell Other Prostate cancer Migration metastasis 26071486 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Epithelium Clinical Inflammation Exchange of substance from epithelial cells 31120777 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Immature dendritic cell Clinical Gene/Protein ability to produce IL-12 10092774 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Epithelium Cell Line Cancer Others acquisition of motile properties 27403856 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Cancer Activity activation 8582790 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit T cell Mammals Cancer Activity activation 33443026 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Neutrophil Mammals Activity activation 29896308 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Fibroblast Clinical Asthma Activity activities 17714959 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Bronchial epithelium Clinical Asthma Activity activities 17714959 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Natural killer cell Other Colorectal cancer Activity activity 15353307 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Brain endothelium Mammals Exchange of substance activity of COX and PGE2 release 17048610 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Protect Gastric cell Other Ethanol-caused injury Others against ethanol-caused injury 1653863 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Regulate Macrophage Cell Line Activity anti-inflammatory response for macrophages through PGE2 and HGF. 34374483 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Cancer cell Other Colorectal cancer Cell death apoptosis 15353307 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Endometrial stromal cell Unclear Leiomyoma Gene/Protein aromatase expression and activity 16024248 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Stromal cell Cell Line Exchange of substance be regulated by hormonal factors 8898352 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Gastric cell Mammals Ethanol-caused injury Gene/Protein cAMP accumulation 1653863 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Breast adipose fibroblast Clinical Breast cancer Gene/Protein cAMP-PKA-dependent induction ofaromatase 18637488 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Cancer cell Clinical Melanoma Proliferation carcinogenesis and tumor progression 26801201 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Regulatory T cell Clinical Lung cancer Gene/Protein CD25 expression 16034085 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Protect Eosinophil Clinical Allergy Others contribute to eosinophil survival in vitro and may contribute to eosinophil accumulation in allergic disease 10476324 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Monocyte Cell Line Cancer Activity cytolytic activity 6575096 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Dendritic cell Clinical Differentiation DC migration 16393982 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Regulate CD4(+) T cell Unclear Autoimmune diseases Differentiation development 21635971 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Regulatory T cell Clinical Colitis Differentiation differentiation 31293088 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Endometrial cancer (adenocancer) Gene/Protein expression of tuberin protein 15579767 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Keratinocyte Cell Line Squamous cancer Gene/Protein expression of Bcl-2 14511771 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Squamous cancer Gene/Protein expression of Bcl-2 14511771 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Cancer cell Unclear Colon cancer Gene/Protein expression of COX-2 31100474 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Bronchial epithelium Clinical Asthma Exchange of substance from bronchial epithelial cells 7911246 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Fibroblast Clinical Inflammation Exchange of substance from Fibroblasts 31120777 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Keratinocyte Clinical Inflammation Exchange of substance from keratocytes 31120777 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Lung epithelium Clinical Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Exchange of substance from lung epithelial cell 26248335 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Thyroid epithelium Cell Line Auto-immune thyroid diseases Exchange of substance from thyroid epithelial cell line Nthy-ori3-1 10858012 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Natural killer cell Clinical Liver failure Activity function 25367326 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Regulatory T cell Clinical Lung cancer Gene/Protein gene expression 16034085 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Cytotoxic t cell Cell Line Cancer Activity generation 6214654 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Villous epithelium Mammals Exchange of substance glucose absorption 9360472 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Proliferation growth 3937158 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation growth 3489807 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Gene/Protein HIF-1alpha activation 32353431 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Endothelium Cell Line Hepatocellular cancer Others HuH-7-stimulated angiogenic process 17097688 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit CD4(+) T cell Unclear Autoimmune diseases Substance production IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and IL-4 production 21635971 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Autoimmune disease Substance production IL-27 production 28062696 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Dendritic cell Mammals Autoimmune disease Substance production IL-27 production 28062696 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Macrophage Mammals Endotoxemia Exchange of substance IL-6 production 12510847 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Regulate T cell Unclear Chronic hepatitis b virus Activity immunoregulation activity 30321734 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Macrophage Cell Line Exchange of substance in vivo when macrophages 2506277 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote T cell Clinical Lung cancer Activity inhibitory function 16034085 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Fibroblast Unclear Exchange of substance large amounts of collagenase and PGE2 8256926 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Lymphocyte Cell Line Cancer Others locomotion 3874912 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit CD45ra-ro+ CD4(+) T cell Cell Line Exchange of substance low secretion of both IL-2 and IL-4 10570308 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Cancer cell Other Colorectal cancer Migration metastasis 15353307 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Dendritic cell Cell Line Exchange of substance modulate DC and T-cell function 14984594 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Monocyte Mammals Exchange of substance Neutrophil activation was specifically inhibited by PGE2 from Ly6C(+) inflammatory monocytes, and intravenous injections of dual-phenotype monocytes beneficially modified the immune response; this inhibitory effect was abolished after treatment with indomethacin 29896308 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Macrophage Clinical Infection Activity phagocytic ability 23913961 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Regulate T cell Mammals Colitis Phenotype phenotype and function 30619314 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Regulate T cell Mammals Colitis Phenotype phenotype and function 30619314 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Uiii cell Cell Line Exchange of substance produce PGE2 and contain PRL receptors 8898352 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Macrophage Cell Line Gene/Protein pro-IL-1beta expression 34374483 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Proliferation proliferation 32228703 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 7674812 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Cancer cell Clinical Medulloblastoma Proliferation proliferation 21946257 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Naive T cell Unclear Inflammation Proliferation proliferation 29237778 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit T cell Cell Line Autoimmune diseases Proliferation proliferation 21635971 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Recruit Regulatory T cell Unclear Cancer Recruitment Recruitment 32555170 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Recruit Myeloid-derived suppressor cell Unclear Cancer Recruitment Recruitment 32555170 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Recruit M2 macrophage Unclear Cancer Recruitment Recruitment 32555170 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Cancer cell Unclear Brain cancer Exchange of substance secretion 30761522 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Cancer cell Mammals Prostate cancer Exchange of substance secretion 29765153 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Stromal cell Clinical Follicular lymphoma Exchange of substance secretion 24637636 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Stromal cell Clinical Follicular lymphoma Exchange of substance secretion 18637488 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Microglia Clinical Brain cancer Exchange of substance secretion 16223182 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Astrocyte Cell Line Astroglioma Exchange of substance secretion 9449430 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Astroglioma Exchange of substance secretion 9449430 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Monocyte Clinical Head and neck cancer Exchange of substance secretion 6593559 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Monocyte Clinical Melanoma Exchange of substance secretion 6224806 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Macrophage Clinical Breast cancer Exchange of substance secretion 7129717 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 32228703 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Cancer cell Unclear Thyroid cancer Exchange of substance secretion 30140269 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Stromal cell Cell Line Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 27403856 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Fibroblast Cell Line Hepatocellular cancer Exchange of substance secretion 22182446 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 7897221 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Endothelium Other Exchange of substance secretion 16864412 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Endothelium Other Exchange of substance secretion 16864412 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Macrophage Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 25088998 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Macrophage Cell Line Exchange of substance secretion 34374483 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Macrophage Clinical Inflammation Exchange of substance secretion 31188689 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Fibroblast Clinical Breast cancer Exchange of substance secretion of IL-6 21957456 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit T cell Clinical Systemic lupus erythematosus Activity T cell responses 31248835 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote Dendritic cell Clinical Immunotherapy Others Th1 responses 10779751 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Be released Monocyte Unclear Exchange of substance the regulation of the immune response 8845037 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Gene/Protein TNF-alpha 7897221 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Promote B cell Cell Line Activity unresponsiveness 2506277 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit T cell Unclear Gene/Protein transcription of IL-2 gene 8964085 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit T cell Unclear Activity activation of IL-2 gene 8964085 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Regulate Dendritic cell Unclear Autoimmune diseases Differentiation differentiation and maturation 18566439 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Regulate Natural killer cell Unclear Inflammation Proliferation proliferation 23524652 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Regulate Natural killer cell Unclear Inflammation Migration migration 23524652 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Regulate Natural killer cell Unclear Inflammation Substance production cytokine production 23524652 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Natural killer cell Unclear Cancer Differentiation maturation 30140269 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit Natural killer cell Unclear Cancer Activity cytotoxicity 30140269 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Regulate Dendritic cell Clinical Cancer Gene/Protein CCR7 expression 21383953 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Regulate Dendritic cell Clinical Cancer Migration migratory impairment 21383953 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit CD8(+) T cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation proliferation 35121582 HMDB0001220 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibit CD8(+) T cell Mammals Cancer Activity cytotoxicity 35121582 HMDB0001256 Spermine Promote Sertoli cell Mammals Activity basal and FSH-stimulated gamma-GTP activity 12489573 HMDB0001256 Spermine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Cell death cell death 11518561 HMDB0001256 Spermine Promote Keratinocyte Clinical Wound healing Migration cell migration 29906410 HMDB0001256 Spermine Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Cancer Activity function 16455192 HMDB0001256 Spermine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Invasion invasion 21132262 HMDB0001256 Spermine Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Sepsis Exchange of substance nitric oxide release 10030798 HMDB0001256 Spermine Inhibit Natural killer cell Unclear Cervical cancer Proliferation proliferation 8832899 HMDB0001256 Spermine Inhibit T cell Unclear Cervical cancer Proliferation proliferation 8832899 HMDB0001256 Spermine Inhibit T cell Unclear Cervical cancer Proliferation proliferation 8832899 HMDB0001256 Spermine Inhibit Monocyte Unclear Gene/Protein synthesis of monocyte proinflammatory cytokines 10551901 HMDB0001256 Spermine Regulate Macrophage Unclear Gene/Protein translation of pro-inflammatory mediators 31016375 HMDB0001256 Spermine Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Activity tumor cell-agglutinating activity and RNase activity 8313382 HMDB0001396 5-Methyltetrahydrofolic acid Be consumed Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Exchange of substance absorb 12948878 HMDB0001414 Putrescine Promote Keratinocyte Clinical Proliferation growth of keratinocytes 8730961 HMDB0001414 Putrescine Regulate Adipocyte Unclear Differentiation adipocyte differentiation 36572564 HMDB0001514 Glucosamine Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Hyperglycemia Gene/Protein apoM expression 26377577 HMDB0001514 Glucosamine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Glioma Cell death apoptosis or cell death 20643103 HMDB0001514 Glucosamine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Gene/Protein BCRP expression 33885909 HMDB0001514 Glucosamine Regulate Alveolar epithelium Clinical Inflammation Proliferation cellular proliferation 23128353 HMDB0001514 Glucosamine Regulate Bronchial epithelium Clinical Inflammation Proliferation cellular proliferation 23128353 HMDB0001514 Glucosamine Inhibit Naive CD4(+) T cell Mammals Atopic dermatitis Differentiation differentiation 21284687 HMDB0001514 Glucosamine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation growth 33885909 HMDB0001514 Glucosamine Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Lung cancer (non-small cell) Proliferation growth 24438088 HMDB0001514 Glucosamine Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation growth 24438088 HMDB0001514 Glucosamine Inhibit Mast cell Mammals Atopic dermatitis Recruitment inflammatory cellular infiltrate 21284687 HMDB0001514 Glucosamine Inhibit Eosinophil Mammals Atopic dermatitis Recruitment inflammatory cellular infiltrate 21284687 HMDB0001514 Glucosamine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Ovarian cancer Proliferation proliferation 31866406 HMDB0001514 Glucosamine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Ovarian cancer Proliferation proliferation 31866406 HMDB0001514 Glucosamine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Ovarian cancer Proliferation proliferation 28558682 HMDB0001514 Glucosamine Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Proliferation proliferation 24438088 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit T cell Clinical Inflammation Activity activation 6604810 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Granulocyte Clinical Proliferation antiproliferative effects 8445028 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Granulocyte Mammals Cell death apoptosis 14988380 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Granulocyte Mammals Cell death apoptosis 8625889 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Leydig cell Mammals Others augment the volume 20431251 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance basal progesterone production 2655170 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance basal progesterone secretion 12700202 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Endometrial stromal cell Clinical Differentiation be differentiated into decidualized cells 7650161 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Dendritic cell Mammals Pyometra Gene/Protein CD1a, CD80 and CD86 expression 25715707 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Endometrial stromal cell Cell Line Gene/Protein concentration- and time-dependent stimulation 18710710 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Endometrial stromal cell Mammals Gene/Protein CryAB is induced upon progesterone treatment via HIF1alpha 24951838 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Cell Line Exchange of substance cultured granulosa cell progesterone production 1364033 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Dendritic cell Clinical Systemic lupus erythematosus Activity DC functions 17729041 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit T cell Mammals Autoimmune/inflammatory disease Proliferation DC-stimulated proliferation 17289656 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Endometrial stromal cell Unclear Differentiation differentiation 17711857 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit CD4(+) T cell Clinical Inflammation Differentiation differentiation 21768398 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Regulate Endometrial cell Clinical Others endometrial receptivity 30285121 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Endothelium Clinical Gene/Protein endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activity and eNOS phosphorylation 25805192 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Duct cell Clinical Proliferation expansion 25350852 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Acinar progenitor cell Clinical Proliferation expansion 25350852 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Endometrial stromal cell Clinical Gene/Protein expression 35008625 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Granulocyte Mammals Gene/Protein expression of APJ mRNA 19223129 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Dendritic cell Mammals Gene/Protein expression of IDO 28414589 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Dendritic cell Mammals Gene/Protein expression of IDO 28414589 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Regulate Endometrial cell Unclear Endometrial cancer Gene/Protein expression of some microRNAs (miRNAs) 29661100 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Regulate Granulocyte Other Gene/Protein fibronectin production 8130891 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Foxp3(+) T cell Unclear Inflammation Activity function 22740122 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Vaginal epithelium Mammals Gonococcal infection Gene/Protein gene expression 23835188 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Foxp3(+) T cell Clinical Inflammation Gene/Protein gene expression 21768398 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Regulate Endometrial stromal cell Clinical Gene/Protein gene expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) 21543431 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Regulate Endometrial cell Clinical Gene/Protein gene expression pattern 33449351 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Enteroendocrine cell Mammals Exchange of substance GLP-1 secretion and extracellular signal-related kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) phosphorylation 22933106 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Endometrial stromal cell Unclear Trachomatis infection Exchange of substance growth and maturation 25724891 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Natural killer cell Clinical Gene/Protein HLA-G gene expression 19880194 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Umbilical venous endothelial cell Clinical Proliferation inhibit the proliferation of human umbilical venous endothelial cells (HUVECs) through the p53-dependent pathway 25754581 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Uterine epithelium Mammals Proliferation inhibit uterine epithelial proliferation that is not driven by estrogen stimulation 3348328 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Endometrial cell Mammals Proliferation inhibiting the proliferation of endometrial epithelial cells 27458709 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote CD4(+) endometrial T cell Clinical Recurrent pregnancy losses Gene/Protein intracellular RANTES expression 17076674 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote CD8(+) endometrial T cell Clinical Recurrent pregnancy losses Gene/Protein intracellular RANTES expression 17076674 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Leucocyte Mammals Ischemic stroke Recruitment leukocyte infiltration 26188381 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Endothelium Mammals Traumatic brain injury Proliferation levels of circulating endothelial progenitor cells 26818151 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Other Exchange of substance LH-stimulated progesterone production 11790345 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Microglia Mammals Activity LPS significantly increased the microglial activity in both NP and P groups, which was attenuated by progesterone 33405022 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Stromal cell Mammals Gene/Protein LRF mRNA and protein levels increased significantly 27053244 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Regulate Endometrial cell Clinical Others maturation 28442471 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Endothelium Mammals Ischemic stroke Exchange of substance MCP-1 and CXCL1 secretion 26188381 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Endometrial cancer Migration migration 22295114 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Endometrial cancer Migration migration 22295114 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Uterine epithelium Mammals Proliferation mitotic activity 3348328 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Granulocyte Other Gene/Protein mRNA expression of MMP1 and MMP3 24451989 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Stromal cell Mammals Infection Gene/Protein mRNA induction of IL1B, IL6, TNF, CXCL8, NOS2, and PTGS2 35476705 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance nutrition 20397087 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance nutrition 12606432 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance nutrition 2170421 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance oxytocin and progesterone release 10891667 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Other Exchange of substance participates in various physiological processes and plays an important role in maintaining reproductive performance 34902510 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance produced progesterone 19288253 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Clinical Exchange of substance production 19134331 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Clinical Exchange of substance production 9721588 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance production 8049025 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Other Exchange of substance production 8130891 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance production 1936522 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Uterine epithelium Mammals Gene/Protein production of macrophage colony-stimulating factor (CSF-1) 8454947 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Glandular epithelial cell Mammals Gene/Protein progesterone increases LPAR1 and LPAR3 22032854 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance progesterone production 8049025 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance progesterone production 2346593 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance progesterone production 8999995 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance progesterone release 30948244 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Clinical Exchange of substance progesterone release 12949628 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Granulocyte Mammals Proliferation progesterone release 30948244 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance progesterone release by cultured porcine ovarian granulosa cells 33600664 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance progesterone secreted 2827644 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance progesterone secretion 2987097 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Luminal cell Mammals Proliferation proliferation 25882702 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Epithelium Mammals Proliferation proliferation 9459191 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit T cell Cell Line Proliferation proliferation 11641617 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Regulate Dendritic cell Mammals Miscarriage Proliferation proliferation 22325374 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Lymphocyte Clinical Vaginal infections Proliferation proliferation 2035579 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Decidual stromal cell Clinical Gene/Protein proliferation and decidualization 12575179 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Monocyte Clinical Exchange of substance PTX3 production 18685085 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Granulocyte Mammals Cell death reduce apoptosis 19818377 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released G-xii cell line Cell Line Exchange of substance secrete progesterone 2976381 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Unclear Exchange of substance secrete progesterone 2853367 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Lutein cell Clinical Exchange of substance secretion 10822232 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 7920898 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Clinical Exchange of substance secretion 17449538 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Endometrial stromal cell Clinical Endometriosis Exchange of substance secretion of MMP-2 and MMP-9 16045020 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Other Exchange of substance secretion of progesterone 6307739 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Stromal cell Clinical Gene/Protein specific EGF binding activity 9665341 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Stromal cell Mammals Infertility Gene/Protein stem cell receptor activity 24992499 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Epithelium Mammals Infertility Gene/Protein stem cell receptor activity 24992499 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Endometrial cell Clinical Gene/Protein stimulate eNOS and iNOS mRNA 18710710 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Luminal cell Mammals Proliferation suppress luminal leucocytosis 712299 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Corpus luteum cell Clinical Exchange of substance synthesizes and secretes 32614098 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Be released Granulocyte Other Exchange of substance The potential of both cumulus and granulosa cells 6265302 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Monocyte Clinical Exchange of substance the PTX3 production 18685085 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Granulocyte Other Gene/Protein transcription 23644154 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Gene/Protein transcriptional activation 16799639 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Mammary epithelium Mammals Gene/Protein trigger morphogenesis 20133621 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Promote Natural killer cell Unclear Gene/Protein up-regulates HLA-G gene expression 17981685 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Regulate Endometrial cell Clinical Proliferation proliferation 24850415 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Regulate Endometrial cell Clinical Differentiation differentiation 24850415 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Regulate B cell Mammals Infections Differentiation the differentiation status of B cells 24427332 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Regulate B cell Mammals Infections Gene/Protein the expression of CD138 24427332 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Regulate Lymphocyte Other Proliferation proliferation 1398753 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Regulate Lymphocyte Other Migration migration 1398753 HMDB0001830 Progesterone Inhibit Macrophage Unclear Gene/Protein TLR4 and TLR9-triggered IL-6 and nitric oxide (NO) production 19607861 HMDB0001852 all-trans-Retinoic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Colorectal cancer Proliferation cell growth 23372686 HMDB0001893 alpha-Tocopherol Inhibit Ovary cell Cell Line Proliferation Chinese hamster ovary cell line (CHO) 9043639 HMDB0001893 alpha-Tocopherol Promote T cell Mammals Infection Exchange of substance expression of PD-1 35154155 HMDB0001893 alpha-Tocopherol Inhibit T cell Mammals Infection Gene/Protein production of IL-10 35154155 HMDB0001893 alpha-Tocopherol Inhibit CD11B(+) Dendritic cell Mammals Allergy Proliferation the number of fetal liver CD11b(+) dendritic cells 25015974 HMDB0001893 alpha-Tocopherol Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Skin cancer Proliferation tumor incidence, multiplicity 12860275 HMDB0006219 13-cis-Retinoic acid Promote Keratinocyte Clinical Darier's disease Cell death Ca2+ entry 16899508 HMDB0006219 13-cis-Retinoic acid Regulate Conjunctival epithelium Clinical Ocular surface disease Others Conjunctival epithelial cells, tear basal secretion, and tear quality 19092405 HMDB0006219 13-cis-Retinoic acid Inhibit Goblet cell Mammals Inflammation Proliferation regeneration 30382397 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Epithelium Unclear Activity activate the apically located epithelial sodium channels 20054292 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote T cell Clinical Hiv disease Activity activated phenotype 19949098 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Neutrophil Cell Line Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Activity activity 19949098 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Leucocyte Cell Line Vascular inflammation Adhesion adherence 19223584 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Inhibit Muscle cell Mammals Chronic heart failure Others blocked the native I(Kr) 12591761 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Endothelium Unclear Vascular inflammation Others cell exocytosis 19223584 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Inhibit Glomerular endothelium Clinical Chronic kidney disease Others damage 30389198 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Regulate Endothelium Clinical Atherosclerosis Activity dysregulation 16680076 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Tubular epithelium Cell Line Diabetic nephropathy Migration EMT 20360642 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Inhibit Vein endothelium Clinical Cardiovascular diseases Others endothelial morphogenesis 22212769 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Regulate Epithelium Mammals Substance production epithelial sodium transport in the distal colon and the distal nephron 12943727 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Kidney epithelium Clinical Renal fibroblasts Gene/Protein ERK1/2 phosphorylation 19154323 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Liver cancer Activity G6Pase promoter activity 15118277 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Intestinal cell Mammals Hypertension Gene/Protein gene expression 18347756 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Primary aldosteronism Gene/Protein gene expression of gluconeogenic enzymes 15118277 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Kidney cell Mammals Proliferation Human kidney proximal tubular epithelial (HK2) and mouse distal convoluted tubule (mDCT) cell lines 34386059 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Vein endothelium Clinical Cardiac fibrosis Gene/Protein IL-6 protein and mRNA production 29360942 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Inhibit Islet beta cell Unclear Diabetes Exchange of substance insulin secretion 21880378 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Macrophages Mammals Inflammation Exchange of substance interleukin-1beta secretion 27803035 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Endothelium Clinical Atherosclerosis Exchange of substance LDL uptake 20508287 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Regulate Enterocyte Mammals Secondary hyperaldosteronism Others lipid metabolism 14672736 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Kidney epithelium Cell Line Exchange of substance Na(+) reabsorption 10913010 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Kidney cell Other Gene/Protein Na/K-ATPase alpha 1 and beta 1 subunit gene transcription 8546817 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Inhibit Alveolar epithelium Unclear Substance production NO production 15843443 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Endothelium Mammals Cardiovascular disease Exchange of substance NO production 18971560 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Endothelium Unclear Inflammation Gene/Protein OPN gene expression 24502634 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Epithelium Other Activity preexisting epithelial Na+ channels (XENaC) 9843578 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Monocyte Cell Line Atherosclerotic plaque inflammation Gene/Protein PSGL1 expression 34615372 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Monocyte Mammals Atherosclerotic plaque inflammation Gene/Protein PSGL1 mRNA expression 34615372 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Be released Adrenocortical cell Cell Line Hypertension Exchange of substance secretion 16933187 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Regulate Kidney epithelium Unclear Others sodium and water reabsorption 28245785 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Regulate Epithelium Unclear Salt-sensitive hypertension Activity sodium channel activity 9051352 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Regulate Epithelium Cell Line Activity the activity of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) 9501257 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote Platelet Mammals Acute cardiovascular thrombotic events Others thrombosis 31655164 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Regulate Epithelium Unclear Adhesion TJ properties 16107502 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Inhibit Vascular endothelium Mammals Cardiovascular diseases Gene/Protein VEGFR-2 and PPAR gammaexpression 22212769 HMDB0000037 Aldosterone Promote M1 macrophage Mammals Renal fibrosis Differentiation M1 macrophage-to-myofibroblast transition 36148244 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Vascular endothelium Clinical Inflammatory bowel diseases Gene/Protein ICAM-1 and E-selectin expression 15925300 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate Macrophage Mammals Inflammatory bowel disease Others increase oxidative phosphorylation and also promoted alternative macrophage activation 30355800 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote CD4(+) T cell Cell Line Activity acetylation 34365090 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Gene/Protein action of PKC 23300800 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Pancreatic cell Mammals Type 1 diabetes Activity activation 32046486 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate B cell Clinical Allergic rhinitis Others activation of histone deacetylase-1, the downstream activities of epsilon chain promoter activation, and the IgE production 27486985 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Intestinal cell Mammals Hepatic ischemia reperfusion (ir) injury Cell death against apoptosis/inflammation in intestinal TLR9 deficient mice 32738096 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Epithelium Cell Line Gene/Protein AhR pathway and AhR-dependent genes 30679727 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Epithelium Cell Line Cystic fibrosis Exchange of substance anion secretory capacity 17047984 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Keloid fibroblasts Other Others antifibrogenic effects 28538876 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate Hepatocyte Mammals Liver disease Autophagy autophagic flux 27773823 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Colonic epithelium Unclear Gene/Protein cathelicidin 16895558 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Intestinal epithelium Clinical Exchange of substance CCL20 production 29434590 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Differentiation cell cycle arrest and differentation 15950952 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Gene/Protein cell cycle-regulatory proteins including cyclin D1 11106251 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Lymphocyte Clinical Ulcerative colitis Proliferation cell proliferation 11320933 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate Lymphocyte Clinical Ulcerative colitis Activity cell proliferation 11320933 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Protect Enterocyte Unclear Salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis Others confer protection 15958071 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit NKT cell Mammals Joint inflammation Substance production cytokine production 31732526 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit T cell Mammals Burn injury Cell death death 28063598 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Differentiation differentiation 11106251 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Regulatory T cell Mammals Differentiation differentiation 24226770 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate Regulatory T cell Mammals Differentiation differentiation 24226770 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate CD4(+) T cell Mammals Steatohepatitis Differentiation differentiation into Th2, Th22, or Treg 28109017 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Be consumed Intestinal epithelium Unclear Intestinal inflammatory disorders Exchange of substance energy source 28856908 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate Regulatory T cell Clinical Ulcerative colitis Others epithelial barrier function 25227293 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Epithelium Mammals Others epithelial O2 consumption and results in stabilization of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) 25865369 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Granulocyte Mammals Others estradiol and progesterone synthesis 33433947 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Granulocyte Clinical Others estradiol and progesterone synthesis 33433947 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Intestinal cell Mammals Gene/Protein expression of intestinal ANGPTL4 23518684 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Colonic epithelium Mammals Shigellosis Gene/Protein expression of LL-37 16740661 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Epithelium Mammals Subacute ruminal acidosis Gene/Protein expression of MCT1 30536938 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colorectal cancer Gene/Protein expression of protein 17521736 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate Hepatocyte Mammals Dietary obesity Gene/Protein FGF21 gene expression 22338096 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Neutrophil Clinical Inflammatory bowel disease Activity functions 34494943 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate B cell Mammals Sjogren's syndrome Others gene expression 33631650 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Kupffer cell Mammals Gene/Protein gene expression 9733608 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate Kidney epithelium Mammals Gene/Protein gene expression profiles of the bovine kidney epithelial cells 17186197 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Bone marrow stem cell Unclear Inflammation Differentiation generation of dendritic cells 20601425 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit CD8(+) T cell Unclear Autoimmune diseases Others histone-deacetylases 30258117 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Gene/Protein hormone receptor expression 11106251 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate Dendritic cell Clinical Activity human dendritic cell (DC) function 29109552 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Intestinal cell Mammals Hepatic ischemia reperfusion (ir) injury Gene/Protein IL-10 expression 32738096 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote B cell Clinical Allergic rhinitis Gene/Protein IL-10 expression 27486985 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Dendritic cell Clinical Exchange of substance IL-12 secretion 29109552 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Epithelium Cell Line Gene/Protein IL-32alpha expression 20480520 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Kupffer cell Mammals Activity immune function 9733608 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Kupffer cell Mammals Others immunosuppression 9625008 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Others Epithelium Unclear Others influence the polarity of the sodium pump 17972022 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate Vascular endothelium Clinical Activity innate mucosal immune response towards LPS 12963019 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate Intestinal cell Mammals Gene/Protein intestinal ANGPTL4 expression 23518684 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate Epithelium Cell Line Neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis Activity intestinal barrier function 17211138 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote CD8(+) T cell Mammals Activity memory potential 31272808 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Neutrophil Clinical Inflammatory bowel disease Migration migration and formation of NETs 34494943 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate Dendritic cell Cell Line Differentiation mucosal DC differentiation 28542882 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Intestinal epithelium Clinical Gene/Protein NHE8 protein and NHE8 mRNA expression 26159698 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Colonic epithelium Mammals Type 2 diabetes Gene/Protein NLRC3 expression 29689277 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Kupffer cell Mammals Exchange of substance PGE2 production 9625008 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Kupffer cell Mammals Exchange of substance PGE2 production 9625008 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Dendritic cell Unclear Inflammation Gene/Protein production of anti-inflammatory cytokines 34359944 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate Epithelium Unclear Substance production production of NO 17251186 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Beta cell Mammals Type 2 diabetes Proliferation proliferation 34638768 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Colonic epithelium Mammals Diabetes Proliferation proliferation 30871870 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 11106251 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate Keratinocyte Cell Line Hpv infection Activity property 34214507 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Others proteasome activity 15950952 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate Intestinal epithelium Unclear Substance production secretion 10851266 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Intestinal epithelium Clinical Gene/Protein SLFN12 expression 30875077 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Acute pancreatitis Gene/Protein STAT1/AP1-NLRP3 inflammasome suppression via HDAC1 31347703 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Fibroblast Cell Line Activity The activity of human foreskin fibroblasts 563953 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Vein muscle cell Cell Line Activity The activity of umbilical vein smooth muscle cells 563953 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit CD4(+) T cell Cell Line Activity the CD4(+) T priming capability and the levels of retinal dehydrogenase 28542882 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Intestinal cell Mammals Hepatic ischemia reperfusion (ir) injury Exchange of substance the claudin-2 expression 32738096 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Dendritic cell Clinical Phenotype the detail effect of metabolites on cells 31705653 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate Colonocytes Cell Line Adenocarcinoma Activity the physiological functions of colonocytes 26436853 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate Epithelium Cell Line Adenocarcinoma Activity the physiological functions of epithelial cells 26436853 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Regulate CD8(+) T cell Mammals Activity the tricarboxylic acid cycle from glycolytic input 31272808 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Endothelium Mammals Gene/Protein transcriptional changes 30679586 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Intestinal cell Mammals Diarrhea Others wound healing 23365351 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Intestinal epithelium Clinical Exchange of substance secretion 36319105 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Neutrophil Mammals Infiltration infiltration 36228585 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Lung epithelium Mammals Pulmonary fibrosis Gene/Protein the expression of pro-inflammatory factors 36116532 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Colonic epithelium Mammals Pulmonary fibrosis Gene/Protein expression of HGF 36116532 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Neutrophil Clinical Hiv Migration migration 36010593 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Smooth muscle cell Mammals Cardiovascular disease Phenotype enhanced high phosphate (Pi)-induced calcification and osteogenic transition 35952961 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Beta cell Mammals Type 2 diabetes Gene/Protein inflammatory gene expression and NO production 35921894 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Gastric cancer Cell death apoptosis 35864794 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit Microglial Mammals Neuroinflammation Activity the detail effect of metabolites on cells 35819092 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Epithelium Cell Line Cell death epithelial cell death 37021231 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Tubular epithelial Clinical Differentiation enhances tubular epithelial differentiation and maturation 36332571 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote T cell Clinical Ulcerative colitis Proliferation proliferation 33802979 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote T cell Clinical Ulcerative colitis Activity activation in intestinal T cells 33802979 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit CD4(+) T cell Cell Line Proliferation proliferation 34365090 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit CD4(+) T cell Cell Line Gene/Protein cytokine production 34365090 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit CD4(+) T cell Cell Line Activity CD4 T cell activation 34365090 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit CD4(+) T cell Cell Line Substance production cytokine production 34365090 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit CD4(+) T cell Clinical Proliferation proliferation 34365090 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit CD4(+) T cell Clinical Activity in vitro human gut LP CD4 T cell activation 34365090 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit CD4(+) T cell Clinical Substance production inflammatory cytokine production 34365090 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Cell death apoptosis 11231943 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Colon cancer Differentiation differentiation 11231943 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Colon cancer Cell death apoptosis 11231943 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Colon cancer Others cell cycle arrest 11231943 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Colonic epithelium Cell Line Chronic inflammation Gene/Protein PepT1 expression 18575574 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Promote Colonic epithelium Cell Line Chronic inflammation Activity PepT1 activity 18575574 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit CD8(+) T cell Clinical Proliferation reduces the frequency of peptide-specific CD8(+) T cells 29109552 HMDB0000039 Butyric acid Inhibit CD8(+) T cell Clinical Activity inhibit the activity 29109552 HMDB0000042 Acetic acid Promote Macrophage Unclear Activity bactericidal activity 35126390 HMDB0000042 Acetic acid Promote Podocyte Mammals Diabetic nephropathy Exchange of substance cholesterol accumulation 34975320 HMDB0000042 Acetic acid Promote Enteroendocrine cell Mammals Others chromatin remodeling within enteroendocrine cells 34107298 HMDB0000042 Acetic acid Promote Epithelium Mammals Gene/Protein FASN expression 33663853 HMDB0000042 Acetic acid Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Gene/Protein histone H3 acetylation 25886906 HMDB0000042 Acetic acid Promote Memory CD8(+) T cell Mammals Rheumatoid arthritis Exchange of substance immune regulatory and tolerance-inducing properties 32332730 HMDB0000042 Acetic acid Protect Intestinal epithelium Mammals Enteropathogenic infection Others intestinal defence 21270894 HMDB0000042 Acetic acid Promote Memory CD8(+) T cell Unclear Infection Exchange of substance produce IFN-gamma 32738204 HMDB0000042 Acetic acid Promote Monocyte Clinical Uremia Gene/Protein produce IL-1, PGE2, and LTB4 1313318 HMDB0000042 Acetic acid Promote Leydig cell Unclear Exchange of substance testosterone (T) secretion 3110530 HMDB0000042 Acetic acid Promote Enteroendocrine cell Mammals Activity the Drosophila immunodeficiency (IMD) pathway 34107298 HMDB0000042 Acetic acid Promote Macrophage Unclear Activity the killing activity 35126390 HMDB0000042 Acetic acid Promote Epithelium Mammals Inflammatory bowel disease Others wound healing 31961456 HMDB0000045 Adenosine monophosphate Inhibit T cell Cell Line Inflammation Activity proliferation 25268760 HMDB0000045 Adenosine monophosphate Promote Microglia Mammals Exchange of substance release of interleukin-1beta 11943809 HMDB0000045 Adenosine monophosphate Promote CD4(+)CD7(+) T cell Clinical Hiv-1 infection Activity suppressed T-cell proliferation 24005375 HMDB0000053 Androstenedione Promote Granulocyte Cell Line Proliferation [Ca2+]i 9435453 HMDB0000053 Androstenedione Be released Interna cell Mammals Exchange of substance androstenedione 3768456 HMDB0000053 Androstenedione Promote Granulocyte Cell Line Proliferation cell proliferation 9038776 HMDB0000053 Androstenedione Be consumed Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance comparable amounts of dihydrotestosterone from exogenous androstenedione and testosterone and both may be a significant source of follicular DHT 6769181 HMDB0000053 Androstenedione Be released Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance from granulosa and theca cells 2291928 HMDB0000053 Androstenedione Be released Interna cell Mammals Exchange of substance from granulosa and theca cells 2291928 HMDB0000053 Androstenedione Promote Endometrial cell Mammals Osteonecrosis Proliferation growth 11020522 HMDB0000053 Androstenedione Promote Granulocyte Clinical Exchange of substance large amounts of oestradiol-17beta were produced 660038 HMDB0000053 Androstenedione Be released Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance not testosterone 25143354 HMDB0000053 Androstenedione Be released Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance production of androstenedione by follicle wall 3768456 HMDB0000053 Androstenedione Be released Interna cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion being markedly enhanced by LH 3121157 HMDB0000053 Androstenedione Promote Granulocyte Mammals Activity the sensitivity of rat granulosa cells to this steroidogenic action of FSH, lowering the threshold of the response from greater than 4 ng/ml (FSH alone) to 0.8 ng/ml in the presence of Ad 924013 HMDB0000064 Creatine Be released Sertoli cell Unclear Exchange of substance be secreted into the incubation medium in a manner that was linear with time over at least 6 h, but which had reached a plateau within 24 h 9640272 HMDB0000064 Creatine Regulate Macrophage Cell Line Polarization reprogrammed macrophage polarization 31399282 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Promote Pit cell Mammals Proliferation biliary epithelia cells and pit cells 20620218 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Promote B cell Mammals Congestive heart failure Proliferation a significant increase in B cells 7797738 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Promote T cell Clinical Hiv disease Activity activated phenotype 10606972 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Promote Vascular endothelium Cell Line Activity adenosine-3',5'cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) generation 19211988 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Regulate Lymphocyte Unclear Activity affecy lymphocyte function 15777161 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Promote Leydig cell Mammals Exchange of substance androgen production 2424782 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Be released Neuron Unclear Exchange of substance by neurons and endocrine cells 16906330 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Be released Endocrine cell Clinical Exchange of substance by neurons and endocrine cells 16906330 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Promote Sertoli cell Mammals Exchange of substance cAMP accumulation 1974547 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Inhibit Beta cell Unclear Diabetes Substance production cAMP production 25200305 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Be released Keratinocyte Mammals Exchange of substance cell motility inhibition 32483173 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Activity Early events in individual hepatocytes of rat activated by adrenaline (10(-6)M) and phenylephrine (10(-5)M) have been investigated by quantitative image microfluorometry and microspectrofluorometry 23526190 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Inhibit Endothelium Clinical Others endothelial permeability 33481407 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Promote Aortic endothelium Mammals Activity eNOS activity 17855349 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Protect BM-hMSC Cell Line Others from oxidative stress 18814142 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Promote Dendritic cell Mammals Phenotype generate a dominant Th2/Th17 phenotype 20621581 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Exchange of substance hydroxyl radical generation 17516239 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Be released Keratinocyte Clinical Exchange of substance in vitro conditions synthesize 8750929 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Promote Granulocyte Mammals Recruitment infiltration 14678265 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Inhibit BM-hMSC Cell Line Bone diseases Gene/Protein microRNA-21 (miR-21) expression 27671240 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Inhibit BM-hMSC Cell Line Bone diseases Differentiation osteogenic differentiation 27671240 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Protect Mesenchyme cell Cell Line Others oxidative stress 18814142 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Promote Macrophage Unclear Infection Exchange of substance phagocytic rate, phagocytic index, TNFalpha/IL-1beta/IL-10 secretion, and CD14 expression 25243125 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Promote Lymphocyte Mammals Migration rapid shifts in immune lymphocytes from lymphoid tissues into lung and blood 11170785 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Inhibit Gammadelta T cell Mammals Restraint stress Proliferation the number of gammadelta, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells 17900858 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Inhibit CD4(+) T cell Mammals Restraint stress Proliferation the number of gammadelta, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells 17900858 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Inhibit CD8(+) T cell Mammals Restraint stress Proliferation the number of gammadelta, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells 17900858 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Promote Melanocyte Unclear Vitiligo Cell death transepidermal loss 17850512 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Inhibit T cell Mammals Congestive heart failure Recruitment Recruitment 7797738 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Inhibit Natural killer cell Mammals Congestive heart failure Recruitment Recruitment 7797738 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Promote T lymphoma cell Cell Line T lymphoma Proliferation enhanced the proliferation 36423730 HMDB0000068 Epinephrine Inhibit T lymphoma cell Cell Line T cell malignancy Cell death apoptosis 36423730 HMDB0000077 Dehydroepiandrosterone Protect Intestinal cell Mammals Intestinal damage Others DON-induced intestinal cell injur 31909535 HMDB0000077 Dehydroepiandrosterone Inhibit Neutrophil Clinical Inflammation Migration neutrophil recruitment to the EC surface 21613456 HMDB0000077 Dehydroepiandrosterone Regulate Epithelium Mammals Intestinal damage Gene/Protein None 31909535 HMDB0000077 Dehydroepiandrosterone Inhibit Granulocyte Cell Line Cell death programmed cell death (apoptosis and necroptosis) 28624766 HMDB0000077 Dehydroepiandrosterone Promote Cancer cell Mammals Liver cancer Cell death the peroxidation of DHA which lead to organelle dysfunction and ultimately the demise of the cancer cell 27418237 HMDB0000077 Dehydroepiandrosterone Inhibit Bronchial epithelium Mammals Sensitized asthmatic Gene/Protein Th2-associated cytokines and chemokines expression 21643893 HMDB0000077 Dehydroepiandrosterone Inhibit Bronchial epithelium Cell Line Sensitized asthmatic Gene/Protein levels of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines were inhibited, including IL-6, IL-8, CCL11, and CCL24 21643893 HMDB0000077 Dehydroepiandrosterone Inhibit Eosinophil Mammals Sensitized asthmatic Migration migration into the lung 21643893 HMDB0000077 Dehydroepiandrosterone Inhibit Eosinophil Mammals Sensitized asthmatic Recruitment infiltration into the lung 21643893 HMDB0000077 Dehydroepiandrosterone Promote Neutrophil Clinical Inflammation Migration migrate across the human umbilical vein EC monolayer 21613456 HMDB0000077 Dehydroepiandrosterone Promote Neutrophil Clinical Inflammation Adhesion became adherent 21613456 HMDB0000077 Dehydroepiandrosterone Promote Ovarian-like cortex in intersexual gonads Other Proliferation the development of an ovarian-like cortex 6218546 HMDB0000094 Citric acid Inhibit Endothelium Clinical Cell death COM cytotoxicity 32588315 HMDB0000094 Citric acid Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Hyperinsulinemia Gene/Protein hepatic expression of lipogenic genes suggesting increased de novo lipogenesis 34371126 HMDB0000094 Citric acid Promote Macrophage Unclear Infection Activity inflammatory activation 33610128 HMDB0000094 Citric acid Promote Endothelium Mammals Gene/Protein upregulation and activation 23161184 HMDB0000094 Citric acid Promote Osteoblast Other Activity osteogenic function 33449642 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Promote Bone marrow stromal cell Mammals Osteonecrosis Others adipogenesis 18350350 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Inhibit T helper cell Mammals Hypersensitivity Activity Alcohol impairs T-helper 1 lymphocyte (Th1) regulated, cell-mediated immune responses 9727640 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Promote Enterocyte Clinical Alcohol-induced inflammatory liver disease Cell death apoptosis 29458168 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Promote Hepatocyte Unclear Chronic liver disease Cell death apoptosis 20210790 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Inhibit Monocyte Clinical Inflammation Gene/Protein attenuates TLR4-induced inflammation 16751410 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Promote Intestinal epithelium Cell Line Gene/Protein barrier permeability 24718485 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Pneumonia Activity both alveolar epithelial and macrophage function 19109243 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Inhibit Alveolar epithelium Mammals Pneumonia Activity both alveolar epithelial and macrophage function 19109243 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Inhibit Dendritic cell Clinical Differentiation differentiation 15322204 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Inhibit Chondrocyte Mammals Bone fracture Differentiation early chondrogenic differentiation and later chondrocyte maturation 35403260 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Inhibit Hepatocyte Unclear Alcoholic fatty liver disease Gene/Protein expression of silent information regulator 1 27978938 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Promote Intestinal epithelium Mammals Intestinal bowel diseases Gene/Protein expression of the proliferation marker cyclin D1 and activated the p44/42 MAPK (Erk1/2) signaling pathway 33220923 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Alcohol-induced liver injury Activity fibrotic response (collagen I and alpha-SMA) 31898747 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Regulate Neuron Unclear Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders Activity function 32959429 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Promote Astrocyte Unclear Alcohol abuse Gene/Protein gene expression 32176824 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Promote CD3+CD49B+ NKT cell Mammals Atherosclerosis Proliferation Higher numbers of CD3+CD49b+ NKT cells 21483778 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Regulate Macrophage Unclear Inflammation Activity HSF-1 nuclear translocation and DNA-binding activity 18689673 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Regulate Monocyte Unclear Inflammation Activity HSF-1 nuclear translocation and DNA-binding activity 18689673 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Inhibit Hepatocyte Cell Line Hepatitis c virus infection Activity IFN-lambda-mediated anti-HCV action 29446489 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Promote Alveolar cell Cell Line Recruitment increase the permeability of tight junctions 21950588 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Others Epithelium Clinical Others leads to cell damage 23216237 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Promote Macrophage Mammals Alcohol-induced liver injury Activity macrophage activation 33182058 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Promote Hepatocyte Clinical Alcoholic liver disease Gene/Protein miR-148a expression 29475852 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Inhibit Hepatocyte Clinical Alcoholic liver disease Gene/Protein miR-148a expression 29475852 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Regulate Intestinal epithelium Cell Line Others modifies the functions of intestinal epithelial cells. 2178469 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Inhibit Monocyte Clinical Activity monocyte function 12626543 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Inhibit Monocyte Clinical Others NF-kappaB activation 12436048 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Promote Macrophage Mammals Inflammation Others nutrition 33036616 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Protect Dendritic cell Clinical Alcohol-related diseases Others oxidant injury 20860616 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Inhibit Natural killer cell Mammals Activity peripheral NK cell number and cytolytic activity 27837016 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Alcoholic liver disease Gene/Protein Plin3 expression 31119787 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Inhibit Regulatory T cell Mammals Liver injury Proliferation population 26617183 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Promote Antral epithelium Mammals Gastric cancer Proliferation proliferation 2736206 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Inhibit T cell Unclear Infections Proliferation proliferation 26695744 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Promote Intestinal epithelium Mammals Intestinal bowel diseases Proliferation proliferative activity 33220923 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Promote Intestinal stem cell Mammals Intestinal bowel diseases Proliferation proliferative activity 33220923 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Inhibit Airway epithelium Mammals Chronic inflammatory lung diseases Exchange of substance release of IL-6 22852058 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Inhibit Memory T cell Mammals Infections Activity response 31712384 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Inhibit Epithelium Mammals Activity the individual membrane transport event across the polarized absorptive epithelial cells 20448146 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Promote Bronchial epithelium Clinical Bronchitis Gene/Protein TLR2 mRNA expression 19120068 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Inhibit Uterine epithelium Mammals Others toxin 10457613 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Promote Hepatocyte Clinical Alcoholic liver disease Proliferation two liver progenitor subsets 27570479 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Regulate Hepatocyte Unclear Hepatitis c virus (hcv) infection Gene/Protein type I IFN-based intracellular innate immunity 20646875 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Inhibit Bone mesenchymal stem cell Mammals Secondary osteopenia Differentiation vascularization and osteogenic differentiation 32072664 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Alcohol-induced liver injury Exchange of substance mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake 27582500 HMDB0000108 Ethanol Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Alcohol-induced liver injury Exchange of substance mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake 27582500 HMDB0000121 Folic acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Lung cancer Cell death apoptosis 20717667 HMDB0000121 Folic acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Lung cancer Cell death cancer cell death 20717667 HMDB0000131 Glycerol Promote Podocyte Clinical Membranous nephropathy Phenotype changes in the phenotypic profiles 32712166 HMDB0000131 Glycerol Be released Adipocyte Mammals Obesity Exchange of substance fatty acids and glycerol 30819964 HMDB0000131 Glycerol Promote Adipocyte Clinical Hiv-1 infection Exchange of substance glycerol release 30927158 HMDB0000131 Glycerol Promote Fibroblast Unclear Gene/Protein increases synthesis of such growth factors for fibroblasts 8043668 HMDB0000131 Glycerol Promote B cell Mammals Activity macrophage and B-cell activation 19027958 HMDB0000131 Glycerol Be released Adipocyte Mammals Obese Exchange of substance secretion 15123613 HMDB0000131 Glycerol Be released Adipocyte Clinical Hiv-1 infection Exchange of substance significant increases in glycerol release 30927158 HMDB0000131 Glycerol Regulate Keratinocyte Unclear Atopic dermatitis Proliferation proliferation 21191421 HMDB0000131 Glycerol Regulate Keratinocyte Unclear Atopic dermatitis Migration migration 21191421 HMDB0000145 Estrone Regulate Monocyte Unclear Vascular disease Adhesion adhesion 22903158 HMDB0000145 Estrone Regulate Platelet Unclear Vascular disease Adhesion adhesion 22903158 HMDB0000145 Estrone Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Colon cancer Proliferation growth 19073257 HMDB0000145 Estrone Be released Cancer cell Clinical Adrenocortical cancer Exchange of substance produced estrone 6464758 HMDB0000145 Estrone Promote Cancer cell Other Hepatocancer Proliferation proliferation 2923526 HMDB0000145 Estrone Regulate Endothelium Unclear Vascular disease Proliferation growth and survival 21536098 HMDB0000145 Estrone Regulate Endothelium Unclear Vascular disease Proliferation proliferation 21536098 HMDB0000145 Estrone Regulate Endothelium Unclear Vascular disease Cell death apoptosis 21536098 HMDB0000145 Estrone Regulate Endothelium Unclear Vascular disease Adhesion cell adhesion events 21536098 HMDB0000145 Estrone Regulate Endothelium Unclear Vascular disease Substance production vasoactive production 21536098 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Macrophage Unclear Neuroinflammatory brain diseases Exchange of substance from both HIV-infected and immune-activated macrophages 24862327 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be consumed Astrocyte Cell Line Glioma Exchange of substance absorption 23695515 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote T cell Mammals Hiv disease Activity activated phenotype 21371121 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Neuron Clinical Neural injury Others against neuron damage 26956853 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Regulate Brain endothelium Clinical Ischemic stroke injury Gene/Protein altering their protein expression profile 18843451 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Memory B cell Clinical Cell death apoptosis 20017456 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote BM-hMSC Clinical Ischemic brain injury Cell death apoptosis 18660514 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Regulate Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Others balances the redox state of CAFs 30293773 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Others Brain endothelium Mammals Neonatal cerebrovascular disease Others barrier dysfunction 23576575 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance cancer cell-derived glutamate 30293773 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Astrocyte Unclear Exchange of substance cannabinoid-induced glutamate release 24496152 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Glioma cells Mammals Glioma Proliferation cell growth 25225364 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Neuron Other Others chloride conductance 8152332 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Regulate Beta cell Mammals Others depolarization 22540213 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be consumed Intestinal epithelium Cell Line Exchange of substance dietary glutamate which adds to maintaining glutamate homeostasis in the body 33180203 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Inhibit Brain endothelium Cell Line Cytotoxicity Adhesion disturb the intercellular tight junctions (TJs) 35017026 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Inhibit Brain endothelium Cell Line Adhesion disturb the intercellular tight junctions (TJs) 35017026 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Neuron Clinical Glioblastoma Cell death excitotoxic death 26018396 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Neuron Other Cell death extensive cell death 22985449 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Neuron Mammals Inflammation Exchange of substance from neurons 27016016 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote T cell Clinical Cancer Activity function, survival 24584970 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Glioblastoma (multiforme) Exchange of substance glioblastoma cells release high levels of glutamate 30978987 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Cancer cell Clinical Glioblastoma (multiforme) Exchange of substance glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) release glutamate 26018396 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Cancer cell Other Glioma Exchange of substance glioma glutamate release 24944014 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Glioma Exchange of substance glutamate release 24944014 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Brain cancer Exchange of substance glutamate release 30716120 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Neuron Cell Line Embryonal cancer Exchange of substance glutamate release 9188041 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Astrocyte Mammals Inflammation Exchange of substance glutamate release 31052241 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be consumed Astrocyte Other Glioma Exchange of substance glutamate release 24944014 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Melanoma Exchange of substance glutamate release 33744468 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Cancer cell Clinical Breast cancer Exchange of substance glutamate release from aggressive breast cancer cells 25670024 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Exchange of substance glutamate release from cancer cells 23368277 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Cancer cell Mammals Brain cancer Exchange of substance glutamate release from the tumor 21909104 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Cancer cell Mammals Glioma Exchange of substance glutamate released from glioma tumor cell 26165472 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be consumed Astrocyte Cell Line Glioma Exchange of substance glutamate uptake 24944014 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be consumed Astrocyte Clinical Glioma Exchange of substance glutamate uptake in glioma cell lines 10594060 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Inhibit T cell Clinical Activity impair T cell activation 17082582 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be consumed Glial cell Unclear Exchange of substance inactivate glutamate receptor responses after release 21853059 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Inhibit Astrocyte Mammals Degenerative diseases Gene/Protein induction of class II on astrocytes 1350289 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Inhibit T lymphocyte Unclear Proliferation inhibit antigen-dependent T lymphocyte proliferation 11792859 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Microglia Unclear Depression Exchange of substance mediating neuronal survival 23876875 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Exchange of substance membrane transport of cystine and cause a decrease of intracellular cystine 1347232 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Vascular endothelium Cell Line Neurovascular coupling Activity metabotropic Ca(2+) signals 31473770 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Migration metastasis 35488278 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Inhibit T cell Clinical Immune deficiency Proliferation mitogen-induced calcium responses 15718225 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be consumed Endothelium Mammals Exchange of substance nutrition 31462266 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Alpha cell Unclear Exchange of substance nutrition 18522828 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Astrocyte Mammals Astrocytoma Gene/Protein phosphorylation 7823957 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released T cell Clinical Cancer Exchange of substance produce and release glutamate t 24584970 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Cancer cell Clinical Glioblastoma Exchange of substance produce glutamate 29318454 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Glioblastoma Proliferation proliferation 19997873 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Glioblastoma Proliferation proliferation 19997873 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Regulate Cancer cell Cell Line Tuberous sclerosis complex Proliferation proliferation, cell survival, tumor growth 18706978 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Regulate Neural stem cell Cell Line Tuberous sclerosis complex Proliferation proliferation, cell survival, tumor growth 18706978 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Regulate Neural stem cell Unclear Glioblastoma Proliferation proliferation, survival 30978987 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be consumed Astrocyte Mammals Inflammation Exchange of substance protect against glutamate excitotoxicity 31052241 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Astrocyte Mammals Inflammation Exchange of substance protect against glutamate excitotoxicity 31052241 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Neuron Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance rapid glutamate release from both astrocytes and neurons 19601787 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Astrocyte Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance rapid glutamate release from both astrocytes and neurons 19601787 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Regulate BBB endothelium Mammals Others regulate glutamate concentrations in the brain interstitial fluid by taking up brain glutamate 33025588 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Glioblastoma Exchange of substance release of glutamate 29318454 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Exchange of substance release significant amounts of the neurotransmitter and cell-signalling molecule l-glutamate 23999057 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Exchange of substance release the signalling molecule glutamate 29761734 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Protect Mesenchyme cell Mammals Cns disease Others rodent neurons against glutamate excitotoxicity 29495345 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Cortical astrocyte Mammals Cerebrovascular injury Cell death ROS-mediated cell death by apoptosis 32715644 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Astrocyte Clinical Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Exchange of substance secreted by sporadic ALS astrocytes 30974102 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Exchange of substance secretion 25670024 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Dendritic cell Clinical Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 24584970 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Glioblastoma (multiforme) Exchange of substance secretion 23110111 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Glioblastoma Exchange of substance secretion 19997873 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Dendritic cell Clinical Exchange of substance secretion 17082582 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Neuron Mammals Hypoglycemia Exchange of substance secretion 32251344 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Islet alpha cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 31767166 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Alpha cell Unclear Exchange of substance secretion 18522828 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Glioma Exchange of substance secretion 23883552 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Neuron Unclear Glioma Cell death seizure induction, neuronal cell death 23883552 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Regulate Cancer cell Cell Line Thyroid cancer Proliferation self-renewal ability 30771902 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Astrocyte Other Exchange of substance synaptic functions 23021213 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Melanoma Proliferation tumor growth, proliferation,, survival 22648273 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Glioma Proliferation tumor progression 20802520 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Cancer cell Clinical Glioma Proliferation tumor progression 33187183 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Glioma Proliferation tumor progression 20802520 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Be released Dendritic cell Clinical Exchange of substance when human DC undergo maturation and in contact with T cells 17082582 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Cancer cell Clinical T-cell lymphoma Proliferation growth 19391040 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Cancer cell Clinical T-cell lymphoma Migration migration 19391040 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Glioma Proliferation growth 23883552 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Glioma Migration the migration 23883552 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Microglia Unclear Neurodegenerative diseases Gene/Protein NTF production 20138844 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Microglia Unclear Stroke Proliferation proliferation 20880502 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Microglia Unclear Stroke Migration migration 20880502 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Regulatory T cell Mammals Glioma Proliferation proliferation 31723000 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Regulatory T cell Mammals Glioma Gene/Protein metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 (mGlutR1) expression 31723000 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Regulatory T cell Mammals Glioma Proliferation proliferation 31723000 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Regulatory T cell Mammals Glioma Activity Treg activation, suppressive function 31723000 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Proliferation proliferation 25326682 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Invasion invasion 25326682 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Migration migration 25326682 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Glioma Proliferation tumor growth 18317690 HMDB0000148 L-Glutamic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Glioma Invasion invasion 18317690 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Hepatocyte Mammals Hyperlipidemia Gene/Protein activity 34229476 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote B cell Mammals Rheumatoid arthritis Activity activity 8821775 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote T helper cell Cell Line Adhesion adhesion 15501247 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Stromal cell Mammals Activity antigen presentation 12807486 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Uterine epithelium Mammals Activity antigen presentation 22043860 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Stromal cell Mammals Activity antigen presentation 22043860 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Vaginal epithelium Mammals Activity antigen presentation 22043860 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Uterine epithelium Mammals Exchange of substance antigen presentation of OVA 22043860 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Stromal cell Mammals Exchange of substance antigen presentation of OVA 22043860 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Vaginal epithelium Mammals Exchange of substance antigen presentation of OVA 22043860 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Germ cell Mammals Cell death apoptosis 18292837 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Hepatocyte Mammals Liver cell damage Cell death apoptosis 11925626 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Mesenchyme cell Mammals Cell death apoptosis 9444884 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Cell death apoptotic action 20662767 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Vascular endothelium Clinical Gene/Protein AT2R mRNA expression 31378106 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Be released Trophoblast Clinical Pregnancy disorders Exchange of substance by trophoblast 8126130 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Enterocyte Mammals Exchange of substance calcium uptake 25283641 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Protect Hepatocyte Mammals Liver fibrosis Others CCl(4)-induced animal hepatic fibrosis 22393047 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation cell growth 3086160 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Sertoli cell Mammals Infertility Differentiation differentiation 34637796 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Hepatoblast cell Mammals Differentiation differentiation into cholangiocytes and intrahepatic bile duct development 34498380 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Dendritic cell Mammals Differentiation differentiation of Langerhans-like DC 18178810 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Dendritic cell Unclear Infection Differentiation differentiation, functional capacity 22561458 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Endometrial cell Clinical Gene/Protein dose-dependent increases in endogenous VEGF production 25944769 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Endothelium Mammals Proliferation endothelial healing 33012251 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Tanycytes Mammals Hypothalamo-hypophyseal Others endothelial-to-glial communication 20133455 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Epithelium Clinical Human female reproductive tract infections Activity epithelial cellsfunctions 25743222 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Granulocyte Other Proliferation estradiol inhibited granulosa cell growth 11017778 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Spleen endothelium Mammals Immune-mediated diseases Gene/Protein estrogen receptor (ER) alpha production 15501247 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Dermal cell Mammals Immune-mediated diseases Gene/Protein estrogen receptor (ER) alpha production 15501247 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Breast epithelium Clinical Proliferation estrogen-induced proliferation 11306168 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Epithelium Mammals Gene/Protein expression of AQP1 and AQP5 33917112 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Stromal cell Mammals Gene/Protein expression of beta 1 integrins 9721591 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Gene/Protein expression of progesterone receptor mRNA 2615350 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Fibroblast Clinical Human female reproductive tract infections Activity fibroblasts functions 25743222 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Luminal cell Other Activity formation 10521787 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Be released Interna cell Other Exchange of substance from pregnenolone 1997117 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Granulocyte Mammals Activity FSH-stimulated granulosa cell 2991406 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Endothelium Clinical Activity functional changes 25944769 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Kupffer cell Mammals Trauma-hemorrhage Gene/Protein gene expression 12670448 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Uterine epithelium Mammals Others glycogen accumulation 29573521 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Ciliated cell Mammals Phenotype gradual increase 2782281 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Colon cancer Proliferation growth 18058739 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Sertoli cell Clinical Gene/Protein GSTalpha expression 12021055 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Epithelium Mammals Gene/Protein HB-EGF expression 8119147 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Gene/Protein hITF expression 9306961 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Interna cell Mammals Gene/Protein IGFBP-2, -3, and -4 gene expression 15036378 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Granulocyte Other Gene/Protein IGFBP-2, -3, and -4 gene expression 15036378 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Granulocyte Mammals Gene/Protein IGFBP-2, -3, and -4 gene expression 15036378 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Granulocyte Mammals Substance production IGFBP-4 production 12108515 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Gene/Protein IGFR expression 8595162 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Fibroblast Clinical Activity IL-27-mediated induction of IDO 29565744 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Exchange of substance IL-6sR release. 7490545 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Immune cell Clinical Human female reproductive tract infections Activity immune cells functions 25743222 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Epithelium Unclear Reproductive tract infections Activity immune function 24734774 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Granulocyte Unclear Corpus luteum regression and follicular atresia Cell death Immunolocalization of fragmented DNA (a biochemical marker of apoptosis) 9875164 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Macrophage Other Aeromonas salmonicida-induced inflammation Activity immunomodulatory actions 32519008 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Spermatocyte Mammals Spermiation failure Phenotype increase in the number of elongated and elongating spermatids 20573204 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Sertoli cell Mammals Others increased the number of IGF-I receptors in granulosa cells from small follicles 7926275 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Epithelium Clinical Hiv infection Substance production intracellular concentrations of TFV-DP 24978212 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Melanoma Invasion invasion 9062408 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Stromal cell Clinical Uterine adenomyosis Invasion invasion 24188882 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Neutrophil Mammals Ischemia/reperfusion injury Recruitment liver necrosis, disintegration of hepatic cords, and neutrophil infiltration 12219027 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate B cell Mammals Systemic lupus erythematosus Phenotype lupus-like phenotype 10694576 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Macrophage Unclear Gene/Protein macrophage FcgammaR expression 11427431 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Sertoli cell Mammals Differentiation maturation 18292837 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote B cell Clinical Autoimmune disorders Differentiation maturation 6459399 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Granulocyte Clinical Infertile Others M-CSF production 14680610 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Macrophage Unclear Gene/Protein migration 7342724 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation mitogenic activity 8954172 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation mitogenic response 8435211 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Endocrine cell Other Proliferation mitotic division 2782281 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Epithelium Unclear Hiv Others modify immune function 20367623 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Astrocyte Mammals Others neuroglial plasticity 20133455 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Natural killer cell Mammals Activity NK cell cytotoxicity 8087860 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Endothelium Clinical Ovarian hyperstimulation Exchange of substance NO synthesis 16669407 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Be released Immature sertoli cell Mammals Premature ovarian failure Exchange of substance None 8921056 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Gene/Protein nuclear-gene transcription 16125327 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Spermatids Mammals Differentiation premature detachment 10859247 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Adenomyotic myometrial cell Mammals Adenomyosis Exchange of substance PRL secretion 27591979 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Stromal cell Mammals Adenomyosis Gene/Protein PRLRs protein expression 27591979 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Adenomyotic myometrial cell Mammals Adenomyosis Gene/Protein PRLRs protein expression 27591979 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Endometrial cell Unclear Adenomyosis Gene/Protein pro-angiogenic activity 24758741 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Be released Interna cell Other Exchange of substance produced by the theca cells of small follicles 17092663 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Be released Interna cell Mammals Exchange of substance produces oestradiol 3003359 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Epithelium Mammals Gene/Protein production 9538341 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Glandular cell Clinical Gene/Protein production of CFTR protein and mRNA 15471937 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance progesterone secretion 1170326 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Granulocyte Clinical Exchange of substance progesterone secretion 991812 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Endometrial cell Clinical Endometriosis Cell death proinflammatory and antiapoptotic effects 23539633 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 1562524 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Mammary epithelium Clinical Proliferation proliferation 16834979 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Keratinocyte Other Proliferation proliferation 15208259 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Epithelium Mammals Proliferation proliferation 26975616 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Basal cell Mammals Proliferation proliferation 901382 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Pituitary adenoma Proliferation proliferation 21245194 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Granulocyte Mammals Proliferation proliferation 15471814 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Granulocyte Mammals Proliferation proliferation 15471814 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Stromal cell Clinical Benign prostatic hyperplasia Proliferation proliferation 18492814 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Mammary epithelium Mammals Obese Proliferation proliferation 12424339 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Endometrial stromal cell Clinical Endometriosis Gene/Protein RERG mRNA and protein levels 24992181 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Acidophilic granulocytes Other Activity respiratory burst activity of acidophilic granulocytes obtained from the head-kidney (the bone marrow equivalent in fish) and the intracellular accumulation of IL-1beta by these cells 14596668 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Leydig cell Mammals Gene/Protein RNA synthesis 2450947 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Granulocyte Mammals Gene/Protein secretion 1337276 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Be released Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 3032573 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Endothelium Clinical Vascular calcification Substance production secretion 28509316 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Be released Granulocyte Clinical Infertility Exchange of substance secretion 9265557 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Glandular epithelial cell Mammals Phenotype seminal vesicle of the guinea pig 8116330 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Stromal cell Unclear Breast cancer Gene/Protein sensitivity to IGFs 7947343 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Granulocyte Mammals Gene/Protein steroidogenesis and the IGF system 12021042 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Epithelium Unclear Proliferation stimulation or inhibition 15781983 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Endometrial stromal cell Cell Line Exchange of substance stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1/CXCL12) production levels in a time- and dose-dependent manner 20869048 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Others Endothelium Mammals Others T and DHT act on endothelial cells through AR or via conversion to estradiol 20547636 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Endometrial cell Clinical Hiv infection Exchange of substance TFV-DP concentrations 24978212 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Ectocervical epithelium Clinical Hiv infection Exchange of substance TFV-DP concentrations 24978212 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Be released Granulocyte Mammals Reproductive dysfunctions Exchange of substance the luteinizing hormone surge 24115745 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Stromal cell Mammals Ascites Activity the stromal cell effect 11025453 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Be released Granulocyte Other Exchange of substance throughout the culture period 9047004 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Proliferation tumorigenesis 27160081 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Proliferation tumorigenesis 27160081 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Dermal endothelium Mammals Gene/Protein VCAM-1 expression 15501247 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Gene/Protein VEGFR-2 expression; 16234819 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Thyroid stem cell Unclear Thyroid nodules Proliferation growth 23645248 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Thyroid stem cell Unclear Thyroid nodules Differentiation differentiation 23645248 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Thyroid stem cell Unclear Thyroid nodules Gene/Protein the expression of oestrogen receptors (ERs) 23645248 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Granulocyte Mammals Activity FSH and cAMP action 6327238 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Fibroblast Unclear Gene/Protein C-Ha-ras expression 8830624 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Fibroblast Unclear Activity tyrosine kinase (TK) activity 8830624 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Glandular epithelial cell Other Gene/Protein PGF 2 alpha output 9038792 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Glandular epithelial cell Other Exchange of substance PGF 2 alpha output 9038792 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Promote Endothelium Clinical Cardiovascular diseases Proliferation endothelial regrowth 14691747 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Epithelium Other Proliferation proliferation 9640270 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Epithelium Other Phenotype morphology of epithelial and stromal cells in vitro 9640270 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Hepatic stellate cell Unclear Proliferation proliferation 11527408 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Hepatic stellate cell Unclear Differentiation transformation 11527408 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Bone marrow myeloid cell Clinical Differentiation regulate te differentiation 18279845 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Bone marrow myeloid cell Clinical Others regulate te homeostasis 18279845 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Dendritic cell Clinical Differentiation regulate the differentiation 18279845 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Dendritic cell Clinical Others regulate the homeostasis 18279845 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Ductal cell Mammals Proliferation The formation of ductal cells 96271 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Ductal cell Mammals Differentiation The formation of ductal cells 96271 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Uterine epithelium Clinical Gene/Protein the IL-1beta-mediated mRNA expression 16272305 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Inhibit Uterine epithelium Clinical Exchange of substance the secretion of human beta-defensin-2 and CXCL8 16272305 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Keratinocyte Clinical Proliferation proliferation 15208259 HMDB0000151 Estradiol Regulate Keratinocyte Clinical Gene/Protein the level of ER-alpha receptors 15208259 HMDB0000153 Estriol Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Activity activation of the estrogen receptor alpha 18544561 HMDB0000153 Estriol Promote Dendritic cell Unclear Inflammatory disease Differentiation mature regulatory 24548459 HMDB0000153 Estriol Inhibit T cell Unclear Gene/Protein expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 11958828 HMDB0000153 Estriol Inhibit T cell Unclear Migration T cell transmigration 11958828 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Be consumed Hepatocyte Mammals Cancer Exchange of substance absorption 3316783 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Be consumed Hepatocyte Mammals Cancer Exchange of substance absorption 6463871 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Be consumed Hepatocyte Mammals Cancer Exchange of substance absorption 6463871 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Glioma Gene/Protein activity of pyruvate kinase 214230 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Cell death apoptosis 15843897 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation growth 25743093 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Promote Cancer cell Mammals Pancreatic cancer Migration liver metastases 10436311 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Lung cancer Migration motility, angiogenesis 29454996 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Activity p53, AMPK signaling pathways 26312825 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Inhibit Endothelium Mammals Breast cancer Gene/Protein phosphorylation 29210118 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Lung cancer Gene/Protein PPARgamma expression 29454996 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Proliferation cell proliferation 25336096 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Invasion invasion 25336096 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Adhesion adhesion 25336096 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Proliferation cell proliferation 26312825 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Activity p53 and AMPK signaling pathways 26312825 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation growth 29172777 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Invasion invasion 29172777 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Gastric cancer Proliferation proliferation 31915505 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Gastric cancer Gene/Protein STAT3-mediated MUC4 gene expression 31915505 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Gastric cancer Invasion invasion 31915505 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Inhibit Vein endothelium Clinical Cancer Proliferation proliferation 29210118 HMDB0000161 L-Alanine Inhibit Vein endothelium Clinical Cancer Migration migration 29210118 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance production 22228080 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Phenotype cancer stem cell phenotype 21512313 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 19033652 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 35561786 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Prostate cancer Exchange of substance absorb 35135811 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Cancer cell Cell Line Oral cancer (squamous) Exchange of substance absorb 33204328 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Mesenchyme cell Other Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 22178238 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Cancer cell Other Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 22178238 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 34014545 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 27833036 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Astrocyte Cell Line Astrocytoma Exchange of substance absorb 18253497 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Fibroblast Mammals Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 34764457 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 34606041 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Exchange of substance absorb 28132882 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 22184616 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Endothelium Mammals Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 21300765 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance absorption 34014545 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Neutrophil Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance absorption 34014545 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Exchange of substance absorption 29248134 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Epithelium Cell Line Oral cancer (squamous) Exchange of substance absorption 29207019 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Neuron Cell Line Oral cancer (squamous) Exchange of substance absorption 26993058 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Human umbilical vein endothelium Cell Line Cancer Exchange of substance absorption 22473315 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance absorption 21704401 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Macrophage Mammals Breast cancer Phenotype activated macrophage (M2)-like phenotype 28049847 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Activity activated pro-angiogenic TAMs 32961257 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote M2 macrophage Unclear Pancreatic cancer Activity activation 33177492 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Gene/Protein activation of NF-kappaB 24657625 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Inhibit Cytotoxic t cell Cell Line Cancer Activity activity 25027580 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance activity 27721408 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Macrophage Clinical Breast cancer Phenotype alternatively activated (M2) macrophage phenotype 35246504 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Macrophage Unclear Cancer Activity angiogenesis 32961257 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Phenotype angiogenesis promoting phenotype of TAMs 32961257 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cardiomyocyte Mammals Others ATP-sensitive K(+) (KATP) channels 32736089 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cardiomyocyte Mammals Activity ATP-sensitive K(+) (KATP) channels 32736089 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Inhibit Macrophage Clinical Infection with mycobacterium tuberculosis Activity attenuated glycolytic shift upon subsequent stimulation and reduced pro-inflammatory cytokine production 34691015 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Macrophage Unclear Tuberculosis granuloma Exchange of substance by activated macrophages 26490974 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Keratinocyte Clinical Hair loss disorders Exchange of substance by glycolytic GLUT1+ lower outer root sheath (ORS) keratinocytes 33548088 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Sertoli cell Clinical Male infertility Exchange of substance by the sertoli cells 32664979 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Phenotype cancer associated stemness properties 30742065 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Protect Kupffer cell Mammals Infection Others catching and killing of circulating pathogens 32810440 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cardiomyocyte Mammals Hypoxia Cell death cell death 25537659 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Mesenchyme cell Mammals Hypoxia Exchange of substance cell death 25537659 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Inhibit Natural killer cell Mammals Cancer Activity cell function, cytotoxicity 23817426 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Neutrophil Mammals Cutaneous leishmaniasis Others chemoattraction and activated microbicidal mechanisms 15201707 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cd133 (-) cell Unclear Cancer Phenotype CSC phenotypes 26506419 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote CD4(+) T cell Unclear Rheumatoid arthritis (ra) synovitis Others cytolytic capacity 27883186 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Inhibit Natural killer cell Clinical Cancer Activity cytolytic function 23817426 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Inhibit Natural killer cell Unclear Myeloma Activity cytotoxicity 29500635 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed T cell Clinical Autoimmune diseases Exchange of substance decrease of their glycolysis 31801055 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Inhibit Monocyte Unclear Prostate cancer Differentiation differentiation 28862200 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Inhibit Dendritic cell Unclear Prostate cancer Differentiation differentiation 28862200 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Intestinal stem cell Unclear Others drive mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation 28467944 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Sertoli cell Mammals Oligoasthenozoospermia Exchange of substance energy fuels 34091745 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Germ cell Mammals Exchange of substance energy metabolite 12773420 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Sertoli cell Mammals Exchange of substance energy metabolite 7821707 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Germ cell Mammals Exchange of substance energy source 34087332 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Sertoli cell Mammals Exchange of substance energy source 34087332 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Germ cell Mammals Exchange of substance energy substrate 27750035 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Sertoli cell Unclear Testicular atrophy Exchange of substance from Sertoli cell 3341051 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Regulate Macrophage Unclear Cancer Activity function 29111350 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Hepatocyte Cell Line Cancer Exchange of substance glucose consumption, lactate production 33720996 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation growth 22033146 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Proliferation growth 19505879 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Stem cell Unclear Hypoxia Migration homing of stem cell 23234875 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Macrophage Clinical Infection Exchange of substance IL-10 production 32661313 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Other Breast cancer Invasion invasion 30799198 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Astrocyte Mammals Exchange of substance lactate production and release 22787058 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Macrophage Unclear Chronic periodontitis Exchange of substance lactate release 28824884 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote M2 macrophage Unclear Cancer Polarization M1 polarization 26474279 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Inhibit M1 macrophage Unclear Cancer Polarization M1 polarization 26474279 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Macrophage Mammals Melanoma Phenotype M2-like profile 34481868 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Activity malignant behavior 15254870 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Macrophage Unclear Cancer Migration migration of macrophages, M1 26474279 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Inhibit T cell Unclear Cancer Activity motility 27883186 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Macrophage Mammals Colorectal cancer Gene/Protein nuclear translocation 32296015 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Luminal cell Mammals Others nucleolar stress 31685803 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Macrophage Clinical Infection with mycobacterium tuberculosis Exchange of substance nutrition 34691015 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Testicular cancer cell Unclear Exchange of substance nutrition 16123165 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Sertoli cell Mammals Exchange of substance nutrition 12943996 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Gene/Protein PD-L1 32071396 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Neutrophil Clinical Cancer Polarization polarization 34841706 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Macrophage Unclear Cancer Polarization polarization 34948143 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Macrophage Clinical Pituitary adenoma Polarization polarization 33664865 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Regulate Macrophage Cell Line Cancer Polarization polarization towards an M2-like phenotype 30180849 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Regulate Dendritic cell Unclear Cancer Polarization polarization, the differentiation of Th1, Th17, MDSCs, Tregs 34486916 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Regulate Monocyte Unclear Cancer Polarization polarization, the differentiation of Th1, Th17, MDSCs, Tregs 34486916 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Regulate Natural killer cell Unclear Cancer Polarization polarization, the differentiation of Th1, Th17, MDSCs, Tregs 34486916 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Regulate Mast cell Unclear Cancer Polarization polarization, the differentiation of Th1, Th17, MDSCs, Tregs 34486916 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Regulate T cell Unclear Cancer Polarization polarization, the differentiation of Th1, Th17, MDSCs, Tregs 34486916 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Regulate Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Polarization polarization, the differentiation of Th1, Th17, MDSCs, Tregs 34486916 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Regulate Fibroblast Unclear Cancer Polarization polarization, the differentiation of Th1, Th17, MDSCs, Tregs 34486916 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Regulate Macrophage Unclear Cancer Polarization polarization, the differentiation of Th1, Th17, MDSCs, Tregs 34486916 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Dendritic cell Mammals Breast cancer Gene/Protein presentation of tumor-specific antigens 32071396 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Macrophage Mammals Cancer Exchange of substance production 18946876 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Exchange of substance production 32650130 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Inhibit Macrophage Unclear Cancer Activity pro-inflammatory responses 33123172 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Oral cancer (squamous) Proliferation proliferation 33204328 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Macrophage Unclear Ischemia Others proliferation and fusion of muscle progenitors 32492393 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation proliferation, angiogenesis,, immune responses 29226713 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Recruit Regulatory T cell Clinical Cancer Recruitment Recruitment 33347908 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Recruit Tumour-associated macrophages Clinical Cancer Recruitment Recruitment 33347908 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Recruit Myeloid-derived suppressor cell Clinical Cancer Recruitment Recruitment 33347908 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Mammals Glioblastoma Exchange of substance secret 34246124 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secret 34656878 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Exchange of substance secret 34186236 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Hepatocyte Cell Line Cancer Exchange of substance secret 33212188 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Hepatocyte Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secret 33141425 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Exchange of substance secret 33097188 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Colorectal cancer Exchange of substance secret 32990355 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Other Cancer Exchange of substance secret 32879899 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Gastric cancer Exchange of substance secret 32771361 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Exchange of substance secret 32736579 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Other Breast cancer Exchange of substance secret 32492417 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secret 31760090 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Pancreatic cancer Exchange of substance secret 31432232 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Monocyte Clinical Pten hamartoma cancer syndrome Exchange of substance lactate production and release 30670777 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Exchange of substance secret 30664688 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Clinical Ovarian cancer Exchange of substance lactate production and release 30094960 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secret 29809145 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Colon cancer Exchange of substance secret 29374515 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Pancreatic cancer Exchange of substance secret 29330792 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Stromal cell Unclear Breast cancer Exchange of substance secret 29248134 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Mesenchyme cell Cell Line Oral cancer (squamous) Exchange of substance secret 29207019 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Endometrial cancer Exchange of substance secret 28467979 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Hepatocellular cancer Exchange of substance secret 28262837 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Clinical Glioblastoma Exchange of substance lactate production and release 27591677 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Exchange of substance secret 27531463 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Head and neck squamous cell cancer Exchange of substance secret 27232157 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secret 27210058 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Clinical Lung cancer (adenocancer) Exchange of substance secret 26607087 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Astrocyte Unclear Glioblastoma Exchange of substance secret 26202438 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Head and neck cancer Exchange of substance secret 25027580 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Exchange of substance secret 22473315 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secret 21704401 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Exchange of substance secret 19033652 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secret 35565690 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secret 35561786 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Clinical Breast cancer Exchange of substance secret 35246504 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Prostate cancer Exchange of substance secret 35135811 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secret 34948143 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secret 34948143 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Adipocyte Mammals Cancer Exchange of substance secret 34769312 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Mammals Melanoma Exchange of substance secret 34481868 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Clinical Pituitary adenoma Exchange of substance secret 33664865 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Oral cancer (squamous) Exchange of substance secret 33204328 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Oral cancer (squamous) Exchange of substance secret 33204328 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Clinical Glioblastoma (multiforme) Exchange of substance secret 32872409 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Exchange of substance secret 32650130 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Mammals Colorectal cancer Exchange of substance secret 32296015 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Exchange of substance secret 32071396 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Clinical Pancreatic ductal adenocancer Exchange of substance secret 31663852 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Cervical cancer Exchange of substance secret 30811636 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Cervical cancer Exchange of substance secret 30811636 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Other Breast cancer Exchange of substance secret 30799198 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Other Cancer Exchange of substance secret 30674122 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Exchange of substance secret 30180849 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Pheochromocytoma Exchange of substance secret 28830936 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secret 27037895 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secret 26384349 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Bone-colonized cancer Exchange of substance secret 25687976 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Exchange of substance secret 23817426 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Other Cancer Exchange of substance secret 22178238 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 34656878 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 33141425 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer cell Clinical Oral cancer (squamous) Exchange of substance secretion 32998265 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Pancreatic cell Unclear Exchange of substance secretion 28467944 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Sertoli cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 12773420 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Sertoli cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 12176658 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Sertoli cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 7821707 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Sertoli cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 7821707 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Sertoli cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 6280966 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Hepatocyte Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 34987137 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Tubular epithelium Unclear Acute kidney injury Exchange of substance secretion 31928224 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Bronchial epithelium Clinical Cystic fibrosis Exchange of substance secretion 27897253 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Sertoli cell Mammals Exchange of substance secretion 27750035 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Regulate CD4(+) T cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Polarization shaping T-cell polarization 30664688 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Renal cell cancer Gene/Protein SIRT1 expression 32340156 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote T cell Unclear Cancer Activity suppressive capacity 34965415 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Macrophage Clinical Pancreatic cancer Phenotype TAM-like phenotype 29670110 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Clinical Pancreatic cancer Phenotype TAM-like phenotype 29670110 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Regulate Spermatocyte Mammals Activity the activity and survival of pachytene spermatocytes in vitro 6808129 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Endothelium Clinical Colorectal cancer Activity tube formation 30867812 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Proliferation tumor growth 32071396 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Hepatocyte Mammals Exchange of substance uptake 17466483 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed CD8(+) T cell Mammals Exchange of substance differentiation and activity 36923405 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance Lactate from TME is taken up by the normoxic cancer cells whereas it is converted back to PUFAs after a sequence of reactions and then liberated in the TME to be utilized in the severely hypoxic cancer cells 36761981 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Activated glycolytic t cell Unclear Exchange of substance None 36730267 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Regulatory T cell Clinical Differentiation differentiation of Treg cells 36730267 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Astrocyte Mammals Exchange of substance induces the expression of the plasticity-related immediate early genes CREB, pCREB, and Erk1/2 in the ACC 36611820 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Chondrocyte Clinical Osteoarthritis Exchange of substance increased 36410637 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Dendritic cell Clinical Cancer Polarization the cytotoxic abilities of T cells and NK cells 36330529 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Inhibit T cell Clinical Cancer Activity the cytotoxic abilities of T cells and NK cells 36330529 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Inhibit Natural killer cell Clinical Cancer Activity the cytotoxic abilities of T cells and NK cells 36330529 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Regulate Macrophage Mammals Differentiation transformation 36330516 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Macrophage Mammals Inflammation Differentiation transformation 36330516 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Regulate Smooth muscle cell Unclear Vascular diseases Phenotype switching of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) to a synthetic phenotype 36302626 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Macrophage Mammals Exchange of substance lactate 36194565 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Spinal astrocyte Mammals Exchange of substance synaptic transmission 36108796 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Adipocyte Mammals Adipose macrophage inflammation Exchange of substance ATM polarization to an inflammatory state 36064857 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Adipose tissue macrophage Mammals Adipose macrophage inflammation Polarization ATM polarization to an inflammatory state 36064857 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Sertoli cell Unclear Exchange of substance energy source 36057850 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Spermatocyte Unclear Exchange of substance energy source 36057850 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Spermatocyte Unclear Exchange of substance energy source 36057850 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed CD8(+) T cell Unclear Listeria infection Exchange of substance T cell bioenergetic and biosynthetic capacity 35981545 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Skeletal muscle cell Unclear Obesity Exchange of substance Lactate released from skeletal muscle during high-intensity exercise gives rise to a surge in circulating lactate-derived pseudo-dipeptide metabolites including N-lactoyl-phenylalanine (Lac-Phe) 35921816 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Neuron Unclear Exchange of substance the detail effect of metabolites on cells 35907984 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Regulate Cardiomyocyte Mammals Hypoxia Activity increase in cardiomyocyte cell cycle activity 35907761 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be released Cancer-associated fibroblast Mammals Cancer Exchange of substance the adjacent cancer cells 35561786 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Exchange of substance the adjacent cancer cells 35561786 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Regulate Microglial Unclear Activity phagocytotic ability 35411485 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Be consumed Neuron Unclear Epileptic Exchange of substance energy substrate 35240875 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Regulate Fibroblast Unclear Acute kidney injury Proliferation fibroblast proliferation 31928224 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Regulate Fibroblast Unclear Acute kidney injury Activity fibroblast activation 31928224 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Mammals Glioblastoma Gene/Protein CD44 expression 34246124 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Mammals Glioblastoma Exchange of substance CD44 release 34246124 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Epithelium Unclear Oral cancer (squamous) Proliferation cell growth 27833036 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Epithelium Unclear Oral cancer (squamous) Migration migration 27833036 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Clinical Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 33714987 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Clinical Breast cancer Invasion invasion 33714987 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Clinical Breast cancer Migration migration 33714987 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation proliferation 31971210 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Invasion invasion 31971210 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Migration metastasis 31971210 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Esophageal squamous cell cancer (escc) Exchange of substance secretion of IL-6, IL-7, IL-8, CCL5,, transforming growth factor-beta1 34459125 HMDB0000190 L-Lactic acid Promote Cancer cell Clinical Neck cancer (squamous) Proliferation tumor progression 34290225 HMDB0000191 L-Aspartic acid Inhibit Macrophage Unclear Cancer Polarization polarization of macrophages 33710220 HMDB0000191 L-Aspartic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation proliferation 30811976 HMDB0000191 L-Aspartic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Acute myeloid leukemia Proliferation tumor growth 32106370 HMDB0000191 L-Aspartic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation tumor growth 29843136 HMDB0000208 Oxoglutaric acid Promote B cell Clinical Proliferation cyclin E1 induction and S phase entry 31270335 HMDB0000208 Oxoglutaric acid Inhibit Foxp3+ treg Mammals Cancer Differentiation differentiation 34731632 HMDB0000208 Oxoglutaric acid Promote Naive CD4(+) T cell Mammals Cancer Differentiation differentiation 34731632 HMDB0000208 Oxoglutaric acid Promote Chondrocyte Mammals Cartilage cancers Differentiation differentiation 35220602 HMDB0000208 Oxoglutaric acid Regulate Chondrocyte Mammals Cartilage cancers Proliferation proliferation 35220602 HMDB0000208 Oxoglutaric acid Be released Mesenchyme cell Clinical Pancreatic ductal adenocancer Exchange of substance secret 31663852 HMDB0000235 Thiamine Promote Natural killer cell Mammals Melanoma Activity cell activity 17089043 HMDB0000237 Propionic acid Promote Regulatory T cell Mammals Viral bronchiolitis Proliferation expansion 29273643 HMDB0000237 Propionic acid Inhibit Effector T cell Mammals Uveitis Migration migration between the intestine and the spleen 28924192 HMDB0000237 Propionic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation proliferation 22976799 HMDB0000237 Propionic acid Inhibit Vein endothelium Clinical Cardiovascular disease Gene/Protein proliferation 19617655 HMDB0000237 Propionic acid Inhibit Keratinocyte Mammals Atopic dermatitis Gene/Protein IL-33 production 35977109 HMDB0000251 Taurine Inhibit Aortic endothelium Other Cell death against injury and apoptosis 31468417 HMDB0000251 Taurine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Nasopharyngeal cancer Cell death apoptosis 30225664 HMDB0000251 Taurine Promote Stellate cell Mammals Liver fibrosis Cell death apoptosis 17589904 HMDB0000251 Taurine Inhibit Lens epithelium Mammals Cataract Cell death apoptosis 11853612 HMDB0000251 Taurine Inhibit Hepatocyte Mammals Systemic lupus erythematosus Cell death apoptosis 18816057 HMDB0000251 Taurine Promote T cell Mammals Proliferation augment the proliferative responses 1509943 HMDB0000251 Taurine Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Colon cancer Proliferation cell proliferation 32566100 HMDB0000251 Taurine Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Nasopharyngeal cancer Proliferation cell proliferation 30225664 HMDB0000251 Taurine Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Prostate cancer Phenotype epithelial to mesenchymal transition 28849534 HMDB0000251 Taurine Promote Endothelium Other Gene/Protein expression levels of Bcl-2 31468417 HMDB0000251 Taurine Inhibit Monocyte Mammals Gene/Protein expressions of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) 35421705 HMDB0000251 Taurine Protect Intestinal epithelium Unclear Others from local toxicity 16886194 HMDB0000251 Taurine Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Lung cancer Migration migration 33936579 HMDB0000251 Taurine Inhibit Hepatic stellate cell Clinical Proliferation more cells in the G0/G1 phase and fewer in the S phase 16092977 HMDB0000251 Taurine Regulate Mesenchyme cell Unclear Differentiation osteogenic differentiation 28397071 HMDB0000251 Taurine Inhibit Hepatic stellate cell Clinical Fibrosis Proliferation proliferation 14969850 HMDB0000251 Taurine Promote T cell Mammals Proliferation proliferative response 1509943 HMDB0000251 Taurine Inhibit Chondrocyte Clinical Gene/Protein reducing expression of collagen type I mRNA 28397071 HMDB0000251 Taurine Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Colitis Gene/Protein the expression of a pro-inflammatory chemokine, macrophage inflammatory protein 2 (MIP-2) 17619120 HMDB0000251 Taurine Inhibit Podocyte Mammals Diabetic kidney disease Gene/Protein TRPC6 expression 31865328 HMDB0000251 Taurine Promote Cancer cell Mammals Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Cell death distinct cancer nest areas 36470150 HMDB0000251 Taurine Regulate Pyramidal neuron progenitors Unclear Differentiation differentiation and radial migration 36466806 HMDB0000251 Taurine Promote T cell Clinical Lung cancer Proliferation proliferation and function 36261540 HMDB0000251 Taurine Inhibit Chondrocyte Cell Line Gene/Protein reducing expression of collagen type I mRNA 28397071 HMDB0000251 Taurine Inhibit Hepatic stellate cell Clinical Proliferation cell proliferation 16092977 HMDB0000251 Taurine Inhibit Hepatic stellate cell Clinical Gene/Protein Cyclin D1 expression 16092977 HMDB0000251 Taurine Inhibit Kidney epithelium Unclear Diabetic nephropathy Proliferation hypertrophic growth 17596533 HMDB0000252 Sphingosine Inhibit Monocyte Cell Line Leukemia Activity activation 9685859 HMDB0000252 Sphingosine Promote Intestinal macrophage Mammals Citrobacter rodentium infection Activity activation 35354041 HMDB0000252 Sphingosine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Gastric cancer Cell death apoptosis 23221504 HMDB0000252 Sphingosine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Cell death apoptosis 19905902 HMDB0000252 Sphingosine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Cell death apoptosis 9685859 HMDB0000252 Sphingosine Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Diffuse large b cell lymphoma Cell death cell death and blocked cell growth 25401781 HMDB0000252 Sphingosine Inhibit Cardiac fibroblast Cell Line Gene/Protein endogenous TRPM7 in cardiac fibroblasts 23145923 HMDB0000252 Sphingosine Inhibit Hepatocyte Mammals Sphingolipid dysregulation Gene/Protein PI3K activation 32917816 HMDB0000252 Sphingosine Inhibit Monocyte Cell Line Leukemia Activity PKC activity 9685859 HMDB0000252 Sphingosine Be released Macrophage Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secret 33123153 HMDB0000252 Sphingosine Regulate Epithelium Mammals Differentiation epithelial differentiation 7584827 HMDB0000252 Sphingosine Regulate Epithelium Mammals Activity antimicrobial activity 7584827 HMDB0000252 Sphingosine Regulate Keratinocyte Cell Line Squamous cancer Proliferation growth 7979551 HMDB0000252 Sphingosine Regulate Keratinocyte Cell Line Squamous cancer Differentiation differentiation 7979551 HMDB0000254 Succinic acid Promote T helper cell Mammals Tetanus Activity antigen-specific activation 18820681 HMDB0000254 Succinic acid Promote Vein endothelium Clinical Gestational diabetes mellitus Proliferation endothelial tube formation 34769478 HMDB0000254 Succinic acid Promote Artery endothelium Clinical Gestational diabetes mellitus Proliferation endothelial tube formation 34769478 HMDB0000254 Succinic acid Inhibit Vein endothelium Clinical Migration migration 24856584 HMDB0000254 Succinic acid Promote Mesenchymal stem cell Mammals Colitis Exchange of substance phenotype 35757749 HMDB0000254 Succinic acid Promote Macrophage Mammals Colitis Exchange of substance phenotype 35757749 HMDB0000254 Succinic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secret 31735641 HMDB0000254 Succinic acid Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secret 31735641 HMDB0000254 Succinic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Polarization TAM polarization 31735641 HMDB0000254 Succinic acid Promote Macrophage Unclear Cancer Polarization the activation of succinate receptor (SUCNR1) signaling to polarize macrophages into TAM 31735641 HMDB0000254 Succinic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Proliferation The growth and proliferation of HT29 human colon cancer cells and angiogenesis in an ex vivo model 24856584 HMDB0000254 Succinic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Migration migration and promotes cancer metastasis 36344992 HMDB0000254 Succinic acid Promote Macrophage Unclear Cancer Migration migration 36344992 HMDB0000254 Succinic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Gene/Protein SUCNR-1 expression 36344992 HMDB0000254 Succinic acid Promote Pulmonary neuroendocrine cell Clinical Exchange of substance release ATP 36108628 HMDB0000254 Succinic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Invasion invasion, metastasis 31735641 HMDB0000254 Succinic acid Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Migration migration 31735641 HMDB0000269 Sphinganine Promote Cancer cell Unclear Squamous cancer Cell death apoptosis 24549171 HMDB0000272 Phosphoserine Promote Macrophage Mammals Cancer Phenotype M2-like phenotype 35191227 HMDB0000272 Phosphoserine Promote Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation tumor growth 35191227 HMDB0000285 Uridine triphosphate Promote Epithelium Mammals Activity Basolateral Na-K-Cl cotransport activity in primary cultures of dog tracheal epithelial cells is stimulated by beta-adrenergic agents, such as isoproterenol, and by apical UTP, which acts through an apical P2-purinergic receptor 7499426 HMDB0000285 Uridine triphosphate Promote Hacat keratinocytes Other Gene/Protein IL-6 production 17761160 HMDB0000285 Uridine triphosphate Promote Keratinocyte Clinical Psoriasis Exchange of substance intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) 10455326 HMDB0000285 Uridine triphosphate Promote Hacat keratinocytes Other Exchange of substance PAS-positive glycoprotein secretion 12964958 HMDB0000285 Uridine triphosphate Promote Neutrophil Mammals Cutaneous leishmaniasis Others recruitment 29680937 HMDB0000285 Uridine triphosphate Promote Goblet cell Mammals Asthma Exchange of substance swelling and exocytosis of mucus granules and MUC5AC secretion 22377526 HMDB0000285 Uridine triphosphate Promote CD4(+) T cell Mammals Cutaneous leishmaniasis Recruitment increasing CD4(+) T cell recruitment 29680937 HMDB0000285 Uridine triphosphate Promote CD4(+) T cell Mammals Cutaneous leishmaniasis Gene/Protein production of IFN-gamma, IL-1beta, IL-12, and TNF-alpha 29680937 HMDB0000295 Uridine 5'-diphosphate Promote Monocyte Mammals Exchange of substance IL-8 release 17322022 HMDB0000295 Uridine 5'-diphosphate Promote Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Invasion invasion 27074554 HMDB0000295 Uridine 5'-diphosphate Promote Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Migration migration 27074554 HMDB0000518 Chenodeoxycholic acid Promote Cancer cell Clinical Colorectal cancer Gene/Protein COX-2 11751489 HMDB0000518 Chenodeoxycholic acid Promote Gallbladder epithelium Clinical Gallstone disease Gene/Protein endogenous FXR 16037943 HMDB0000518 Chenodeoxycholic acid Promote Endothelium Clinical Adhesion neutrophil adhesion about 4-folds (p<0.01) 10391115 HMDB0000518 Chenodeoxycholic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Cholangiocancer Proliferation tumor growth 23362950 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be consumed Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Exchange of substance absorb 34270953 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be consumed Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 27578770 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be consumed Cancer cell Cell Line Lung cancer Exchange of substance absorb 24973521 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote T cell Unclear Activity activation 22753954 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Mast cell Mammals Chronic allergic inflammation Activity activation 25692702 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Basophil Mammals Chronic allergic inflammation Activity activation 25692702 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Neuron Unclear Activity activation of nerve cells 18761812 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released T cell Unclear Exchange of substance ATP release 25482154 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Neutrophil Unclear Exchange of substance ATP release 25482154 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Regulate Microglia Mammals Traumatic brain injury Others branch dynamics 15895084 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Astrocyte Other Exchange of substance calcium signaling 11342663 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Regulate Microglia Unclear Others calcium signaling 11342663 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Stem cell Cell Line Exchange of substance constitutive or evoked 28534085 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released T cell Unclear Exchange of substance costimulatory molecules 24661183 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Cortical astrocyte Mammals Gene/Protein CREB-dependent transcription 22593004 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Regulatory T cell Mammals Colitis Cell death death 28286160 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Cd11c(+)cd11b(+)ly6c(hi) cell Mammals Cancer Differentiation differentiation 23562161 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Macrophage Clinical Infection Exchange of substance exosome release and membrane shedding 27638862 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Inhibit Monocyte Clinical Inflammatory disorders Gene/Protein expression of the tolerogenic soluble and membrane-bound HLA-G Ag 19748989 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released T cell Mammals Exchange of substance from murine T cells 20382737 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Mast cell Unclear Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Exchange of substance function as transmitters 25714965 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Neuron Unclear Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Exchange of substance function as transmitters 25714965 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Microglia Unclear Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Exchange of substance function as transmitters 25714965 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Regulate Macrophage Unclear Activity functions of lymphocytes, macrophages, and other cells 15144016 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Astrocyte Mammals Brain damage Gene/Protein gene expression 20967884 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Bladder cancer Proliferation growth 17941929 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Cancer cell Unclear Prostate cancer Invasion invasion 20202742 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Invasion invasion 15774218 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Macrophage Mammals Sepsis Activity killing of sepsis-causing bacteria 29875325 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Macrophage Clinical Hiv-1 infection Exchange of substance local release 22450808 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Cancer cell Unclear Ehrlich ascites cancer Exchange of substance Mg2+ efflux 8660698 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote T cell Clinical Inflammation Migration migration 29894310 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Macrophage Mammals Inflammation Exchange of substance MIP-2 production 22564028 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Activity motility 29733962 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Cancer cell Unclear Prostate cancer Activity motility 20202742 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Macrophage Mammals Inflammation Activity neutrophil migration 22564028 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote T cell Unclear Activity nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT), a central transcription factor involved in cytokine gene expression 10224077 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Platelet Mammals Exchange of substance nutrition 29519941 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Astrocyte Mammals Schizophrenia Exchange of substance nutrition 29030320 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Keratinocyte Mammals Psoriasis Exchange of substance nutrition 28597172 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Intestinal epithelium Mammals Helminth infections Exchange of substance nutrition 28514691 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Astrocyte Mammals Neuronal injury Exchange of substance nutrition 26791526 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Neuron Mammals Neuronal injury Exchange of substance nutrition 26791526 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Macrophage Mammals Infectious diseases Exchange of substance nutrition 25245808 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Monocyte Cell Line Inflammation Exchange of substance nutrition 23577075 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Mast cell Cell Line Inflammation Exchange of substance nutrition 23284625 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Muscle cell Mammals Fibrosis in the heart Exchange of substance nutrition 22982782 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Neuron Unclear Exchange of substance nutrition 18761812 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Astrocyte Mammals Brain trauma Exchange of substance nutrition 18445232 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Astrocyte Unclear Neurodegenerative diseases Exchange of substance nutrition 16805425 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Microglia Mammals Adhesion process extension and increase in microglial adhesion 20091784 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Regulate Mast cell Mammals Helminth infections Activity produce IL-33 28514691 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote BM-hMSC Cell Line Migration proliferation 23259837 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Recruit Myeloid cell Mammals Cancer Recruitment Recruitment 23562161 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Regulate Mesenchymal precursors Clinical Activity regulate mesenchymal precursors behavior 17243863 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Regulate Osteoblast Clinical Activity regulate osteocytic cell behavior 17243863 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released B cell Unclear Diabete Exchange of substance release and production 29360885 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Microglia Unclear Inflammation Exchange of substance release of IL-1beta 20959451 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Pancreatic stellate cell Cell Line Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 34440697 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 34440697 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Exchange of substance secretion 34270953 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Platelet Clinical Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 30692520 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Cancer cell Unclear Pancreatic ductal adenocancer Exchange of substance secretion 26607222 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Stromal cell Unclear Pancreatic ductal adenocancer Exchange of substance secretion 26607222 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Lung cancer Exchange of substance secretion 24627191 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 23845439 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 23562161 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 19767732 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released B cell Clinical Diabetes Exchange of substance secretion 22883563 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Epithelium Clinical Inflammation Exchange of substance secretion 19685297 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Regulate Dendritic cell Mammals Cancer Substance production secretion of interleukin-1beta 19767732 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Exchange of substance soluble TNF (17 kDa) release 30776316 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Regulate Gingival epithelium Unclear Infection Others stimulated 26687842 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released T cell Cell Line Exchange of substance Stimulation of TCR 20382737 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released T cell Unclear Exchange of substance T cell activation 22753954 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Proliferation tumor cell growth 8616723 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Invasion tumor invasion 32397236 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Neuron Unclear Exchange of substance various biological effects 10224077 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Lung epithelium Mammals Ards Exchange of substance ATP release in lung epithelial cells 36526145 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Regulate Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Activity EMT 36499099 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Be released Neuron Unclear Exchange of substance This effect is mediated by activation of P2Y receptors in SCs after activity-dependent ATP release from sensory neurons 36212694 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Muscle cell Mammals Musculoskeletal pathologies Others Akt phosphorylation (S473) 36012713 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Macrophage Mammals Inflammation Activity activation of P2Y11 receptor 23577075 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Macrophage Mammals Inflammation Exchange of substance ATP release via exocytosis 23577075 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Regulate Keratinocyte Unclear Skin inflammation Proliferation cell growth 20236803 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Regulate Keratinocyte Unclear Skin inflammation Differentiation differentiation, terminal differentiation 20236803 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Invasion invasion 25976617 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Migration migration 25976617 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation tumor growth 32397236 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Invasion invasion 32397236 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Cancer cell Mammals Hepatocellular cancer Proliferation proliferation 24847054 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Cancer cell Mammals Hepatocellular cancer Migration migration 24847054 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Regulate Osteoblast Clinical Others regulate osteoblastic behavior 17243863 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Cancer cell Mammals Oral cancer Gene/Protein enhanced the activity of Src and EGFR protein kinases 36385800 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Cancer cell Mammals Oral cancer Invasion enhanced cell invasion 36385800 HMDB0000538 Adenosine triphosphate Promote Cancer cell Mammals Oral cancer Migration enhanced cell migration 36385800 HMDB0000626 Deoxycholic acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Cell death apoptosis 11851724 HMDB0000626 Deoxycholic acid Promote Epithelium Cell Line Colon cancer (adenocancer) Cell death apoptosis 11240376 HMDB0000626 Deoxycholic acid Promote Mucosal epithelium Clinical Cell death apoptosis 16234098 HMDB0000626 Deoxycholic acid Promote Esophageal epithelium Clinical Cell death apoptosis 16234098 HMDB0000626 Deoxycholic acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Proliferation growth 11851724 HMDB0000626 Deoxycholic acid Promote Dendritic cell Mammals Activity innate immune responses 32979004 HMDB0000626 Deoxycholic acid Promote Adipocyte Cell Line Lipoma Cell death lysis 16310057 HMDB0000626 Deoxycholic acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Proliferation proliferation 11851724 HMDB0000626 Deoxycholic acid Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Proliferation proliferation 11851724 HMDB0000626 Deoxycholic acid Inhibit Epithelium Mammals Activity TEER 1871046 HMDB0000757 Glycogen Be released Epithelium Other Exchange of substance apocrine process from the apical portions of the epithelial cells of the inner ear 12397371 HMDB0000757 Glycogen Promote Natural killer cell Mammals Cancer Activity cytotoxicity 22080051 HMDB0000757 Glycogen Promote Macrophage Mammals Others immune complexes of red cells and IgM antibodies 7451963 HMDB0001085 Leukotriene B4 Promote Granulocyte Unclear Cancer Adhesion adhension 1973408 HMDB0001085 Leukotriene B4 Promote Granulocyte Unclear Cancer Adhesion adhension 1973408 HMDB0001085 Leukotriene B4 Promote Macrophage Mammals Obese Others chemotaxis 25706874 HMDB0001085 Leukotriene B4 Promote Macrophage Unclear Activity cytotoxic activities and production of hydrogen peroxide and the monokines interleukin 1 and tumor necrosis factor 2540636 HMDB0001085 Leukotriene B4 Promote Monocyte Unclear Activity cytotoxic activities and production of hydrogen peroxide and the monokines interleukin 1 and tumor necrosis factor 2540636 HMDB0001085 Leukotriene B4 Regulate Cancer cell Cell Line Pancreatic cancer Proliferation growth 12374694 HMDB0001085 Leukotriene B4 Promote Monocyte Unclear Gene/Protein IL 1 production 2999234 HMDB0001085 Leukotriene B4 Promote Alveolar epithelium Other Exchange of substance LTC4 release 18565553 HMDB0001167 Pyruvaldehyde Promote Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Activity activation 19375802 HMDB0001167 Pyruvaldehyde Regulate Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Proliferation growth 23333621 HMDB0001167 Pyruvaldehyde Promote Macrophage Mammals Hyperglycemia Others polarization 27605608 HMDB0001167 Pyruvaldehyde Promote Endothelium Unclear Brain microvascular endothelial barrier dysfunction Others promote barrier-function and with the expression of RAGE, occludin and ZO-1 26975648 HMDB0001167 Pyruvaldehyde Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Others respiration 1995489 HMDB0001167 Pyruvaldehyde Promote Renal tubular cell Mammals Exchange of substance rise in [Ca2+]i 15763427 HMDB0001167 Pyruvaldehyde Promote Renal tubular cell Mammals Exchange of substance rise in [Ca2+]i 15763427 HMDB0001257 Spermidine Promote Cancer cell Mammals Liver cancer Autophagy autophagy 28386016 HMDB0001257 Spermidine Promote Endothelium Clinical Cardiovascular disease Gene/Protein cytoprotection of the cells against oxidative stress-induced death 23983896 HMDB0001257 Spermidine Promote CD4(+) T cell Mammals Atopic dermatitis Exchange of substance degranulation and production of interferon-gamma 25645543 HMDB0001257 Spermidine Inhibit Mast cell Mammals Atopic dermatitis Substance production degranulation and production of interferon-gamma 25645543 HMDB0001257 Spermidine Inhibit Mast cell Mammals Atopic dermatitis Recruitment DNFB-evoked infiltration 25645543 HMDB0001257 Spermidine Inhibit T cell Mammals Atopic dermatitis Recruitment DNFB-evoked infiltration 25645543 HMDB0001257 Spermidine Inhibit Eosinophil Mammals Atopic dermatitis Recruitment DNFB-evoked infiltration 25645543 HMDB0001257 Spermidine Inhibit T cell Mammals Colitis Activity the expression of proinflammatory cytokines, phosphorylation of (nuclear factor-kappaB) NF-kappaB and (mitogen-activated protein kinase) MAPK, and the activation of F4/80 macrophages and T cells 33541082 HMDB0001257 Spermidine Be released Melanocyte Clinical Exchange of substance increased melanin production 36008447 HMDB0001257 Spermidine Promote Stem cell Mammals Proliferation proliferation and differentiation ability 36692947 HMDB0001257 Spermidine Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Colitis Gene/Protein the expression of proinflammatory cytokines 33541082 HMDB0001257 Spermidine Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Colitis Activity phosphorylation of (nuclear factor-kappaB) NF-kappaB and (mitogen-activated protein kinase) MAPK, and the activation of F4/80 macrophages and T cells 33541082 HMDB0001311 D-Lactic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation growth 32512614 HMDB0001311 D-Lactic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 32512614 HMDB0001311 D-Lactic acid Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Proliferation tumor growth 32512614 HMDB0001341 ADP Promote Platelet Cell Line Lung cancer Activity activation 8954171 HMDB0001341 ADP Be released Platelet Clinical Exchange of substance ADP release and integrin alphaIIbbeta3 activation 28876503 HMDB0001341 ADP Promote Platelet Cell Line Acute myeloid leukemia Others aggregation 281086 HMDB0001341 ADP Be released Platelet Clinical Exchange of substance Gbetagamma -dependent pathway 28876503 HMDB0001341 ADP Promote Endothelium Mammals Schistosomiasis Activity leukocyte adhesion to the endothelial monolayer 26924460 HMDB0001341 ADP Be released Platelet Unclear Thrombosis Exchange of substance nutrition 22528678 HMDB0001341 ADP Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Exchange of substance secretion 30462538 HMDB0001341 ADP Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Lung cancer Exchange of substance secretion 8954171 HMDB0001341 ADP Be released Platelet Cell Line Burkitt's lymphoma Exchange of substance secretion 1853309 HMDB0001341 ADP Inhibit Endothelium Clinical Cell death survival 28578353 HMDB0001341 ADP Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Glioblastoma Proliferation tumor growth, survival 28415709 HMDB0001341 ADP Promote Endothelium Unclear Exchange of substance uptake and transport 21979433 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Monocyte Unclear Rheumatoid arthritis Others production of relevant cytokines 18679047 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Natural killer cell Unclear Rheumatoid arthritis Others production of relevant cytokines 18679047 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Gene/Protein the expression of immunoreactive estrogen receptor 7708056 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote CD4(+) T cell Mammals Activity activation 30502907 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Breast cancer Gene/Protein activation of the estrogen receptor 16647824 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit B cell Cell Line Glioma Gene/Protein activation of transcription factor 22404622 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Fibroblast Cell Line Breast cancer Differentiation adipogenic differentiation 22151118 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Others aerobic metabolism 25876649 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Other Breast cancer Others aerobic metabolism, critical cell-signaling pathways relevant to cell proliferation, survival, metastasis, and drug resistance 28364111 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Keratinocyte Clinical Skin disease Cell death against H2O2-induced cell death 26918354 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Protect Alveolar epithelium Clinical Pulmonary fibrosis Others against oxidative stress 33065391 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Protect Mast cell Clinical Idiopathic infertility Others against oxidative stress 28561756 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Protect Lung epithelium Mammals Lung injury Others against PM2.5-induced lung injury 34364124 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Leydig cell Mammals Idiopathic infertility Substance production androgen production 24659586 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Cancer cell Other Breast cancer Others angiogenic factors 25963143 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote B cell Mammals Proliferation antibody titer 30502907 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote CD4(+) T cell Mammals Proliferation antibody titer 30502907 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Be released Pineal gland Unclear Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Exchange of substance anti-fibrosis 27878256 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Macrophage Mammals Activity antigen presentation 8365822 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Macrophage Clinical Idiopathic infertility Proliferation anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory 28561756 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Clinical Colorectal cancer Cell death apoptosis 31637261 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Neuroblastoma Cell death apoptosis 18284548 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Cell death apoptosis 32990541 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Unclear Melanoma Cell death apoptosis 32063063 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Cell death apoptosis 22612707 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Cell death apoptosis 12943228 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Cell death apoptosis 35365454 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Unclear Colorectal cancer Cell death apoptosis 34671196 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Cell death apoptosis 33667778 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Cell death apoptosis 32990541 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Spermatogonia Mammals Chronic myelogenous leukemia Cell death apoptosis 30986493 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Unclear Colorectal cancer Cell death apoptosis 29970517 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Unclear Hepatocellular cancer Cell death apoptosis 29672851 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Tongue cancer (squamous) Cell death apoptosis 29149494 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Colorectal cancer Cell death apoptosis 25752481 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Mammals Gastric cancer Cell death apoptosis 25516522 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Leydig cell Mammals Cell death apoptosis 32061868 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit CD4(+) T cell Mammals Cell death apoptosis 20181888 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Testicular stromal cell Mammals Diabetes Cell death apoptosis 30237484 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Cervical cancer Cell death apoptosis 29071589 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Granulocyte Mammals Follicular atresia Cell death apoptosis 27391761 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Kidney cell Cell Line Cell death apoptosis and differentiation 30301504 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Cell death apoptotic 24032643 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Cell death apoptotic cell death 26607805 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Cell death apoptotic cell death 26607805 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Gene/Protein aromatase enzyme activity 22151118 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Fibroblast Cell Line Breast cancer Gene/Protein aromatase enzyme activity 22151118 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Unclear Colon cancer Autophagy autophagy 31870319 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Unclear Hepatocancer Autophagy autophagy 31870319 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Be released Pineal gland cell Mammals Exchange of substance by the pineal gland 25545385 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Be released Pineal gland cell Clinical Cataracts Exchange of substance by the pineal gland 34192628 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Be released Pineal gland Unclear Alzheimer's disease Exchange of substance by the pineal gland 26514267 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation cancer growth 24786921 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation cancer growth 9582617 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Neutrophil Clinical Down syndrome Gene/Protein CD11b expression 30390640 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Monocyte Clinical Down syndrome Gene/Protein CD11b expression 30390640 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Lung cancer Gene/Protein CD133 expression 30421542 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Ovarian cancer Others CDDP sensitivity 11520153 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Proliferation cell cycle progression, cell proliferation 19522736 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Unclear Gastrointestinal cancer Cell death cell death 25752643 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Ewing's sarcoma Cell death cell death 22382690 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation cell growth 29359963 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Proliferation cell growth 19552766 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation cell growth 12445677 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Breast cancer Proliferation cell growth 23013414 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Prostate cancer Proliferation cell growth 28644090 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Proliferation cell growth 19882681 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Proliferation cell growth 18298468 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation cell growth 15073572 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation cell growth 7629697 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation cell growth 2099893 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation cell growth, proliferation 12140868 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Mesenchyme cell Mammals Rotator cuff tears Differentiation chondrogenic differentiation 31588948 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Lung cancer (non-small cell) Phenotype CSC-like phenotypes 34396568 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Lung cancer (non-small cell) Phenotype CSC-like phenotypes 34396568 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Lung cancer (non-small cell) Phenotype CSC-like phenotypes 34396568 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Cholangiocancer Activity cytotoxic effect 25606968 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Colorectal adenocarcinoma Cell death cytotoxicity and apoptosis 28956121 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Mesenchyme cell Clinical Osteoporosis Differentiation decrease in equilibrium ratios of serum osteoclasts and osteoblasts 29285799 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Proliferation development, growth 20050373 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Prostate cancer Proliferation development, progression 17614829 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Osteoclast Unclear Prostate cancer Differentiation differentiation 33452455 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Others duration of the cell cycle 8632728 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Non-small cell lung cancer Migration EMT 27878256 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Vascular endothelium Clinical Cervical spinal cord injuries Exchange of substance endothelial cells to secrete TFPI 21297449 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Breast cancer Others estrogen biosynthesis 23013414 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Neuron Mammals Alzheimer's disease Gene/Protein expression 32358852 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Osteosarcoma Gene/Protein expression of lncRNA JPX 34547170 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Gene/Protein expression of OCT-4 31684950 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Unclear Gastric cancer Gene/Protein expression of TGFbeta1 31173264 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Gastric cancer Gene/Protein Forkhead box p3 (Foxp3) expression 21416626 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Be released Intestinal cell Mammals Exchange of substance from intestinal enterochromaffin cells and from the pineal gland 11518737 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Glioma Exchange of substance from leptin secretion by the adipocyte 29219947 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Regulatory T cell Clinical Systemic lupus erythematosus Gene/Protein gene expression 25612066 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation growth 15378522 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Colorectal cancer Proliferation growth 30590435 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Proliferation growth 25062775 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation growth 21062257 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Other Neuroblastoma Proliferation growth 27461152 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Other Glioma Proliferation growth 27461152 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Proliferation growth 16044032 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Cancer cell Clinical Breast cancer Proliferation growth 2736489 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation growth 28415828 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Proliferation growth 25857269 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Proliferation growth 19075592 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Proliferation growth 12019351 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Gene/Protein HIF-1 alpha expression 19552765 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Gene/Protein hormone receptor expression 9076462 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Macrophage Clinical Cancer Activity IL-2-induced macrophage activation 7637951 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Be released Pineal gland cell Unclear Exchange of substance In vertebrates, melatonin is primarily secreted from the pineal gland but it affects various biological processes including the sleep-wake cycle, vasomotor control, immune system and bone homeostasis 28587149 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Microglia Unclear Stroke Gene/Protein inflammation 32910356 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Thyroid cancer Others inhibition of p65 phosphorylation 29525603 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Glioblastoma (multiforme) Invasion invasion 34418770 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Other Breast cancer Invasion invasiveness 26934679 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Breast cancer Gene/Protein levels of VEGF 23013414 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Mesenchyme cell Other Proliferation mesenchymal cells proliferation 29065543 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Be released Cancer cell Clinical Exchange of substance metabolize melatonin in cell-type and context-dependent fashion 27619234 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Esophageal cancer Migration metastasis 32161013 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Gastric cancer Gene/Protein metastasis 31176166 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Migration metastatic effect 32987338 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Oral cancer Migration migration 34339541 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Macrophage Clinical Systemic lupus erythematosus Migration migration 32172204 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Endothelium Mammals Acute ischemic kidney injury Migration migratory activity of eEPCs 22357919 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Cancer cell Clinical Breast cancer Gene/Protein miRNA, gene expression 21615491 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Gene/Protein miRNAs expression 34181134 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Proliferation neoplasia development 18604407 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Proliferation number of prostate cancer cells, cell cycle progression 15378522 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Proliferation number of prostate cancer cells, cell cycle progression 15378522 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Mesenchyme cell Mammals Femoral fractures Differentiation osteogenic differentiation 33334091 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Protect Microglia Unclear Stroke Others others 31445031 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Others oxidative stress, Ca(2+) influx 23194197 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Endothelium Cell Line Others permeability 22619232 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Activity phagocytosis 28209510 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Macrophage Unclear Rheumatoid arthritis Polarization phenotype polarization 30597604 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Pancreatic cancer Gene/Protein phosphorylation of HSP27 17901593 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Cervical cancer Cell death pro-apoptotic effects 26462739 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance production of progesterone 6690285 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Kawasaki disease Substance production production of pro-inflammatory cytokines 35582751 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Pancreatic cell Unclear Pancreatic cancer Gene/Protein production of two major anti-apoptotic heat shock proteins, HSP27, HSP90 20626591 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Granulocyte Mammals Exchange of substance progesterone production 9243703 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Macrophage Unclear Gene/Protein proinflammatory cytokines mRNA and protein production 30349079 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Regulatory T cell Mammals Autoimmune encephalomyelitis Gene/Protein pro-inflammatory response 26130320 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Regulatory T cell Mammals Autoimmune encephalomyelitis Gene/Protein pro-inflammatory response 26130320 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Other Cancer Proliferation proliferation 29783631 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Bladder cancer Proliferation proliferation 28849163 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Oral cancer Proliferation proliferation 28422711 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Colorectal cancer Proliferation proliferation 26753642 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 26363225 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Gastrointestinal cancer Proliferation proliferation 25752643 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Cholangiocancer Proliferation proliferation 23772655 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Proliferation proliferation 23330808 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Cancer Proliferation proliferation 9441515 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Neuroblastoma Proliferation proliferation 18284548 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Neuroblastoma Proliferation proliferation 18284548 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 11369450 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Proliferation proliferation 10671684 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 2328480 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 35365454 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation proliferation 33923028 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Glioblastoma Proliferation proliferation 27121240 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Proliferation proliferation 21718361 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Proliferation proliferation 21605164 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 21385053 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Cancer cell Clinical Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 20050373 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Prostate cancer Proliferation proliferation 12932201 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Endometrial cancer Proliferation proliferation 12887647 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 12088876 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 12071473 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 10965999 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 10100735 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 9854999 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 8632728 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote CD4(+) T cell Unclear Proliferation proliferation 11472402 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Proliferation proliferative status 15378522 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Cervical cancer Others pro-oxidant actions 26462739 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Protect Keratinocyte Cell Line Others protection against cytotoxicity in HaCaT keratinocytes 29986551 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Lung cancer Gene/Protein RANKL production 33452455 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Lung cancer Gene/Protein RANKL production 33452455 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Prostate cancer Gene/Protein RANKL production 33452455 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Others reactive oxygen species (ROS) production 19723074 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Macrophage Cell Line Exchange of substance release of TNF-alpha 11472402 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Neutrophil Other Migration rhythmic neutrophil migration 25763660 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Cancer cell Mammals Osteosarcoma Others sarcosphere formation 29689273 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Be released Pineal gland cell Cell Line Lung cancer (non-small cell) Exchange of substance secretion 34396568 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Be released Mammary epithelium Clinical Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 8874386 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Be released Pineal gland cell Unclear Breast cancer Exchange of substance secretion 29330934 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Be released Pineal gland cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 19337976 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Be released Pineal gland cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 15378522 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Leydig cell Mammals Diabetes Exchange of substance secretion of CSF1 30237484 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Mammals Colon cancer Others sensitization 30173656 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Phenotype shifts MCF-7 human breast cancer cells to a lower invasive status 9766668 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Osteosarcoma Others SOX9-mediated signaling pathway 29689273 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Gastric cancer Gene/Protein stability of HIF-1alpha 26330273 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Lung cancer Differentiation stemness 30421542 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Keratinocyte Other Activity stimulatory effect 32576871 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Keratinocyte Mammals Activity stimulatory effect 32576871 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Neuron Other Activity stimulatory effect 32576871 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Protect Vascular endothelium Clinical Kawasaki disease Others suppress cell apoptosis 35582751 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Precursor B cell Mammals Cell death survival 10981821 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Stem cell Mammals Proliferation survivor of stem cells and the most effective dose 34344063 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Leydig cell Mammals Internal reproductive organs atrophy Gene/Protein TGF-beta1 mRNA expression 22850471 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Hepatic stellate cell Mammals Steatohepatitis Activity the activation of the latter to abrogate collagen deposition 28247434 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Protect Esophageal epithelium Clinical Gastroesophageal reflux disease Others the esophageal epithelial barrier 25562159 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Mesenchyme cell Mammals Osteoporosis Differentiation the number of osteoblasts 29077147 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote T helper lymphocytes Unclear Exchange of substance The production and release of various cytokines 19047804 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Natural killer cell Unclear Exchange of substance The production and release of various cytokines 19047804 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote T cell Clinical Gene/Protein the synthesis of IL-17A 27021094 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Macrophage Unclear Activity TLR3- and TLR4-mediated innate immune responses 30349079 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Epididymal epithelium Mammals Epididymitis Gene/Protein TLR4/NF-kappaB signaling and exerted anti-inflammatory effect 31491433 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Activity tumor cells viability 28624391 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Colorectal cancer Proliferation tumor development 30091203 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Proliferation tumor growth 34073318 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Leiomyoma Proliferation tumor growth 31710386 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Gastric cancer Proliferation tumor growth 31173264 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer (triple-negative) Proliferation tumor growth 30700756 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation tumor growth 22924616 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Other Ovarian cancer Proliferation tumor growth 15159691 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Glioblastoma Proliferation tumor initiation, propagation 27121240 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Migration tumor metastasis 32171553 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Cell death tumor metastasis 32171553 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Clinical Clear cell renal cell cancer Proliferation tumor progression 31469445 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Clinical Clear cell renal cell cancer Proliferation tumor progression 31469445 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Proliferation tumor volume 23102197 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Bone metastasis Proliferation tumor volumes 33452455 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Bladder cancer Proliferation tumorigenesis 32792862 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Adipocyte Mammals Diabetes Gene/Protein UCP1, CITED1, and PGC1-alpha expression 35274657 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Gene/Protein VEGF expression 23473980 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Gene/Protein VEGF expression 23473980 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Activity viability 28322030 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Activity viability 28322030 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Gastric cancer Proliferation volume and weight of tumor 25516522 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Nasopharyngeal cancer Others Wnt/beta-catenin pathway 32203052 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Epithelium Mammals Cell death apoptosis 36455642 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit T cell Clinical Covid-19 Gene/Protein None 36254292 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Cell death growth 35778975 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Protect Spermatogonia Unclear Others from Cr (VI)-triggered damage via elimination of reactive oxygen species (ROS) as well as via suppression of ATM-p53 phosphorylation and the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway 35643323 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Dn t cell Clinical Primary sjogren's syndrome Activity pathogenic responses 35537347 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Th17 cell Clinical Primary sjogren's syndrome Activity pathogenic responses 35537347 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Neural stem cell Mammals Traumatic brain injury Others survival 35535904 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Adipocyte Mammals Gene/Protein increased UCP1, CITED1, and PGC1-alpha expression 35274657 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Bone mesenchymal stem cell Mammals Osteoporosis Differentiation osteogenic differentiation 34311444 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit T cell Clinical Proliferation anti-inflammatory cytokine transforming growth factor beta 33359532 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Mesenchyme cell Unclear Differentiation None 33334091 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell Mammals Differentiation chondrogenic differentiation 31588948 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit T cell Clinical Activity strongly inhibited 31573052 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Mesenchyme cell Mammals Proliferation proliferation 29065543 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Adipocyte Unclear Differentiation terminal differentiation 20738756 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer stem cell Cell Line Breast cancer Differentiation differentiation 30301504 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer stem cell Cell Line Breast cancer Cell death apoptosis 30301504 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Proliferation cancer cell growth, survival 34058789 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Migration cancer cell metastasis 34058789 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Other Cancer Proliferation cancer cell survival, metabolism 34639215 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Other Cancer Invasion cancer cell invasion 34639215 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Other Cancer Migration cancer cell migration 34639215 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Proliferation cell proliferation 32893084 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Migration metastasis 32893084 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Others drug resistance 32893084 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Osteosarcoma Proliferation cell proliferation 34547170 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Osteosarcoma Invasion cell invasion 34547170 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Osteosarcoma Migration cell migration 34547170 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colorectal cancer Proliferation cellular proliferation 30544713 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colorectal cancer Migration cell migration counts 30544713 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Colorectal cancer Proliferation colony formation, growth 34671196 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Colorectal cancer Invasion invasion 34671196 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Colorectal cancer Migration migration 34671196 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Colorectal cancer Phenotype malignant phenotypes 34671196 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Amnion epithelium Mammals Differentiation differentiation into neural cells 26762966 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Amnion epithelium Mammals Activity cell vitality 26762966 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Lung cancer Gene/Protein EMT marker expression 30808718 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Lung cancer Migration metastasis 30808718 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Proliferation growth 27017208 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Invasion cancer cell invasion 27017208 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer Activity telomerase activity 27017208 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Bladder cancer Proliferation growth 30372570 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Bladder cancer Invasion invasion 30372570 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Colorectal cancer Proliferation growth 21809392 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Colorectal cancer Invasion invasive capacity 21809392 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Proliferation growth 34961467 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Migration metastasis 34961467 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Gene/Protein hepcidin gene expression 35408955 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Hepatocyte Mammals Exchange of substance hepcidin secretion 35408955 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Hepatic stellate cell Mammals Fibrogenesis Activity lipotoxicity-mediated hepatic stellate cell activation 28247434 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Esophageal cancer Invasion invasion 32161013 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Esophageal cancer Migration migration 32161013 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Oral cancer Invasion invasion 29725496 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Oral cancer Migration migration 29725496 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Endothelium Unclear Cancer Invasion invasion 28974455 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Endothelium Unclear Cancer Migration migration 28974455 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Gene/Protein ROCK expression 29152648 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Migration migration 29152648 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Invasion invasive abilities 35174530 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Migration migratory abilities 35174530 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Prostate cancer Gene/Protein MMP-13 expression 33251599 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Prostate cancer Invasion invasive capacities 33251599 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Prostate cancer Migration migratory capacities 33251599 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Granulocyte Other Proliferation proliferation 33142533 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Granulocyte Other Cell death apoptosis 33142533 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Macrophage Cell Line Idiopathic infertility Proliferation proliferation 24659586 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Macrophage Cell Line Idiopathic infertility Gene/Protein the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) 24659586 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Idiopathic infertility Proliferation proliferation 24659586 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Idiopathic infertility Gene/Protein the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2) 24659586 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Oral cancer Proliferation proliferation 29725496 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Oral cancer Others apoptosis resistance 29725496 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Colorectal cancer Proliferation proliferation 31637261 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Colorectal cancer Migration metastasis 31637261 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Colorectal cancer Autophagy autophagy 31637261 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Vein endothelium Clinical Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 23473980 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Vein endothelium Clinical Breast cancer Invasion invasion 23473980 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Vein endothelium Clinical Breast cancer Migration migration 23473980 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Proliferation proliferation 30186285 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Migration migration 30186285 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Activity viability of a tumor cell line (TC-1) 30186285 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Adhesion adhesion 30186285 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Hepatocellular cancer Proliferation proliferation 30201903 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Hepatocellular cancer Invasion invasion capacities 30201903 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Hepatocellular cancer Migration migration 30201903 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Hepatocellular cancer Proliferation proliferation 30201903 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Hepatocellular cancer Invasion invasion capacities 30201903 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Hepatocellular cancer Migration migration 30201903 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Oesophageal cancer (squamous) Proliferation proliferation 27787516 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Oesophageal cancer (squamous) Invasion invasion 27787516 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Oesophageal cancer (squamous) Migration migration 27787516 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Cancer cell Mammals Oesophageal cancer (squamous) Cell death apoptosis 27787516 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Hepatocellular cancer Proliferation proliferation 29672851 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Hepatocellular cancer Invasion invasiveness 29672851 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Hepatocellular cancer Activity cancer cell motility 29672851 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colorectal cancer Proliferation proliferation 33507000 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colorectal cancer Invasion invasion 33507000 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Colorectal cancer Migration migration 33507000 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Macrophage Other Proliferation the size, the number of cells 33441634 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Macrophage Other Phenotype the endosomal compartments 33441634 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Dendritic cell Other Proliferation the size, the number of cells 33441634 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Dendritic cell Other Phenotype the size and the endosomal compartments 33441634 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Prostate cancer Proliferation tumor growth 33251599 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Prostate cancer Migration metastasis 33251599 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer (triple-negative) Proliferation tumor growth 33380424 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Breast cancer (triple-negative) Others apoptosis resistance 33380424 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation tumor growth 33385405 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Regulate Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Invasion invasiveness 33385405 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Gastric cancer Proliferation tumor growth 26514342 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Gastric cancer Migration peritoneal dissemination 26514342 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Neural stem cell Mammals Traumatic brain injury Proliferation proliferation,survival 35535904 HMDB0001389 Melatonin Promote Neural stem cell Mammals Traumatic brain injury Differentiation differentiation 35535904 HMDB0001419 24-Hydroxycholesterol Be consumed Hepatocyte Clinical Exchange of substance into bile acids 11463788 HMDB0001429 Phosphate Be consumed Cancer cell Other Cancer Exchange of substance absorb 29684520 HMDB0001429 Phosphate Promote Endothelium Clinical Hyperphosphatemia Cell death apoptosis 25896660 HMDB0001429 Phosphate Promote Endothelium Clinical Hyperphosphatemia Cell death apoptosis 25896660 HMDB0001429 Phosphate Promote Endothelium Clinical Cell death apoptosis 21677430 HMDB0001429 Phosphate Promote Aortic smooth muscle cell Clinical Cell death apoptosis 21677430 HMDB0001429 Phosphate Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation cell growth 12049477 HMDB0001429 Phosphate Regulate Chondrocyte Mammals Differentiation chondrocyte maturation and skeletal mineralization 27324177 HMDB0001429 Phosphate Be consumed Renal tubular cell Unclear Phosphaturia Exchange of substance phosphate reabsorption 22647968 HMDB0001429 Phosphate Be released Cancer cell Unclear Mesenchymal cancer Exchange of substance secretion 17352646 HMDB0001429 Phosphate Promote Smooth muscle cell Unclear Phenotype phenotypic transformation 24586576 HMDB0001452 Thromboxane A2 Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Lung cancer Proliferation growth 25323693 HMDB0001452 Thromboxane A2 Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Migration hematogenous spread 6242706 HMDB0001452 Thromboxane A2 Promote Cancer cell Clinical Ovarian cancer Proliferation aggressing growth 3281748 HMDB0001452 Thromboxane A2 Promote Cancer cell Clinical Ovarian cancer Invasion spreading 3281748 HMDB0001452 Thromboxane A2 Promote Cancer cell Clinical Ovarian cancer Migration spreading 3281748 HMDB0001547 Corticosterone Regulate Lymphocyte Mammals Proliferation anti-TCR-induced lymphocyte proliferation 7636240 HMDB0001547 Corticosterone Promote Monocyte Mammals Immune dysfunction Cell death apoptosis 29481825 HMDB0001547 Corticosterone Promote Bone marrow stem cell Mammals Immune dysfunction Cell death apoptosis 29481825 HMDB0001547 Corticosterone Inhibit Gastric mucosa cell Mammals Proliferation cell proliferation 9497219 HMDB0001547 Corticosterone Promote Macrophage Mammals Infection Activity chemotaxis 9051584 HMDB0001547 Corticosterone Regulate Lung epithelium Mammals Lung cancer Proliferation neoplastic development 2895816 HMDB0001547 Corticosterone Promote Granulocyte Other Cell death proliferative and apoptotic effects 35577112 HMDB0001547 Corticosterone Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Adrenal cancer Exchange of substance secretion 19337015 HMDB0001547 Corticosterone Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Adrenal cancer Exchange of substance secretion 16439455 HMDB0001547 Corticosterone Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Adrenal cancer Exchange of substance secretion 15666850 HMDB0001547 Corticosterone Be released Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 4351620 HMDB0001547 Corticosterone Be released Cancer cell Mammals Cancer Exchange of substance sescretion 4351620 HMDB0001547 Corticosterone Inhibit Leydig cell Mammals Gene/Protein suppressing the mRNA expression of 3beta-HSD type-I and 17beta-HSD type-III enzymes 17167538 HMDB0001547 Corticosterone Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Inflammation Exchange of substance uptake of neutral red 15610897 HMDB0001547 Corticosterone Inhibit Granulocyte Other Activity progesterone synthesis 36608454 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Promote Cancer cell Unclear Prostate cancer Cell death apoptosis 15663994 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Promote Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Migration cancer metastasis 30037009 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Ovarian cancer Gene/Protein CCAT2 expression 32230936 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Leukemia Exchange of substance cytokine output 30455079 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Inhibit Immature NK cell Cell Line Leukemia Activity cytotoxic function, cytokine production 30455079 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Colorectal cancer Gene/Protein expression of the CRC tumor suppressor gene, CDH1, at both the transcript, protein level 34918389 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Regulate Osteoblast Unclear Periprosthetic bone loss Activity functions 15274277 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Promote Thyro-sphere cell Cell Line Thyroid cancer Cell death G2/M phase arrest 27030645 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation growth 28213567 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Regulate Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation growth 15862965 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Promote Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Migration metastatic potential 29115583 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Prostate cancer Proliferation proliferation 15663994 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Thyroid cancer Proliferation proliferation 27030645 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Thyroid cancer Proliferation proliferation 14655142 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Cell death selective cell death 25547436 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Promote Cancer cell Mammals Hepatocellular cancer Others selective DNA breakage in malignant cells 27343126 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Oral cancer (squamous) Proliferation tumor growth 31981799 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Ovarian cancer Proliferation tumor progression 29860390 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Inhibit Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Others tumor spheroid formation 25934710 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Regulate Cancer cell Mammals Breast cancer Gene/Protein VEGF and Tsp-1 expression 24120914 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Insulinoma Activity viability 12697689 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Parathyroid adenoma Proliferation cell proliferation 11004217 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Parathyroid adenoma Cell death apoptosis 11004217 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Invasion invasion 22610818 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Migration migration 22610818 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Prostate cancer Proliferation proliferation 15663994 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Prostate cancer Invasion invasion 15663994 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Ovarian cancer Proliferation proliferation 32230936 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Ovarian cancer Invasion invasion 32230936 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Ovarian cancer Migration migration 32230936 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Promote Adipocyte Mammals Proliferation proliferation 12704799 HMDB0001903 Calcitriol Promote Adipocyte Mammals Differentiation differentiation 12704799 HMDB0001999 Eicosapentaenoic acid Be consumed Keratinocyte Clinical Exchange of substance be incorporated and change their fatty acid composition 8387329 HMDB0002103 27-Hydroxycholesterol Promote Macrophage Cell Line Gene/Protein activates liver orphan receptor alpha and induces the cholesterol efflux transporters ABCA1 and ABCG1 17088262 HMDB0002103 27-Hydroxycholesterol Inhibit Cd8(+)t lymphocytes Unclear Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 29021522 HMDB0002103 27-Hydroxycholesterol Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Proliferation proliferation 26872310 HMDB0002710 Prostaglandin J2 Inhibit Mesenchyme cell Mammals Lupus Substance production NO production 10640767 HMDB0002961 Dihydrotestosterone Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Activity androgen receptor activity 20932825 HMDB0002961 Dihydrotestosterone Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Cell death apoptosis 12242728 HMDB0002961 Dihydrotestosterone Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Gene/Protein FGF2 and FGF8b production 23424081 HMDB0002961 Dihydrotestosterone Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Proliferation growth 10698512 HMDB0002961 Dihydrotestosterone Inhibit Granulocyte Mammals Ovulatory dysfunction Proliferation ovarian granulosa cell proliferation 20810561 HMDB0002961 Dihydrotestosterone Promote Cancer cell Clinical Prostate cancer Proliferation proliferation 7615373 HMDB0002961 Dihydrotestosterone Inhibit Epithelium Mammals Proliferation Proliferation of the epithelial cells 2842286 HMDB0002961 Dihydrotestosterone Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Gene/Protein rcoactivator's expression 12772188 HMDB0002961 Dihydrotestosterone Recruit CD8(+) T cell Unclear Benign prostatic hyperplasia Recruitment Recruitment 28216616 HMDB0002961 Dihydrotestosterone Inhibit Prostate epithelial cell Cell Line Cancer Cell death TGF-beta-induced apoptosis 18829577 HMDB0002961 Dihydrotestosterone Promote Cancer cell Mammals Prostate cancer Proliferation tumor growth 27824515 HMDB0002961 Dihydrotestosterone Promote Cancer cell Mammals Prostatic cancer Proliferation tumor growth 1915114 HMDB0002961 Dihydrotestosterone Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Proliferation cell proliferation 34713388 HMDB0002961 Dihydrotestosterone Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Invasion invasion 34713388 HMDB0002961 Dihydrotestosterone Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Prostate cancer Migration migration 34713388 HMDB0002961 Dihydrotestosterone Promote Cancer cell Mammals Prostate cancer Proliferation proliferation 30642743 HMDB0002961 Dihydrotestosterone Promote Cancer cell Mammals Prostate cancer Gene/Protein AR expression 30642743 HMDB0002961 Dihydrotestosterone Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Bladder cancer Proliferation proliferation 27330033 HMDB0002961 Dihydrotestosterone Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Bladder cancer Invasion invasion 27330033 HMDB0002961 Dihydrotestosterone Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Bladder cancer Migration migration 27330033 HMDB0003080 Leukotriene D4 Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Hodgkin lymphoma Gene/Protein transcriptional level of tumor necrosis factor 26115646 HMDB0003080 Leukotriene D4 Promote Artery endothelium Clinical Proliferation proliferation 27397493 HMDB0003080 Leukotriene D4 Promote Artery endothelium Clinical Migration migration 27397493 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Lens epithelium Clinical Cell death apoptosis 17357510 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Lens epithelium Clinical Cataract Cell death apoptosis 28088522 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Airway epithelium Mammals Airway diseases Cell death apoptosis 10403508 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Cardiomyocyte Cell Line Cardiac fibrosis Cell death apoptosis 28203568 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Inhibit Keratinocyte Clinical Adhesion cause detachment of keratinocytes 1471949 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Biliary epithelia cells Mammals Primary biliary cirrhosis Others cellular senescence 15685690 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Cardiomyocyte Mammals Others damage 28196345 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Mast cell Unclear Cancer Others degranulation 7252407 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Mesenchyme cell Unclear Differentiation differentiation 30015907 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Be released Myeloid cell Unclear Tumorigenesis Exchange of substance from myeloid cell 29232557 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Mural cell Clinical Others gene expression 32455928 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Dermal fibroblasts Clinical Others gene expression 32455928 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Endothelium Cell Line Gene/Protein ICAM-1 9830008 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Neuron Mammals Cell death induce apoptosis and DNA injury 22384557 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Vein endothelium Clinical Others injury 30529863 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Regulate Endothelium Cell Line Gene/Protein interleukin-8 (IL-8) and intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM-1) gene expression 9830008 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Regulate Epithelium Cell Line Gene/Protein interleukin-8 (IL-8) and intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM-1) gene expression 9830008 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Cholangiocancer Gene/Protein LAT1, CD98 expression 26657242 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Monocytoid cell Unclear Cancer Adhesion Leu-CAM-dependent adhesion 1973408 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Gene/Protein LGR5 expression 22923033 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Be released Macrophage Mammals Exchange of substance macrophages capacity 2114820 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Be released Dendritic cell Mammals Asthma Exchange of substance mitochondrial H2O2 production 34580428 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Vascular endothelium Clinical Oxidative injury Others oxidative damage 30576222 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Hepatocyte Unclear Others oxidative stress injury 34519263 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Inhibit T cell Mammals Infected Proliferation proliferation 8432607 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Be released Cancer-associated fibroblast Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 29397066 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Be released Cancer cell Unclear Hepatocancer Exchange of substance secretion 28963962 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Be released Cancer cell Cell Line Breast cancer Exchange of substance secretion 28963962 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 28484000 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 25058322 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Be released Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 24870980 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Be released Endothelium Cell Line Melanoma Exchange of substance secretion 8613473 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Be released Macrophage Mammals Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 7921446 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Be released Neutrophil Other Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 3005179 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Be released Monocyte Clinical Cancer Exchange of substance secretion 3936042 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Endothelium Clinical Others senescence 32455928 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Regulate Granulocyte Mammals Substance production steroid production 22384557 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Esophageal cancer Others subunits expression,increasing intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production 29026004 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Endothelium Clinical Oxidative stress injury Cell death the cell survival rate 28871700 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Endothelium Clinical Vascular dysfunction Gene/Protein the expression and proteolytic activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9 and subsequently increased the shedding of syndecan-1 and SOD3 from the endothelial cell surface 30632766 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Liver epithelium Mammals Cancer Gene/Protein tumor promotion 10190566 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Dendritic cell Clinical Gene/Protein production of IL-8 and TFN-alpha 9842932 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Dendritic cell Clinical Cell death apoptosis 9842932 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Proliferation proliferation 17341607 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Cell death apoptosis 17341607 HMDB0003125 Hydrogen peroxide Promote Intestinal epithelium Unclear Tumorigenesis Proliferation stimulate invasive growth 29232557 HMDB0003276 Hydrogen sulfide Inhibit Endothelium Clinical Atherogenesis Adhesion adhesion molecules 29560080 HMDB0003276 Hydrogen sulfide Inhibit Endothelium Clinical Atherogenesis Cell death disruption of endothelial integrity 29560080 HMDB0003276 Hydrogen sulfide Inhibit Neuron Cell Line Activity native T-type (primarily Cav3.2) channels 25183670 HMDB0003276 Hydrogen sulfide Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation tumor cell growth 26040007 HMDB0003276 Hydrogen sulfide Inhibit Cancer cell Unclear Cancer Proliferation tumor cell growth 26040007 HMDB0004080 Anandamide Promote Vein endothelium Clinical Septic shock Cell death apoptosis 12719786 HMDB0004080 Anandamide Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Colon cancer Cell death cell death 20514410 HMDB0004080 Anandamide Inhibit Cancer cell Clinical Breast cancer Others experimental epithelial-mesenchymal transition 22425263 HMDB0004080 Anandamide Promote Dendritic cell Mammals Gene/Protein expression of DC co-stimulatory molecules (CD80/CD86) and IL-12/IL23 (p40) production ex vivo 20093200 HMDB0004080 Anandamide Inhibit Beta cell Mammals Metabolic syndrome Others glucose-induced cytosolic Ca(2+) oscillation 17884194 HMDB0004080 Anandamide Protect Neuron Mammals Theiler's virus Others microglia-induced neurotoxicity 22653796 HMDB0004080 Anandamide Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Cancer Others mitogenic kinase signaling 15026328 HMDB0004080 Anandamide Inhibit Cancer cell Cell Line Glioma Proliferation tumor growth 26707955 HMDB0004080 Anandamide Be released Mesenchyme cell Clinical Exchange of substance anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonylglycerol (2-AG) and the peripheral blood (PB) and BM microenvironment contain AEA and 2-AG 29030083 HMDB0004080 Anandamide Be released Bone marrow stromal cell Mammals Exchange of substance endocannabinoids 20826813 HMDB0004080 Anandamide Promote Dendritic cell Mammals Gene/Protein IFN-gamma production 20093200 HMDB0004080 Anandamide Promote Dendritic cell Mammals Activity DC activation 20093200 HMDB0004385 Lipoxin A4 Inhibit Blood endothelium Mammals Cerebral malaria Adhesion adhesion to endothelial cells 25576659 HMDB0004385 Lipoxin A4 Inhibit Macrophage Mammals Inflammation Gene/Protein gene expression 19846590 HMDB0004385 Lipoxin A4 Inhibit Intestinal epithelium Mammals Intestinal mucosa inflammation Gene/Protein phosphorylation of IkappaB kinases, IkappaB, and NF-kappaB, the degradation of IkappaB, and the nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB 19846590 HMDB0006247 25-Hydroxycholesterol Promote Cancer cell Cell Line Colorectal cancer Cell death cell death 34861388